What are Your Standards?


Well-Known Member
I'd just like to get a feel for what kind of standards many of us have when it comes to men. What are your top 7 standards? (Feel free to post more than 7 if you desire.)
God fearing
Ambitious- can't stand stagnant or complacement men.
Educated- A college degree is not a deal breaker but I can't stand dumb nothing to add to an intelligent conversation men.
Economically wise- gotta be able to handle his finances and live with a simple eye.

My standards for men embody where I am in my own life.
1) Must be gettin' that guap by any means necessary
2) Some neck tattoos (they are sexy)
3) Gotta know that i'm his main chick even though he could be messin' around with diff chicks. he gotta know im the queen bee.
4) He gotta take care of ALL his kids
5) Swag gotta be on turbo
6) Must drive a car with lamborghini doors
7) Ice gotta be blindin' em

(I'll come back later with my list)
1) Must be gettin' that guap by any means necessary
2) Some neck tattoos (they are sexy)
3) Gotta know that i'm his main chick even though he could be messin' around with diff chicks. he gotta know im the queen bee.
4) He gotta take care of ALL his kids
5) Swag gotta be on turbo
6) Must drive a car with lamborghini doors
7) Ice gotta be blindin' em

(I'll come back later with my list)

Too funny!
1.Respectful of his parents
2. Able to be afectionate
3. Intelligent
4. Physically healthy
5. Keeps his word
6.Accepts responsibilty for his actions
7. Good communicator
LMBO @jennboo
ITA @VelvetRain and @changingSeasons

In addition:
-Nonsmoker (cigs or weed)
-Drink only socially
-Be supportive
-Be working in a career not a job
-Wants kids (preferably doesn't already have any)
-Get along with my family (at least the ones that matter to me)
-Can give love unconditionally
-Doesn't hold grudges
God fearing
Ambitious- can't stand stagnant or complacement men.
Educated- A college degree is not a deal breaker but I can't stand dumb nothing to add to an intelligent conversation men.
Economically wise- gotta be able to handle his finances and live with a simple eye.

My standards for men embody where I am in my own life.

All this + a big crayon :look:
1) College degree
2) Honest career
3) No kids
4) Affectionate
5) Can hold an intelligent convo about world events, have an interest in non-mainstream culture, critically think about things, curious
6) Honest
7) Loves me for me
8) Good body (sorry, had to add this)
1) College degree
2) Honest career
3) No kids
4) Affectionate
5) Can hold an intelligent convo about world events, have an interest in non-mainstream culture, critically think about things, curious
6) Honest
7) Loves me for me
8) Good body (sorry, had to add this)

I was wondering when someone was going to :look:

I can't get with sloppy men :ohwell:.

Good list. I want him to be chivalrous too cuz I'z a laday.
In college and working or already graduated with a good job.
Good body, Good D**k
Owns a car
Has their own place
Passionate about a cause
My height or taller
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I really just have few I can't compromise on:
Must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
Strong character (have a set of core values he follows and stand up for)
Cares about people ( someone who value his personal relationships and doesn't see ppl as expendable)
1. God fearing
2. A Gentleman
3. Loves me for me
4. Great Communicator
5. Honest
6. Wise
7. Educated
8. Affectionate
9. Family-Oriented
10. Stays in Shape

11. No children / previously married
12. Tall and Skinny :cloud9:
13. Caribbean background (preferred not required)
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ROFL! I thought you were serious at first and was like "Oh dear goodness ..."

1) Must be gettin' that guap by any means necessary
2) Some neck tattoos (they are sexy)
3) Gotta know that i'm his main chick even though he could be messin' around with diff chicks. he gotta know im the queen bee.
4) He gotta take care of ALL his kids
5) Swag gotta be on turbo
6) Must drive a car with lamborghini doors
7) Ice gotta be blindin' em

(I'll come back later with my list)
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1. Self sufficient
2. Gainfully employed
3. Well-educated
4. Intellectually curious
5. Pleasant disposition (no anger problems/need to always have the last word)
6. Tallish (sorry, I know that's not fair, but I'm 5'9 and I just can't with a short dude)
7. Considerate

These are just the bare minimum standards that a guy has to have just to walk in the door... we haven't even gotten to the question of compatibility yet. But these are the baseline standards that if a guy doesn't meet, I'm not interested in getting to know him further.

A take or leave that I would prefer be included is that he be in decent shape. I'm not into overweight guys or dreadfully skinny guys either, for that matter. I would prefer an athletic build :yep:

The thing that's most important for me in a compatible mate is someone that I can talk to. I have millions and millions of things going around in my head, and I can't date someone that I can't share my thoughts with. I'd like to believe that a guy in a good career who is well educated will be the same type of pensive, excited-about-life type of person that I am, but I've found this isn't always the case... guys in serious career fields tend to bore the everloving f8ck out of me.

I will NOT work with a man who:

has kids
has no serious career prospects/chronically unemployed
does not live independently

those are my non-negotiables that will get a guy eliminated with no further discussion. I also wouldn't date a smoker but I tend not to think about that because so far it's never come up.
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1. Respects and values family
2. Believes in a higher power
3. Is educated--I'm working on two graduate degrees, I'd like a guy with one
4. Is true to his word
5. Respects intellect
6. Have a good heart
7. Is taller than me (I'm 5'3. Ideal is 5'10-5'11, I'm flexible but I'm not bending down to kiss my man)
8. Has no kids
9. Is passionate about family and career
10. Has an interest in traveling

1.Money focused
3.Able to be good alone-I like me time quite a bit
4.A planner
5.Bold-I don't like to have to tell dudes much about certain things,they should just do certain things/
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Good provider
Cool personality
No drama (no kids, no crazy family or crazy exes, etc)

Where he at :cry2: :giggle:
1) Must be gettin' that guap by any means necessary
2) Some neck tattoos (they are sexy)
3) Gotta know that i'm his main chick even though he could be messin' around with diff chicks. he gotta know im the queen bee.
4) He gotta take care of ALL his kids
5) Swag gotta be on turbo
6) Must drive a car with lamborghini doors
7) Ice gotta be blindin' em

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I hate choooooo ...

1) God-fearing
2) Respectful
3) Educated
4) Kind
5) Attractive
6) Responsible (personal & business)
7) Sense of Humor

* Bonus - Someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously. Know when to have fun. Don't be too serious. Just don't be foolish either.
1. Manners
2. Thirst for Knowledge
3. Dress like a gentleman (no du-rags or sagging pants)
4. Peace-seeker (take the drama somewhere else)
5. Economically-progressive
6. Physically Fit
7. Humble
Easily holds/starts a conversation
Great sex
Nice teeth
Put together looking
A sense of integrity
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1. MUST love God more than he loves himself or me, follows His commandments, and has an ongoing relationship with God. (This is so essential to having a good and faithful husband)
2. No children and never been married.
3. Ambitious
4. Financially sound and wise, but not cheap or spendthrift. Likes to save for rainy days.
5. Calm, patient nature, very slow to anger. Generally jovial disposition.
6. Reliable and supportive.
7. Attractive to me.
8. Care about his health and physical condition.
9. Intellectual.
10. Fun.
1. Self sufficient
2. Gainfully employed
3. Well-educated
4. Intellectually curious
5. Pleasant disposition (no anger problems/need to always have the last word)
6. Tallish (sorry, I know that's not fair, but I'm 5'9 and I just can't with a short dude)
7. Considerate

Don't apologize for this. Seriously, people give me a third degree when it comes to only dating/being interested in tall guys, and it always happens to be the shorties who say it :rolleyes: I'm 5'9, too. And I wear heels so it's really 6'1.

It's a non-negotiable for me. You must be taller than me. The end. Just like some men like petite women, I like mine tall.
1) Must be gettin' that guap by any means necessary
2) Some neck tattoos (they are sexy)
3) Gotta know that i'm his main chick even though he could be messin' around with diff chicks. he gotta know im the queen bee.
4) He gotta take care of ALL his kids
5) Swag gotta be on turbo
6) Must drive a car with lamborghini doors
7) Ice gotta be blindin' em

(I'll come back later with my list)

*dies a painful death*:lachen::lachen::lachen:
A true Christian (non of that fake I only knowledge God exists on Sunday Christians:look:)

Communicates easily
Is into health/fitness/natural living
No children ( I don't want any:look:)
College educated/ gainfully employed/ is able to support us financially (although I won't turn down a self made man:yep:)
My top 7 standards

7) Honest. I need someone who I can trust wholeheartedly
6) GENTLEMAN...he should open doors, pay for stuff etc.
5) Intelligent...doesn't have to be a genius just don't be an idiot
4) TALL...at least 6"
3) Handsome (nice teeth). I prefer darkskin men but I don't discriminate white, black green whatevah
2) Sense of humor. If he can make me laugh that's a huge bonus!!
1) Must must must have a future (university education at least.)

A lot of people think I'm picky. Heck, I know I am. But I refuse to settle. I hate to sound vain but the above describes me to a certain extent...and I want to date someone I have things in common with. I've tried the whole "give everyone a chance" thing when I dated riff raff. They were plenty fun, but not good for the long run :look:
Fun (I refuse to be the main source of entertainment or be bored w my SO)
Respectable to me, friends, & fam.
Great conversation & listening skills
Goals in life and working on them.
No drama-At this point if it's too much arguing, headaches, or a pattern of BS I will throw up the deuces quick.
God first in his life
Financially stable with a plan (and generous)
Kind, Compassionate and Respectful to me and my family
Affectionate and Loving
Can please me :look: and is passionate
Honest and monogamous
No children
Good communicator
Accepts and loves me for me.