What are you looking forward to when you reach your hair goal?


Well-Known Member
After taking 8 hours washing and twisting my hair, I realize that I can't wait until my hair is long enough that I can do a couple of big twist and have them look presentable. I can't wait until it takes only two hours to do my hair.

It git me curious to see what everyone else is looking forward to. Please share.
A ponytail and a bun when I reach my final goal of WL. It's the little things that I crave. I'm easy to please obviously :lol: :look:
I have milestones for this year in my blog. They don't reflect my final hair goal because I can't really imagine what my hair will be like beyond BSB. :ohwell:

But for this year, I want a lot :lol:
..a high bun
..a low bun
..all my twists to fully reach into my bun
..twists that hang to my shoulders
..to do 40 twists and pull them back
..to cowash and style my hair in 30 minutes
..with straight hair to have my hair hang over my shoulder

I probably could keep going. Each month I see my hair getting a little closer so I think I can have my wishlist completed by December. Then I will create a new wishlist. :yep:
MBL is my ultimate goal, Although now some of ya'll on here have me starting to eye up WL too :lol:

...What's the length between MBL and WL? ..Anyways :lol: I'm at bsl right now, but mbl hair would feel like a great, long ebony curtain :lol: (I'd feel like biblical Eve lol)

Also, I've only had mbl hair when I was a kid and perm free; it would mean that my 'extreme' hair regi was for real, and no one could question my sanity anymore :lol:
Just having long hair again. That was probably my biggest hesitation in the BC, was going back to short hair. I spent 4 years growing it out from this length (and I had a little help from the two babies I birthed along the way) But I'm so happy with the health and texture, I'll be patient...
tail length is my goal, but i'll be really happy once i'm waist length. i want big voluminous hair:grin::grin:
I am looking forward to enjoying my new length. I like simple, uncomplicated styles. Ponytails and probably buns. I would like my twists to be hanging below full shoulder range. It may take less time to do my hair from washing to completion.
Im enjoying my hair now but will certainly enjoy my hair touching my waist and having my curly hair dry 4 inches longer between apl-bsl. It currently dries at collar bone length.
Fish-tail braid, high pony with hair still swinging below shoulder length, wearing my hair over one shoulder, below SL with shrinkage. My initial goal was MBL but I think I'd have to be WL for some of these. :sigh:
Putting my hair in a big thick braid and whipping my momma in the face with it

Mandatory disclaimer: I am not stupid enough to actually do that b/c she would scalp me, but since she keeps claiming that it's ridiculous for me to think I can grow WL hair, I told her that would be my response once I made it. No comments, just a big thick swinging braid. In reality, I'll just wear it out, smug in the knowledge we both know she was wrong

I want to do effortless buns!

I wanna be the hair stick queen, that fits into my long hair/ lazy styling fantasy
Big hair.
Being able to pull it back or up in a casual, bun without it looking skimpy.
One or two low braids or French braids.
Wearing twits without looking like a 5-year-old.

WL is my goal for now. TBL would be the icing on the cake.
The Haters :lol:
Wild hair days. Wash, condition, dry, moisturize, seal ....GO! Notice the lack of combing.

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Waist length is my short term goal and hip length is my long term. I really want to try a faux-hawk, fishtail or french braid, and I want hair elasticity.
one big french braid, fishtail braid over my shoulder, braidout between apl and bsl. wsl here i come

ETA: I also want to wear it straight and out (I PS at work) and shut up everyone who said my goals were not achievable.
I want two waist length pocahontas braids and a waist length braidout. Oh yea, doing the yt girl flip in the face of one of my girls who has to tell me on the regular what she doesn't like about my hair. It's just a little bit annoying.
I'm looking forward to having a long ponytail that swings. Also, I can put up all of my growth aids and most of my supplements.
Ooo...this will be nice. I'm hoping to reach my bra strap by this time next year. So I can pull my hair out of a bun an whip it "accidentally" in front of my snobby cousin that told me "oh I don't NEED todo protein treatments or moisturize MY hair. MY hair grows anyway". All that from a chick with four inches of hair.

And I want to show my family that I'm not crazy, I really can grow my hair long

And the icing on the cake: Stopping by my old job full of haters to work my long sexy hair in their faces. Yup, it's all mine heaux. Say something

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Proving that it is possible to go from a dried out, broken, SL relaxed mess to a gorgeous, thick, full, HL relaxed goddess. :gorgeous:
HL TL is my goal
One thick long braid
2 longer pokahantas braids
Be able to wind my hair into a big full bun without using a donut
Wearing my BSL curly hair (thats my shrinkage est on TL straight hair) down and out more wash n gos straight blowouts
WL straigt ponytail
And the big whammy
Being able to have an elaborate formal updo with no pieces added to my hair
Being able to easily place my hair in a ponytail, and bun without hair pins. Being able to wear twists and not have them look manly on me. Not having to blow dry and flat iron my hair out every week, because it's too short for me to style. Also being able to just wash my hair and go. And being able to post pictures of my progress on this site. :)
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