What are you looking forward to when you reach your hair goal?

NJoy said:
I'm looking forward to wearing a dangerously low back dress with my back covered only by my swaying hair.

Yep. I said it! :lick:

Ooh sexy! You just sent my mind to romance novel land. "Enrico notice a gorgeous lady speaking with Mark. she wore a lovely fitted dress, and if he concentrates he can make out a hint of her lovely back through the curtain that is her hair. He simply had to meet her. " you know, stuff like that. Hey don't judge I am single I can fantasize. Lol
@Phaer :lachen::lachen:

A long and thick single braid to wear all the time instead of a bun, and undo whenever I feel like it. Sounds like an easier life too (the longer it gets, the easier it gets for me).

A Charlies Angels bantu knot out :cool2:
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I'm trying to be the bigger person, and she's one of those "perm every month" kinda girls whose hair is gonna speak for itself as it continues to get wispy thin from over processing. But I'll be whipping my hurr back and forth in her face!
napbella said:
I'm trying to be the bigger person, and she's one of those "perm every month" kinda girls whose hair is gonna speak for itself as it continues to get wispy thin from over processing. But I'll be whipping my hurr back and forth in her face!

Yeah!!! (Ok, sorry, sometimes I can be barbaric) never mind then time will give you all the satisfaction you need.
First I love this thread.
*I am looking forward to a BIG DUMB MESSY BUN atop my head. I mean one that looks like I really do not care... Because by then I really will not care.
*I look forward to really enjoying my hair in it's natural state. I want a big full bush that I've already nicknamed "Angela Windbush"
Most importantly My family's/ loved ones R-E-S-P-E-C-T!! I am so SICK of them asking why are you doing all that? What did you buy a steamer? Why do you weave if you natural? What is Henna? When are you gonna leave ya hair alone?
  • have a twistout that rests at BSB length
  • have my twists at APL
  • be able to put my twists up into a nice big bun
At this point I don't have a goal length. I've had my hair to my waist a few times so I guess I've been there done that. Right now I'm just letting it grow until I decide what I want to do. But here is what I look forward to: (sarcastically)

Getting my hair caught in the car door and car window :spinning:

Longer detangling sessions. LAWD :nono:

Whispers that sound like this.........Is that her hair or I wonder which number that is

I look forward to the sistas who put their hand in my head at the same time asking if it's weave. Please please please ask before you touch. 100% of the time I will say yes, I promise! :yep:

Stares from whites and Asians and sometimes even comments and questions. :ohwell:

The are you mixed with something question. :grin:

Long shedded hairs that end up in your underwear and you don't know its there until it starts to tickle at the wrong place and wrong time........Ya know when you can't make it to the bathroom to see what the hey it is. :blush:

I don't go to black salons anymore but when I did, there was the constant pressure from stylists to cut my hair. Shut Up Already!!! :sad:

What else?? Hmm......oh yeah I look forward to the deep burning desire to get it cut into a bob or short do because no matter what it never fails that when I grow my hair long short cuts become enticing and look good on EVERYBODY! Darn I want that!! :lachen:
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My goal is WL ... I'm looking forward to hair cascading over my shoulders down my arm... but mostly I'm looking forward to wearing a high ponytail that hangs down to around APL
I want long, wavy mermaid hair. All I need is near tail bone length hair and to master the caruso steam roller waves.
I want my hair to get long enough to have only a few nice thick big twists out of my whole head when in it's natural state and enough to make a giant messy ninja bun on the very top of my head when flat ironed.
fully natural - i look forward to wearing a wash and go

look forward to having my hands on my hips and turning them upward to pull on my hair
cosplaying uhura and wearing her ponytail
covering my breasts with my hair

wl single braid
my hair and my super long wig being the same length
having hair like a video vixen :look:
doing an amazing roller set/bantu knot out

classic (maybe, but i have no wants to maintain this)
having wl+ curly hair
unraveling my hair from a bun (like all those creepy hair fetish vids :rofl:)
doing sailor moon's hair
having disney princess hair :love4:
I'm looking forward to a huge wash n go ponytail at WL!!! And i simply miss my ponytail. I can't wait to get back to using my hair sticks and hair forks. I miss being able to do creative styles with my long hair...so i really can't wait to get back to that.
Full APL to BSL hair is all I want and when I get there, I look forward to total rest and relaxation where my hair is concerned. I am going on a hair-free vacation. I worked hard and I deserve it.
Goal-Nice thick past CL pony- tail that I can sit on...
-Having hair styles like the Greek gods & have the jewelry in my hair to accommodate...

Happy Hair Growong!
Well, I am almost APL and yesterday I just bet my good friend girl $5,000 I would make MBL by 2014! So when I meet my goal (hopefully by 2014) I hope to win the bet! LOL. I should add she has a weave to her waist and told me to buy some hair-that I could never grow my hair that long! I am a little nervous because it's taking me forever to hit APL.

I also bet her I could sculpt my glutes to have a booty resembling Serena's by 2014. I bet 5k on that too...I might lose that one. LOL.
to have a big pretty bun, a long high ponytail, and to have a sexy long, soft curled hairstyle. hair like the singer Sade!
When I reach my hair goal I'm gonna cosplay all my favorite Black characters and be looking like this:


:yep: :yep: :yep: :yep: :yep:
Goal-Nice thick past CL pony- tail that I can sit on...
-[USER]Having hair styles like the Greek gods & have the jewelry in my hair to accommodate[/USER]...

Happy Hair Growong!

Lita me too, i didn't mention it but i was thinking about it. I want some elegant greek goddess hair