What are the physical requirements for someone you are in a relationship with?


Well-Known Member
So this forum loves to discuss the many ways a woman must look in order to get/keep a SO. What are your physical appearance requirements for the person you are in a relationship with (grooming, body, scent, face/skin, style, "body shape" :look:, etc)?
Broad shoulders
Strong arms
No beer bellies
I like men with facial hair
Fades or low cut hair
Nice teeth
Clean fingernails
Complexion has never been an issue...I love a black man...period
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He has to be tall, but not too tall. Dark, but not too dark. His hair can't be nappy because what I'mma do if our kids end up with bad hair? :perplexed He has to have swag but not too much, because I don't want to compete with other women. Scratch that; it's me involved. There is no competition. :yep:

He has to have a 6 pack and white, sparkling teeth. His body shape has to be that of an inverted triangle. Every crevice of his body has to smell as fresh as the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. His style has to be hipster-prep. And he better not have dirty nails or be prone to ring-around-the-collar, or else.

Basically, he has to be my male counterpart. :yep: :look: :giggle:
In-shape/Good Build
Manly hands
Facial Hair - Preferably a goatee not mustache
Low cut/fade
Nice smile
In terms of scent, a nice pleasant cologne - NOT AXE.
i am done with dating men who do not have their fitness/food choices on point. new first date question: "what do you eat? what do you do to stay active?....and how long have you been doing that" (looking for a clear commitment, not "i decided to start running yesterday"). :lol:

my favorite shape for a man is broad shoulders, toned arms, slim waist, athletes booty, strong legs. :lick: i love an athletic build in general--football player or basketball player build.

i like short hair on men, minimal/no facial hair. all the men i've dated had great skin, so no concerns there. i like slightly rough hands, but the nails should be trimmed & clean (toenails included!). gotta be moisturized. white teeth.

gotta smell good, although sweat can be good too sometimes :spinning:

style is less important to me, but look your age & dress appropriately for wherever we are going. & be able to dress up or down if needed.
Tall (at least 6 ft. 1 in.)
Broad shoulder...not narrow or those triangle shoulders
No small feet or feminine hands
Clear Skin
Build can be fit to muscular but absolutely no overweight
Clean cut or a little stubble
Race unimportant
No funk
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- Small eyes
- At least 5" taller
- Beautiful smile
- Moisturized skin
- Healthy hair
- A healthy eater
- Hands that socks cannot cling to
- Good feet
- Good hygiene (washes his arse and everything thoroughly)
- Good build
- A nice penis
- No foot fungus/smell
- Good posture
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Tall (at least over 6 feet)
Shaven or no facial hair
Keeps hair close cut or has curly hair
Brown eyes... something about blue eyes turns me off in men and I don't know why... but i guess that's more of a preference than a requirement
Thin lips... hate pillow lips
Nice body shape...don't gotta be ripped but no flab allowed
And NO hairy stomach/chest... :barf:
And...well the last thing we all know. I can't stand shrimps. I also can't stand hulks. There's a happy medium.
Not chubby type.

I mean soft, with hips lol. Some men are soft whether they are skinny, or big. Good example is Leo Di Caprio:nono:

Thats it. Other than that I just have preferences rather than requirements. I tend to be open minded with other things as long as I'm attracted. I've liked a few shortish men before, but extremely short I don't tend to like.
I think I like husky men *shrug*
I know what looks good to me but I always end up with a different kind of man. So the type of guy I date is obviously what I'm actually attracted to. There's what I think vs what IS.

I will NOT be attracted to a man with dirty nails, extremely short or really ugly feet! I've turned down a man who was FLY just because I didn't like his jeans lolololol

I'm with Vanthie...
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No fatties no shorties no baldies no bad hygiene no sloppiness.

Everything else is negotiable. I am however highly attracted to tall clean cut basketball type guys with big soft lips. And a man who smells good makes my knees weak.

Oh and deep voices. :yep:
I'm already married. For giggles, I'll tell you what I asked for:

Tall, dark, handsome, athletic, romantic, thick hair.

Here's what I got:

Average height, dark, decent looking, hasn't seen the inside of a gym in decades. Doesn't know romance if it hit him in the face and farted. And he lost his hair quite some time ago.

But boy do I love this man.
These are my non-negotiables physically speaking. Now if you were to ask me my preferences you'd get a different answer lol.:look:

--taller than me (I'm 5'3)
--decent amount of hair on his head (no baldies) but no excessive hair styles
--has a sense of style appropriate for his age
--is in decent shape (I don't care about a man having a 6 pack, but I'm not reproducing with someone who's overweight:nono:)
--good hygiene (so no STDs, no bad teeth, excessive acne, untamed body hair, body odor etc.)
--not skinnier than me (I'm pretty skinny. Honestly men skinnier than me creep me out):look:
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LOL! Dang y'all! What's wrong with the baldies? I prefer for my man to be bald (or at the most a low-fade), but have facial hair (ie Common).. I think it's extra sexy when they wear beanies. :lick:

He needs to:
-be physically fit. No gut or undefined body parts. I need for my man to be sculpted.
-have great hygiene & smell good.
-take care of his feet.
-eat healthy.
-be packing.
-have straight eyes & teeth.
-be free of STD's :look: That should be first on the list.
I'm already married. For giggles, I'll tell you what I asked for:

Tall, dark, handsome, athletic, romantic, thick hair.

Here's what I got:

Average height, dark, decent looking, hasn't seen the inside of a gym in decades. Doesn't know romance if it hit him in the face and farted. And he lost his hair quite some time ago.

But boy do I love this man.

Isn't it amazing how life works? :lachen::lachen:
-He has to have an athletic build and be in shape...biggest requirement. Flabby men are always unattractive to me. Big arms and broad shoulders are awesome. Abs are a definite plus.
-Has to be taller than me...at least 5'5" though. I'm 5'1" so that's not hard to accomplish, but, I'd ideally take a man over 5'10".
-I love dark men. I'm only attracted to men my complexion or darker. The darker, the better. I've never dated a light-skinned male.
-Clean, with good hygiene.
-Straight teeth, and a nice smile.
-Low cut and clean shaven.
-I don't like men with a lot of facial hair. A goatee or thin mustache would suffice, or no facial hair at all.
-NO TACO MEET. I cannot stand it, or other excessive body hair; nether regions must be trimmed at minimum.
-Great style.
-No excessive blemishes or acne.
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If I were single and in better condition myself:

In shape - can be lean or moderately muscular but no fatties/couch potatoes
Height - 5'5-6'5
Normal size/shape nose - no extremely wide or bird beak shaped ones
Lips - don't matter
Eye color - doesn't matter
Eye shape - not too small :look:
Not particularly fond of body hair so no chest/back, facial or underarm hair
Hair type/ color - would prefer a curly head like myself but nothing's a deal breaker
Nice straight, white teeth
Manicured nails and eyebrows
Tip top hygiene. He better be bathing and brushing his teeth at least twice a day among many other things.
At least as tall as me with my highest heels on..... Mostly everything else can be modified - weight, scent, teeth, etc
Absolute requirements:
Taller than me
Attractive face
Bigger build

As long as they have these 3, they have potential in my book.

My SO was the three things above, but he was a soft 300lbs when we first met, had an ugly mustache, dressed like his retired old white father, and looked like he was not his age of 19, but at least 35. Let me tell you now. He is dressing appropriately for his age of 26, is a muscular and fit 250lbs, has a more flattering beard/goatee combo, and a nice haircut for his face. He went from unattractive old grandaddy to sexy as hell under my wing. Some guys just need a little help. I should post his before and after pics because yes it is that drastic.
I don't have requirements, but I have preferences.
I don't think its fair for me to have that in my head unless I want a dude to think the same.
If I had requirements I'd be single forever. :lol:
Taller than me.... preference
Good hygiene... met some doosies
I prefer dark chocolate skin...but will consider lighter shades, lol...
Trimmed fingernails...I hate to see men with long nails.
Lips that I can see...thick and proportioned...yum
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Didn't think I had a "type" until I started online dating. Bald, husky, has teeth, and short. I'm 4'11 so I date short men. My current SO meets these requirements.

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This is my thing, too. I guess my big thing is teeth. I'm obsessed with teeth. I have a gap, and while I don't like mines, I like it on men:yep:.

Yeah i think teeth are a big thing for me as well. I like men with nice teeth. Personality is big to me but not physical attributes. I've dated tall, short, skinny, chunky, young, old.
clean cut
nice teeth and smile (white + straight)
pleasant smelling (grooms self)
7+ inches taller (I'm a shortie at 5'0" so they don't have to be tall, but they can't be near my height )
skinny or average built (I'm not attractive to overweight men)
strong, but smooth hands
nice eyes (could be the color, the shape or just the twinkle)
health conscious (diet and exercise, doctor visits, etc :lol:)
not too hairy (I don't mind chest hair, but a hairy back :nono:)
Clean body and hair, clean clothes, clean smell, clean personality
Tall as or taller than me (ideally between 6'3-6'5)
Nice teeth and nice breath
Solid thin build
ETA: must have long fingers :look:
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I'm easy to please when it comes to the physical, because to me chemistry is more important than looks. I've been on dates with 'talldarkandhandsome' who left me cold, and on dates where 'unfit' had me licking my lips. Mentally, of course :lol:

The basics for me: he must be clean, no dreadlocks.
Must have hair! bonus if its curly.
dark brown,
chiseled face
smell real good
nice medium build.
hairless chest.
taller then me.