What are some things you won't tolerate when visiting a salon?

Nutsack faces trying to steal my hair pins! :angry2:

Tell me why this dirty chick just came into the salon with her dusty, months old weave and started brushing her "hair" !:censored: just came in and started using ish! My stylist was wrapping my hair... tell me why chick reached over and put her nasty hands in my container holding my pins! I turned around with the stink face and said "those are mine, MISS!" I didn't mean to be so stank :look: but people just waltzing around like they own ish or are at home and using styling tools on dirty hair just pisses me off! Argh!

Looking like she ain't bathe in a heap of Sundays...

:lachen::lachen::lachen: The nerve of her, though! I really wonder where some people get their lack of manners.
Ms. Plain Jane, are you using your blackberry to log into this forum? Then you're as addicted as I am LOL :yawn:

The salons I go to are Dominican salons here in Mass. I had one woman do my hair and dance salsa at the same time. She would also yell at me if I didn't go to her for more than 2 weeks. It almost seemed like a bad relationship I was trying to break up "No, I didn't see anybody else" Her: are you sure, cuz I can tell you got a touch up! Oh it was bad, I had to let her go LOL Another salon I used to go to the stylist used to always bother me about cutting my hair. Finally I had to swear at her in Spanish and tell her to cut it out :yawn: Had to let her go too. I've had people cut too much, one woman dyed my hair blonde instead of the auburn I picked. One time I had to wait an hour for my hair dresser to come back and finish my hair... cuz she went home to do her laundry!!!! :rolleyes:

Yeah I pretty much give up now and do my own hair. I won't tolerate any salon, period. I'd rather do my own hair for free while dancing salsa LOL

That warranted a free visit!

I stopped going to my last one because:

She would eat pork rinds, then stick her hands in my hair. Pork rind, hair, another pork rind, hair..

She never got off the phone.

While on the phone, she was watching and talking about soap opera's to the lady on the other end. "DID YOU SEE THAT! OH NO SHE DIDN'T!" She was loud, and wasn't paying attention to the flat iron she had held on my hair.

I hate when you wash my hair, then leave me at the sink so you can start someone elses head. That time slot was MINE, there is no reason I should be sitting in your salon for 4-5 hours for you to relax my hair.

I started stretching (before deciding to transition completely) and every time she would complain about my hair going to long before a relaxer.

No heat protectant. :perplexed

She cut my bangs wrong, twice. I brought in picture, showed her exactly how I wanted it cut (I wanted the sort of C cut, where the outside of the bangs get longer..) she cut them straight across both times.

She "dusted" my ends regardless, every time I went to her.

Her language (cursing) and general speech were unprofessional. Thats a huge pet peeve of mine, that I got from my father. I don't care how you speak to your friends and family but when you are in a place of business, more so YOUR business, or in a learning atmosphere how you speak is very important. Professionalism is important. Some semblance of proper grammar is needed. You went to school didn't you? The way you speak in professional settings can make a huge impact. It can cost you jobs, recommendations etc. You have to be professional. Once you go home, talk however and say whatever you please.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

i haven't been to a stylist in about 2 years and i'm not going back unless i want to get a drastic cut or something. and even then i won't tolerate::

1) Waiting an extremely long period of time for him/her to get to my hair

2) stylists that gossip in your face (and sometimes have the nerve to be talking about you on the sneak....been there won't be doing that again!!) :nono:

3) not knowing what kind of relaxer is being used, when i used to go to the salon I NEVER KNEW WHAT KIND OF RELAXER WAS BEING USED, and i never really cared, but its a whole nother story now

4) someone tryin to push a trim on me or telling me to come back in 4-6 weeks for a touch up, i thinks not!

5) someone who will leave me at the sink at the back while the relaxer is on my head to go outside to take care of some bidness leading to me having to tell another stylist to go get her and bring her back in here to wash this stuff out of my head cause my scalp is on FIYAH :burning:!!!
oh the memories :perplexed. there's lots more but we aint got all day :lachen:

That's the reason I will never visit Khamit Kinks again. The stylist wasn't even talking on the sneak. She was loudly talking about my hair to a neighboring stylist.

I got tired of putting up with being at the shop ontime but having to wait 45 minutes for my stylist to get their, only to find out that there was another "more important" appointment scheduled at the same time as mine

Got tired of waiting for my stylist to finish eating before my hair could be worked on

Got tired of waiting for hair supplies and products to be delivered by some relative or friend who never had enough cash on them so they had to come to the shop, get the money((Oh, and wait for someone to run to the store to get change, then go to the BSS before I could get my hair done)

Got tired of waiting for my stylist to finish hitting dat blunt outside before I could get my hair finished

Got tired of my stylist talking while I tried to quietly read my book

Got tired of having to watch every tyler perry play repeatedly on bootleg DVD

Got tired of black shops trying to be chic by offering refreshments but still being ghetto enough to charge for them, on top of the excessively priced hairdo

Got tired of the unnecessary prices. Why is it that I can get a relaxer for under 10.00(ORS) apply it and be done with my own hair set and all in two hours--for free, but you take 5 hours give me heat damage from leaving me under the dryer as a way to manage your own overbooking, then you charge me 70.00 for something that I could have done and made it look better, avoided the brown gel, pump it up spray, and twelve layers of oil sheen. Oh, but you act like you are doing me a favor and catching an attitude because I DONT TIP. Shoot, if a stylist has 3 clients booked at the same time every hour on the hour for 6 hours a day and charges them an average of 50.00, then. . . .let's do the math 18 clients times 50.00 a pop = 900 a day and you don't need my tips boo boo.


Wow, I've never heard of that one!:nono::nono::nono:

* Trying to work on 2 or 3 clients at one time

* Eating while doing my hair

* Not letting me see what you're doing

* Not doing what I want done

* Having your man bring you some liquor while you are in my hair :ohwell:

* Having 10 of your friends all over the place, stopping to gossip for 20 minutes at a time while I just sit there

I always hated going to the salon. It would just take too damn long and I couldn't be bothered. I might have to suck it up soon because I want to get a new style soon. We'll see...

:lachen:...:nono:...:lachen:...:nono: It's bad, but the liquor thing made me laugh for some reason. It just reminds me of all the nonsense that happened when I used to visit salons.
* Trying to work on 2 or 3 clients at one time

* Eating while doing my hair

* Not letting me see what you're doing

* Not doing what I want done

* Having your man bring you some liquor while you are in my hair :ohwell:

* Having 10 of your friends all over the place, stopping to gossip for 20 minutes at a time while I just sit there

I always hated going to the salon. It would just take too damn long and I couldn't be bothered. I might have to suck it up soon because I want to get a new style soon. We'll see...

I've had some tough times when I reminisce the hair salon! I can relate to all of these lol!
I forgot my favorite one, a husband and wife stylist team were having problems, problems that they loved to bring to their very tiny salon that was normally packed with wall to wall bodies. Angry arguments, stopping work to go outside and scream at each other, nasty looks across the room, etc.
When they overbooked thats my biggest pet peeve. Then the other things fall in place:

talking on cell phone(i dont mind it but keep it to a minimum)
combs not clean and being used on EVERYONEs head
This particular pet peeve is not really mine - it's my stylist's and it's usually with the clients and other stylists. I go to a predominantly white salon. My stylist (who is black) can lay anybody's hair down - that's why they hired her :drunk:. When I come in with my afro out and exuding a power all it's own (either to get a weave or flat iron), the stares come out and everyone is interested in disecting natural hair. They're talking loud - obviously trying to be heard - making guesses about the process my hair is going through.

My stylist - Monique - would direct a glare at them and tell them to stay in their own clients hair, while she worked on mine:lachen:When clients stared at my hair, she would stare right back at them. She earned everyone's respect real quick. I love her :grin:
I won't tolerate pushy stylists. No I don't want a relaxer and no I don't want a trim. I'm glad I haven't had the misfortune of visiting some of the salons you guys talk about. Smh.
I haven't been to a salon in 6 years but when I remove these braids I'm going to have to because there will be too much hair to relax and I want it done right. Once I get that done, I'll go back to doing it myself because most of the time they don't neutralize probably, after going to them consistently, I'll loose hair at the nape, and they just don't listen to what I want. They want to do a touch up every 6/8 weeks, I do it every 14 weeks, they don't know how to trim, instead the cut and finally after going to them for months I'll start having dandruff, even thou I wash and set every week. Now that I don't frequent any beauty salons, my hair grows, the nape hair is all there and I leave the neutralizing shampoo on my head for at times 30 minutes, what salon will do that?
1. Do not turn me away from the mirror any time while you do my hair.

2. If you take a phone call, talk to a friend, feel you need to drink your soda..anything like that..stop working on my head until you finish. And if you ate-go wash your hands.

3. If you drop any comb, clip, brush etc. you are using om my hair-either wash it or get a fresh one.

4.I bring my own products for use on my hair. These are what I use..period. Yes, I have a "hair salon bag".

5. You will not apply your "secret formula" to my hair. Everything has a name, so say what it is or forget it. This is very important as my skin is hyper-allergic to many things. I'm not going to the Emergency Room 2 hours from now because of your "secret formula".

6."I am the professional". Yah, with hair that long (fletgee snapping her fingers), and using the same stuff on everyone's head.

7. "I'm gonna cut your hair". --"No, you gonna die". And yes, I did say it.
And she didn't do it.
Cleanliness is missing from a LOT of salons.

I made the mistake of going to a dominican salon on a saturday. :nono: Dont know what I was thinking since I had given up going to a black salon and would only go to JCPenney where they had to abide by corporate rules.

As I took a seat at the dominican salon, I took that time to scope the atmosphere. One thing that did NOT sit right with me was there was NO barbacide in sight. Just baskets of brushes and combs at the station but no disenfectant.

Stylist would drop the comb or hair clip on the hairy, nasty floor and pick it right back up and run it through her clients CLEAN hair.

Someone knocked over the tray of rollers. So I sat and watched to see if someone was going to disinfect those rollers and pins. :nono: NOPE! Stuck them right back in the tray and I saw her put them on the next clients clean, freshly shampooed hair. The rollers were on the FLOOR. Rolling around on the floor!

After 30 minutes of waiting and the 6-8 people in front of me also waiting had YET to be seen, I called down the street to the other dominican salon to see what their wait time was and I left.

I will not tolerate long waits either. 30 min waiting time max and I gotta go. I couldnt believe the other 6-8 people waiting were actually gonna sit there and wait for the ONE good stylist in the shop to do their hair that day.

One stylist was good at the blowout but I didnt see how folks weren't getting any scalp diseases, etc with no barbacide, disinfectant, etc.

It was so low budget. But I guess folks have no problem with it since the price was right.
Where do I start...some of these I have heard about from friends and I cannot believe the tolerate this.

The list
I once had a friend say she had to pay in advance to go to her beautician's house because her lights were about to be turned off.

Don't eat while doing my hair.

Do not allow other clients to talk loud on their cell phones.

Do not overbook.

Do not leave the salon to go pick up your grandchild from school.

Do not carryon phone conversations while holding a hot object close to my head.

Do not have your SO hanging out talking to you and staring at me while I am at my most vulnerable (getting my hair done).

Here is what I like:
Please offer me tea, water or a coke
Please listen to what services I want and I will ask about your recommendations
Please tell me what you are putting in my hair (if its my first time there)
Please have your magazine game up to speed. I do not need to see the 2007 People and think that Chris Brown and Rhihanna got back together
I understand that you might have a lot of overhead cost and as a result you might want to stretch your products to make them last longer, but short haired and long haired customers should not get the same two squirts of product. I've solved the dilemma by taking the time to bring my own shampoo and condition please don't rationing it by still putting a pea sized amount of product in my natural tresses.

I don't want to hear how your products are far superior to mine because I know that a lot of you use the Salon brand bottles to store inferior products yet have the audacity to charge salon prices.

Showing me that your time is definitely more valuable than mine by arriving late, over booking, and holding me hostage all day.
Where do I start...some of these I have heard about from friends and I cannot believe the tolerate this.

The list
I once had a friend say she had to pay in advance to go to her beautician's house because her lights were about to be turned off.

Don't eat while doing my hair.

Do not allow other clients to talk loud on their cell phones.

Do not overbook.

Do not leave the salon to go pick up your grandchild from school.

Do not carryon phone conversations while holding a hot object close to my head.

Do not have your SO hanging out talking to you and staring at me while I am at my most vulnerable (getting my hair done).

Here is what I like:
Please offer me tea, water or a coke
Please listen to what services I want and I will ask about your recommendations
Please tell me what you are putting in my hair (if its my first time there)
Please have your magazine game up to speed. I do not need to see the 2007 People and think that Chris Brown and Rhihanna got back together

@ the first bolded: that's some trifling mess!

@ the second bolded: :lachen:
Gossip. I live in an urban neighborhood filled with a bunch of chickenheads for stylists who won't shutup about their own customers. I would hate to even find out what they're saying about me behind my back. As much as they knew how to do hair beautifully, I stopped going to them.
1. Do not turn me away from the mirror any time while you do my hair.

2. If you take a phone call, talk to a friend, feel you need to drink your soda..anything like that..stop working on my head until you finish. And if you ate-go wash your hands.

3. If you drop any comb, clip, brush etc. you are using om my hair-either wash it or get a fresh one.

4.I bring my own products for use on my hair. These are what I use..period. Yes, I have a "hair salon bag".

5. You will not apply your "secret formula" to my hair. Everything has a name, so say what it is or forget it. This is very important as my skin is hyper-allergic to many things. I'm not going to the Emergency Room 2 hours from now because of your "secret formula".

6."I am the professional". Yah, with hair that long (fletgee snapping her fingers), and using the same stuff on everyone's head.

7. "I'm gonna cut your hair". --"No, you gonna die". And yes, I did say it.
And she didn't do it.

My pet peeve. Especially when it comes to cutting/trimming time. Or sometimes the chair is too low f to see in the mirror what she's doing.
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Catwoman 100,

Lady, I can't tell you how many times I have had to put my foot down on the floor to keep them from turning that chair around! :lachen:

And if the chair is too low for me to see-"Raise the chair..I can't see what you're gonna do".

I'm buying. I ain't begging.
I won't tolerate when I ask a stylist to do or not do something to my hair, but they continue doing it the way they want. For example, I asked a stylist not to detangle my hair with a rattail comb and I asked her to comb from the ends and her response was "Oh girl, it's fine." :nono:
Nutsack faces trying to steal my hair pins! :angry2:

Tell me why this dirty chick just came into the salon with her dusty, months old weave and started brushing her "hair" !:censored: just came in and started using ish! My stylist was wrapping my hair... tell me why chick reached over and put her nasty hands in my container holding my pins! I turned around with the stink face and said "those are mine, MISS!" I didn't mean to be so stank :look: but people just waltzing around like they own ish or are at home and using styling tools on dirty hair just pisses me off! Argh!

Looking like she ain't bathe in a heap of Sundays...

:lachen::lachen: Too. Funny!
Tardiness (overbook, doublebook, couldn't get out the bed on time, baby daddy drama, etc...)

Hustleman coming through trying to DVD's, CD's, car fragrances, etc...

Some woman trying to sell pound cakes or some pyramid scheme product


Once had a 300 pound stylist doing the pelvis roll dance to the radio as her second stomach bumped me repeatedly.
Tardiness (overbook, doublebook, couldn't get out the bed on time, baby daddy drama, etc...)

Hustleman coming through trying to DVD's, CD's, car fragrances, etc...

Some woman trying to sell pound cakes or some pyramid scheme product


Once had a 300 pound stylist doing the pelvis roll dance to the radio as her second stomach bumped me repeatedly.

Lol Wow @ bolded
The ultimate problem with too many salons for women of color is lack of professionalism. Too many stylists act like they're doing you a favor by doing your hair. Too many owners aren't concerned with customer service. If only they realized how much people would pay for a wonderful, dependable experience . Yes, can you offer a beverage? Can you schedule your lunch break in so you can focus on your client. Can you leave the cell phone in the back or put it on vibrate so you can check it at a reasonably opportune time.

Sometimes they are just too comfortable. Personally, I'll be looking for a new place to get my braids done soon. I loved the fact that I can call them today and get an appointment tomorrow but seriously, it's like being in a room in their home. They are loud, constantly on the phone and I'm not knocking anyone's right to speak in their native tongue, but to be someplace for 4, 5, 6 hours while they are just speaking non stop in a different language, IMO is just rude.
:nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:

I just finished doing my mom's weekly rollerset.

I was telling her that since I am trying to stretch for 6-10 months (6 month stretch but will reassess to see if I can make it four more months) I might go to the salon to get my touch-up (I usually self-relax at 13 weeks). Reading through this thread has me considering begging some of my LHCF New Orleans based sistas to come over and relax my hair when the time comes (don't worry my mom will feed you) since I am under no delusion that I will be able to handle 6-10 months worth of new growth. I don't think I can go to another Salon.

And the rollers on the floor and no barbicide story {{{{{shudders}}}}}

My mom has her own set of rollers and I have mine--we do not share rollers and this is MY MOTHER! There is no way I could stomach having rollers that have been on the floor in my head without being disinfected.

A friend of mine from graduate school used to tell me about salons like these. I thought it was just because she was ghetto and therefore she only used ghetto stylists. It is disheartening to learn these types of salons are common. It's unfortunate because I would love to be able to patronize an upscale black salon and put my $$$ in black hands for a change. We have to do better.
Things I will no longer put up with:

Waiting around while her ghetto behind makes a run to the liquor store.

"Trimming" my hair off whenever she sees new growth because she's too lazy to do an extra inch of hair.

Suggesting that I get a relaxer when all I want is a press and curl.

Outrageous prices. Yes I understand you're running a business and you need to make money but I still think charging $300.00 and over for a hairdo is too much.

Going to a salon anymore. Period.
EATING! oh man, I cannot stand it! Especially eating in view of the customers, that just makes me eye the stylist like, "she better not be coming up hear my head with that hand full of food!":nono:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:I went to get my hair braided here in Fayetteville a number of years ago, and the braider was eating when I walked into the shop. She was Nigerian (no disrespect) and was eating a native dish with her hands. No problem; however, when she licked her hands/fingers, wiped then on the front of her apron and reached for the pack of hair, I jumped up.

I got my hair and thanked her profusely but said I needed to leave immediately and I would call later to see if I could reschedule. I did call later but I did NOT reschedule. That just creeped me out a little, not that her culture is bad. It's just different from ours.

I don't tolerate what I perceive to be unclean practices.
Sorry...I feel badly now...:sad:


I've been lurking for months, but this my first post. I sincerely agree with everything written above. It took me a while to figure out that the reason why my hair wasn't growing was the stylist. When I did my hair, it was thick and growing. As soon as I started going to a stylist, it would thin out and i would eventually have to cut. Now, I'm going natural. I have two textures...natural new growth at the scalp and relaxed end (at or below the shoulders). I don't want to perm but I do want to be able to manage my hair...and so I'm thinking of going to one and getting it press and curled. But at least now, I am informed and can handle a pushy stylist.
:lachen::lachen::lachen:I went to get my hair braided here in Fayetteville a number of years ago, and the braider was eating when I walked into the shop. She was Nigerian (no disrespect) and was eating a native dish with her hands. No problem; however, when she licked her hands/fingers, wiped then on the front of her apron and reached for the pack of hair, I jumped up.

I got my hair and thanked her profusely but said I needed to leave immediately and I would call later to see if I could reschedule. I did call later but I did NOT reschedule. That just creeped me out a little, not that her culture is bad. It's just different from ours.

I don't tolerate what I perceive to be unclean practices.
Sorry...I feel badly now...:sad:


I hear ya, I once asked a braider to wash her hands before braiding my hair. I told her I had a sensitive scalp and her lotion or what not may cause me to have a reaction. I also bring my own comb, clips, brushes, and whatever else I might need.
Just any kind of disrespect of my time or personal space. If you are not treating me right in any way I just can't be bothered. I will NOT pay my HARD earned money if I am unsatisfied in anyway. Times are hard for me to be putting up with the bullshyt. If more of us demanded better services this kind of stuff would stop.
I am looking for a new salon and one thing I am looking for is at least 1 stylist or picture on the wall with natural hair in a natural style. I've been to one stylist who did not know how to style natural hair and I left with alot of gel trying to hold down my 4b hair. I washed it out a day later and put my hair back in box braids.
Looking for a new salon, it makes me nervous that all the stylists in the shop are sporting some straight style. I can't tell if it's permed or not, but I don't straighten my hair - so how do I know you can do my hair without resorting to methods I know you do on your own hair.
I here you guys abbot cleaniness and I was actually feeling bad because at one salon they are very concerned about that and the lady was blow-drying my hair with comb attachment - and due to the fun texture of my hair the attachment kept falling off and onto the floor - this happened like three times and each time she had to find a new comb attachment. Thanks for thinking about my health, sorry my hair doesn't like combs...
Ok. So i had been going to my last stylist for the past 8 years and she was great in the beginning... but somewhere down the road I don't know what happened to her! She started coming late to my appointments knowing darn well that I had traveled an hour to come see her and the only excuse that she could offer is that she had overslept after getting in late last night. (I'm sorry but does 11pm sound late to you?!) And then when she was there I felt like her mind was a million miles away. She wasn't even listening when I was telling her how I wanted my hair! The first few times this happened I let it go because I had trusted her all those years and I didn't want to go to just anybody to get my hair done. I knew it was about time to go when I went to her one day to get a sew-in and she turned to me and said, "Ok...I gotta step out for like 30 minutes but imma teach you how to weave the thread through so you can do this yourself ok?" Omg..I was done! Not to mention the time she let her boyfriend's 9-year old daughter base my scalp for a relaxer. I mean the little girl really did know what she was doing but ummm..HELLO?? I couldn't believe she was so unprofessional..