My Horrible Salon Visit

I'm sorry OP, but those are not good reasons either.

If you can't go back to JC Penny's salon, there are many others out there. Ones that won't disobey you, laugh at you, or rip your hair out.

And as for your logical mind, your logical mind got your hair torn out, and caused you emotional distress.

Maybe you should start using your emotional mind sometimes.

If you don't, you may be at risk of becoming a "door mat". Someone that gets walked all over.

I'm just trying to help you. There's a lot of cruel people out there. They'll take advantage of you if they think you won't stand up for yourself.

CherryPie I do appreciate your response. I want to make sure that I can revisit the salon and see a different stylist without any of them having reservation about me. As the other ladies said, yes I should've spoken up assertively but I was far too infuriated and didn't want to cause a scene. DH and I had plans for that Valentines night and I wanted to get my hair done. Instead of causing a scene in public, I will always be sure to respond using my logical mind instead of my overly emotional mind.
I'm sorry OP, but those are not good reasons either.

If you can't go back to JC Penny's salon, there are many others out there. Ones that won't disobey you, laugh at you, or rip your hair out.

And as for your logical mind, your logical mind got your hair torn out, and caused you emotional distress.

Maybe you should start using your emotional mind sometimes.

If you don't, you may be at risk of becoming a "door mat". Someone that gets walked all over.

I'm just trying to help you. There's a lot of cruel people out there. They'll take advantage of you if they think you won't stand up for yourself.

CherryPie I do truly understand and I do truly appreciate your responses. :bighug:
I just choose my own acceptable responses depending on my priorities and at the time it was to start spending my Valentines Day weekend with my DH and not at home doing my hair which can take up to 6 hours. I will return to JC Penny Salon, that's if I decide to. I am usually a DIYer and was planning to go the salon maybe every 6 months. Well, now maybe I'll do my own hair for length-checks.
OP I totally feel you. I am not an argumentative person by nature and I will hold a lot of stuff in. There are times where I explode. It burns me up when I am in the chair and I feel total chaos going on. The blow dryer is burning my scalp, the comb is ripping through my head and the flat irons are smoking! Yet my dumb butt sat there and argued in my head and told myself "this will all be over soon". Then I say to my self, hmmm I'll let her finish but I am not coming back. All the while she is ruining the hair that I have to go home and live with. I come home in sheer disappointment and want to hide it for 6months. I am just saying all that to say don't be a victim. Don't become a DIYer just b/c u are afraid to speak up. Empower yourself and make it clear before u sit down. I have learned to talk to these "human beings" about what I want. I make them feel like I am CRAZY when it comes to my hair. I want them on pins and needles. AFTER I speak my mind and they still disobey my requests then I just stop going to them period! Stylists, doctors dentists, etc they can all be very intimidating know it alls. They have u walking out the door forgetting what u showed up for or feeling dumb for having a list of questions and demands and its not fair. And what do we do? Pay them anyway. WOW
As a self challenge I would go BACK to her and tell her what u want and expect and pull away if she is doing something wrong; let her know immediately. If she reacts in a negative manner then TO **** WITH HER. Who knows she might respond well and respect you for it. Either way you spoke up for yourself and it will be easier for u going forward.

Some people say "it's only hair" I say "it's my dag on hair and I want to keep it on my head"
Sorry Sheryl i'm glad your kickin' that witch to the curb. H*ffa!

Sometimes i wish i could afford salon visits...until i hear things like this or see the damage they've done to people. I'm not knockin' ALL of them b/c i want to be one possibly.
But i already have a problem when i do my side thing w/ people wanting me to do damaging things to their hair. SO this won't be me ("prayerfully" taking things out on peoples hair). I know all people get frustrated at times but she'll be ok when her clientele dwindles to nothing.

Next time Sheryl should this happen don't take the risk of having to baby YOUR hair back to health b/c of someone elses wrong doing..bump that leave right away and go home to do something you KNOW you can do well to your own hair. And sit on it & think about the next move. I hope if there's damage you have a quick recovery.
Sending you some e-hugs! You need it.

Next time, assuming there is a next time, don't allow somebody to comb your hair with a fine tooth comb. I've had this done to me twice last year, twice I stopped the stylist and pulled out my own wide tooth comb and Denman brush. Both times I could tell the stylist was mad at me for putting them on the spot, guess what I don't give a damn.

Its a shame, but I have to bring certain things with me to the salon just in case the stylist acts a fool:
- Combs
- Denman brush
- Deep conditioner
- Shea butter for "grease" when they're done
- A leave-in conditioner
- A heat serum

Pretty much I'm the obnoxious client nobody wants LOL I don't care and that's why I just stopped going all together. Its not easy, but we need to empower ourselves. I think that when it happens you're so in shock that you don't know what to do or say, but just say F it and stop them. After all this service isn't free. Don't let them mess up your hair. Or come to Boston, I'll do your hair for free girl! LOL
I remember a woman who would take her own products comb brush AND rollers. She did NOT play. HER hair was BSL and I see why.
Sorry you went through this, many people have been there and it sucks, its a learning game you have learnt and the same mistakes will not be made.

As you were telling your story, it reminded me of the times I was the mug sat in the chair and potential customers would come into the salon, take a look around, look at the stylist doing the hair and then walk out. The ladies walking out could have been " hair scientists" not liking the stylist yanking my hair with a fine tooth comb (yes I have been there)
Very good example!! I love that story!!

I was one on those people that would walk in, look around, then walk out. LOL

........I've always had APL to MBL hair.......and I want to keep it that way! LOL

Sorry you went through this, many people have been there and it sucks, its a learning game you have learnt and the same mistakes will not be made.

As you were telling your story, it reminded me of the times I was the mug sat in the chair and potential customers would come into the salon, take a look around, look at the stylist doing the hair and then walk out. The ladies walking out could have been " hair scientists" not liking the stylist yanking my hair with a fine tooth comb (yes I have been there)
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I am so sorry this happened to you, Sheryl. Incidences like this has happened to a lot of us, that is the reason I joined LHCF (after a horrible salon incident). She was ugly at the start and JC Penney doesn't deserve your $$$ even if it is with another Stylist. As many salons as there are in Memphis, there are others you can patronize and get the service you deserve. HUGS!!!
LMAO!!!! FUNN-E This was an older lady! LOL

I am hoping that I would one day be the older lady, I will be bring a yoga type mat with all my products tucked in there that the "stylist" must use whilst attending to my hair. I figure give me 20 years and I will be APL!
I'm always disappointed at salons since my HHJ. The last time was about 2 weeks ago. I just wanted to relax so I went to a JCPenney in my neighborhood. The stylist was nice and I asked her to use a wide tooth comb to detangle, but she started from root to end. I pulled my head away. She said, "you tenderheaded?". The set was OK, but when she took out the rollers I could tell she didn't know how to style. There was static in my hair. WHAT CAUSES STATIC AFTER A ROLLERSET???, so that the hair would not lay down. I was disappointed. The only thing I got out of it was a little sleep under the dryer.
My sister does my retouchs and trims and I will stop her in a heartbeat and say.................give me that comb........sit tv....... We have prayed and worked too hard and waited too long for our hair to act right. I think taking your own comb to the hair dressers is a good idea not to mention much more sanitary......
I wonder why stylists insist on detangling hair with a fine tooth comb?!! When I went to the salon they did the same thing. That's why I do stopped going.
you didn't have to get loud to speak against her hair practices. you think she would've got mad if you wanted to detangle your own hair? ♥
oh, and i can't believe people still use hot curlers. i remember playin with my mama's curlin irons when i was younger and melting my barbie's hair. :look: :lol:
I am so sorry this happened to you, Sheryl. Incidences like this has happened to a lot of us, that is the reason I joined LHCF (after a horrible salon incident). She was ugly at the start and JC Penney doesn't deserve your $$$ even if it is with another Stylist. As many salons as there are in Memphis, there are others you can patronize and get the service you deserve. HUGS!!!

Yes and I'm noticing a trend that many of us here are DIYers b/c of bad salon visits.
I'm always disappointed at salons since my HHJ. The last time was about 2 weeks ago. I just wanted to relax so I went to a JCPenney in my neighborhood. The stylist was nice and I asked her to use a wide tooth comb to detangle, but she started from root to end. I pulled my head away. She said, "you tenderheaded?". The set was OK, but when she took out the rollers I could tell she didn't know how to style. There was static in my hair. WHAT CAUSES STATIC AFTER A ROLLERSET???, so that the hair would not lay down. I was disappointed. The only thing I got out of it was a little sleep under the dryer.

Static from a salon visit....???? :perplexed
Sending you some e-hugs! You need it.

Next time, assuming there is a next time, don't allow somebody to comb your hair with a fine tooth comb. I've had this done to me twice last year, twice I stopped the stylist and pulled out my own wide tooth comb and Denman brush. Both times I could tell the stylist was mad at me for putting them on the spot, guess what I don't give a damn.

Its a shame, but I have to bring certain things with me to the salon just in case the stylist acts a fool:
- Combs
- Denman brush
- Deep conditioner
- Shea butter for "grease" when they're done
- A leave-in conditioner
- A heat serum

Pretty much I'm the obnoxious client nobody wants LOL I don't care and that's why I just stopped going all together. Its not easy, but we need to empower ourselves. I think that when it happens you're so in shock that you don't know what to do or say, but just say F it and stop them. After all this service isn't free. Don't let them mess up your hair. Or come to Boston, I'll do your hair for free girl! LOL

BostonMaria, I'll gladly take you up on that...!!! :yep:
I no longer go to stylists, but I used to go a lot, even after I joined LHCF. After I joined this site, I learned to take a wide tooth comb with me and I simply asked the stylist to use it. There wasn't any drama involved.

I'm sorry to hear this happened to you, OP. Your hair looks nice in your siggy.
Sorry Sheryl i'm glad your kickin' that witch to the curb. H*ffa!

Sometimes i wish i could afford salon visits...until i hear things like this or see the damage they've done to people. I'm not knockin' ALL of them b/c i want to be one possibly.
But i already have a problem when i do my side thing w/ people wanting me to do damaging things to their hair. SO this won't be me ("prayerfully" taking things out on peoples hair). I know all people get frustrated at times but she'll be ok when her clientele dwindles to nothing.

Next time Sheryl should this happen don't take the risk of having to baby YOUR hair back to health b/c of someone elses wrong doing..bump that leave right away and go home to do something you KNOW you can do well to your own hair. And sit on it & think about the next move. I hope if there's damage you have a quick recovery.

BlaqBella, sometimes I wonder if stylists are doing rushed jobs to keep their appointments. My own process can be lengthy and very time-consuming and I don't expect the same patience from a stylist but I look forward to a quality service. :yep:
I remember a woman who would take her own products comb brush AND rollers. She did NOT play. HER hair was BSL and I see why.

I remember a few women with long hair who came into the salon I went to with their "haircare kit". They knew all along......
I don't understand why certain stylists insist on using fine-tooth combs (aside from when rollersetting). It just seems like common sense to use a wide-tooth comb.. :ohwell:

Sorry about your situation OP.
How did I overlook that you're in Memphis? If you like, I can PM you the information of a sweet and knowledgeable stylist I know personally.

I am so sorry this happened to you, Sheryl. Incidences like this has happened to a lot of us, that is the reason I joined LHCF (after a horrible salon incident). She was ugly at the start and JC Penney doesn't deserve your $$$ even if it is with another Stylist. As many salons as there are in Memphis, there are others you can patronize and get the service you deserve. HUGS!!!
I no longer go to stylists, but I used to go a lot, even after I joined LHCF. After I joined this site, I learned to take a wide tooth comb with me and I simply asked the stylist to use it. There wasn't any drama involved.

I'm sorry to hear this happened to you, OP. Your hair looks nice in your siggy.

I hadn't been in a while since my last retouch. Since then I've visited a Donimican Salon to purchase products. I noticed there they were detangling with a fine tooth comb and I saw a lot of hair in that comb. I dunno. :nono: