What are some things you won't tolerate when visiting a salon?

Ms. Plain Jane

New Member
I just saw someone dig in the stylist's drawer and start brushing and combing her unwashed hair. :blush:

Um, no thanks. :barf:

That comb and brush will not be used on my hair. :nono2: This is one of a few reasons :look: that I'll be looking for a new salon/stylist. :nono:
I haven't been to a stylist in a while, but I've come to tolerate nothing less than pure class and professionalism. Seriously, I'd had it with shelling out too much money to someone who was late, talked on the phone, went on their lunch break, swearing and talking trash. Of course I don't feel that way if it's a friend doing it or when my SIL used to braid my hair for for free. But when it's someone who is supposed to be a professional and is taking half a week's salary from me? :nono: I expect the same service and courtesy that I would show a client at my job.
If I ask for a trim and you give me a cut? You will never see me again. I dumped two stylists because of this. I'd been going to them for years. They both gave me cuts intead of trims after I had a growth spurt. 1 of them always made snide comments about black women who had long hair, so I knew she would always cut off my hair when it got too long for her tastes. I would have been full APL by now :wallbash: if the last one hadn't cut off all of that great progress I made. See ya.
I'm a total DIY'er, but if I ever lost my mind and went to a salon, I would be VERY picky!

-S/he MUST meet with me to talk about my goals and what I want
-I won't tolerate overbooking
-If s/he tries to convince me I need a trim, I'm gone
-Must use clean brushes and combs
-If I do need a trim, I will be facing the mirror and will make her/him show me how much they're cutting off
-If I'm getting a relaxer, I won't tolerate the relaxer being applied past the ng. When I'm being neutralized, I'll make sure it's done properly
-I won't tolerate a pushy stylist
-I won't tolerate someone who's against my healthy hair practices
-I won't tolerate or choose a stylist whose clientele consists of nothing but women with weaves and short hair

There's more.... That's just off the top of my head :look:
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My hair is hard to tame I finally found wonderful hairstylist who salon started to grow rapidly. Which was great but when I set an appointment with her I hasd 3 different peolpe doing my hair. One washing one setting then one styling. Which lead to me walking out with big hair, I look like I was bout to do back up for Diana Ross.:lachen:
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I have been DIY for about 6 months but plan to go to a salon soon. I am getting braids for the second time in life.

I will not tolerate a dirty salon. I stopped by a salon today (not recommended but happened upon it on the way to the BSS) and it was just gross. A woman was having her braids done with her child in the salon. Hair was ALL over the floor as if it was a rug....and it was NOT the hair that was being used. Gross!!! The stylist came out as rude immediately although I had just walked in to ask if she did tree braids. And get this - she said $200:lachen: If the salon looked clean at a minimum would I be willing to pay $100 but at this place, she should have paid me.

No overbooking. I want my hair started within 15 minutes of my arrival.

A trim means 1/8 inch or less. I will flip out if she tries to cut my hair.

No rude, pushy stylist.

No gossip. I do not give a crap about who is sleeping with who in the neighborhood & who is cheating on their man/woman. Do my hair and talk about your life drama on your own time.

I do not want to see a bunch of children that are not being serviced.

I'm sure there is more.......but these are my basics now.
I will not tolerate you telling ME what you are going to do to MY hair instead of listening to my requests. I will politely correct you

I will not wait more than 30 minutes to get started. If you have not started washing me in 30 minutes I will tell you I am busy as well and ask to reschedule
Nutsack faces trying to steal my hair pins! :angry2:

Tell me why this dirty chick just came into the salon with her dusty, months old weave and started brushing her "hair" !:censored: just came in and started using ish! My stylist was wrapping my hair... tell me why chick reached over and put her nasty hands in my container holding my pins! I turned around with the stink face and said "those are mine, MISS!" I didn't mean to be so stank :look: but people just waltzing around like they own ish or are at home and using styling tools on dirty hair just pisses me off! Argh!

Looking like she ain't bathe in a heap of Sundays...
Ms. Plain Jane, are you using your blackberry to log into this forum? Then you're as addicted as I am LOL :yawn:

The salons I go to are Dominican salons here in Mass. I had one woman do my hair and dance salsa at the same time. She would also yell at me if I didn't go to her for more than 2 weeks. It almost seemed like a bad relationship I was trying to break up "No, I didn't see anybody else" Her: are you sure, cuz I can tell you got a touch up! Oh it was bad, I had to let her go LOL Another salon I used to go to the stylist used to always bother me about cutting my hair. Finally I had to swear at her in Spanish and tell her to cut it out :yawn: Had to let her go too. I've had people cut too much, one woman dyed my hair blonde instead of the auburn I picked. One time I had to wait an hour for my hair dresser to come back and finish my hair... cuz she went home to do her laundry!!!! :rolleyes:

Yeah I pretty much give up now and do my own hair. I won't tolerate any salon, period. I'd rather do my own hair for free while dancing salsa LOL
EATING! oh man, I cannot stand it! Especially eating in view of the customers, that just makes me eye the stylist like, "she better not be coming up hear my head with that hand full of food!":nono:
I stopped going to my last one because:

She would eat pork rinds, then stick her hands in my hair. Pork rind, hair, another pork rind, hair..

She never got off the phone.

While on the phone, she was watching and talking about soap opera's to the lady on the other end. "DID YOU SEE THAT! OH NO SHE DIDN'T!" She was loud, and wasn't paying attention to the flat iron she had held on my hair.

I hate when you wash my hair, then leave me at the sink so you can start someone elses head. That time slot was MINE, there is no reason I should be sitting in your salon for 4-5 hours for you to relax my hair.

I started stretching (before deciding to transition completely) and every time she would complain about my hair going to long before a relaxer.

No heat protectant. :perplexed

She cut my bangs wrong, twice. I brought in picture, showed her exactly how I wanted it cut (I wanted the sort of C cut, where the outside of the bangs get longer..) she cut them straight across both times.

She "dusted" my ends regardless, every time I went to her.

Her language (cursing) and general speech were unprofessional. Thats a huge pet peeve of mine, that I got from my father. I don't care how you speak to your friends and family but when you are in a place of business, more so YOUR business, or in a learning atmosphere how you speak is very important. Professionalism is important. Some semblance of proper grammar is needed. You went to school didn't you? The way you speak in professional settings can make a huge impact. It can cost you jobs, recommendations etc. You have to be professional. Once you go home, talk however and say whatever you please.
Big one that I forgot......if you are putting chemicals in my hair (relaxer, color, etc) you better have your license and I should be able to look it up on-line to see that it's current.

NY Ladies - the license type is Appearance Enhancement http://appsext8.dos.state.ny.us/lcns_public/chk_load
You can search 3 ways -
By ID Number (Unique ID or Registration Number)
By Name (last name, first name and optionally city/zip code/county)
By Business Name (business name and optionally city/zip code/county)
i haven't been to a stylist in about 2 years and i'm not going back unless i want to get a drastic cut or something. and even then i won't tolerate::

1) Waiting an extremely long period of time for him/her to get to my hair

2) stylists that gossip in your face (and sometimes have the nerve to be talking about you on the sneak....been there won't be doing that again!!) :nono:

3) not knowing what kind of relaxer is being used, when i used to go to the salon I NEVER KNEW WHAT KIND OF RELAXER WAS BEING USED, and i never really cared, but its a whole nother story now

4) someone tryin to push a trim on me or telling me to come back in 4-6 weeks for a touch up, i thinks not!

5) someone who will leave me at the sink at the back while the relaxer is on my head to go outside to take care of some bidness leading to me having to tell another stylist to go get her and bring her back in here to wash this stuff out of my head cause my scalp is on FIYAH :burning:!!!
oh the memories :perplexed. there's lots more but we aint got all day :lachen:
I wont tolerate a Stylist who combs the relaxer thru your hair which cause it to thin out and become weak.
This happen to me several times before my LHCF days.
You only take appointments btu when I show up, you arent even there.:ohwell:

You set my appointment and 30 minutes later youre still not doing my hair.:ohwell:

I ask you what youre putting in my hair and you act like its top secret.:ohwell:

Working your snack time, lunch time, pick up the kids time, etc into my appointment.:ohwell:

You cutting my tracks up and keeping the left over hair. :ohwell:

I catch you doing a heinous act to someone else's head (ex. combing relaxer thru previously relaxed hair, gluing tacks in, OD-ing with black protein gel, pump-it-up-ing someones hair, etc)

Trying to sell me other services (I dont want color, I dont want deep conditioning, I dont want a trim/cut, etc)

Loud, dirty, child/vermin infested, un-zen salons. Keep your environment professional.
I got tired of putting up with being at the shop ontime but having to wait 45 minutes for my stylist to get their, only to find out that there was another "more important" appointment scheduled at the same time as mine

Got tired of waiting for my stylist to finish eating before my hair could be worked on

Got tired of waiting for hair supplies and products to be delivered by some relative or friend who never had enough cash on them so they had to come to the shop, get the money((Oh, and wait for someone to run to the store to get change, then go to the BSS before I could get my hair done)

Got tired of waiting for my stylist to finish hitting dat blunt outside before I could get my hair finished

Got tired of my stylist talking while I tried to quietly read my book

Got tired of having to watch every tyler perry play repeatedly on bootleg DVD

Got tired of black shops trying to be chic by offering refreshments but still being ghetto enough to charge for them, on top of the excessively priced hairdo

Got tired of the unnecessary prices. Why is it that I can get a relaxer for under 10.00(ORS) apply it and be done with my own hair set and all in two hours--for free, but you take 5 hours give me heat damage from leaving me under the dryer as a way to manage your own overbooking, then you charge me 70.00 for something that I could have done and made it look better, avoided the brown gel, pump it up spray, and twelve layers of oil sheen. Oh, but you act like you are doing me a favor and catching an attitude because I DONT TIP. Shoot, if a stylist has 3 clients booked at the same time every hour on the hour for 6 hours a day and charges them an average of 50.00, then. . . .let's do the math 18 clients times 50.00 a pop = 900 a day and you don't need my tips boo boo.

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Some customers get curious when they see my hair care products, because they’ve never seen them in the beauty supply or drug stores before. So they test them by pouring them on their finger tips and rubbing them together, and put some on their hair. :wallbash: Then they say to my stylist: “Rudy, why don’t you use this on my hair?” Rudy says: “It’s not mine, it’s hers.” Then they look at me while I'm sitting under the dryer, and say: “Oh!”

My products are too expensive to be sharing with others in the salon. This is the first thought that comes to my mind when I see them testing my hair products. Maybe they’re used to examining other products in the salon. I look at other hair care products that belong to the salon, but I don’t test them on my finger tips.

Other customers will repeatedly whisper to each other when they see me put my hair care products on the wash and booth counters. To satisfy their curiosity, I give them a copy of the information so they can order them.
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A very ssssslowwwwww stylist.

Very annoying.

Last time I went to the Dominican salon ( a couple of months ago), I almost flew out of my chair and had to say something, because she just couldn't talk and do hair at the same time.
* Trying to work on 2 or 3 clients at one time

* Eating while doing my hair

* Not letting me see what you're doing

* Not doing what I want done

* Having your man bring you some liquor while you are in my hair :ohwell:

* Having 10 of your friends all over the place, stopping to gossip for 20 minutes at a time while I just sit there

I always hated going to the salon. It would just take too damn long and I couldn't be bothered. I might have to suck it up soon because I want to get a new style soon. We'll see...
I'm a total DIY'er, but if I ever lost my mind and went to a salon, I would be VERY picky!

-S/he MUST meet with me to talk about my goals and what I want
-I won't tolerate overbooking
-If s/he tries to convince me I need a trim, I'm gone
-Must use clean brushes and combs
-If I do need a trim, I will be facing the mirror and will make her/him show me how much they're cutting off
-If I'm getting a relaxer, I won't tolerate the relaxer being applied past the ng. When I'm being neutralized, I'll make sure it's done properly
-I won't tolerate a pushy stylist
-I won't tolerate someone who's against my healthy hair practices
-I won't tolerate or choose a stylist whose clientele consists of nothing but women with weaves and short hair

There's more.... That's just off the top of my head :look:

Everything she said.
I need to know what products they are using on my head, I won't tolerate having my hair washed like it's a dirty rag... there's still more so it looks like I'm gonna have to continue being a DIY'er :)

I have been to a stylist once this year, for a wedding. Luckily she'd done my hair 2ce in the past and she knows about my "rules" and "demands"... she told me EVERY single product she was using on my hair and NOT once did she suggest I get a relaxer (I was 22 weeks post then) or a trim. She had only one suggestion and that was to try to keep both textures straight all the time while transitioning to reduce shedding (??? I can't anyway, cos I work out 5 days a week). She took very good care of my hair and I know I can go back to her to style my hair again :)
* keeping me waiting over 15 minutes - when I was younger I was too nice and didn't speak up about this. Not anymore!

* not telling me the products you are using - No, telling me the conditioner is your own "special blend" doesn't count as answering my question!

* double and triple booking - they love to start your services so that you are trapped while they go work on others.

* putting any 'ol plastic cap on my head talkin' about doing a dc on me. First of all, I don't know where that nasty and wet cap has been and who it's been on. Secondly, I do all of my dc's at home thank you.

Luckily my current stylist is a gem so I don't have to go through any of this nonsense!
I won't tolerate attitudes, dirty looking shop, tons of gossip, drama, stylist who think they can do about 10 heads to attract more clients, but I'm left under the dryer for three hours o_O ! messed up relaxer(thank god I haven't had this one), bad hair cut(I have had this one, but I bc'ed afterwards) and of course unnecessary trims(please do not cut more than 1 inch of my hair if I didn't tell u too) And I won't tolerate pushy stylist(those who say u need a trim, when u know u don't.)
I learned a new one:

- a stylist not asking enough questions about your hair before starting a service. Got a service done and messed up because no questions were asked about my previous chem services. :wallbash::wallbash:

- Salons that want to charge current market prices for basement service. Went to a place that used paper towels to dry your hair. The stylist doled out product like she was being charged by the pump. :nono:

- Having an appointment that starts 1 1/2 to 2 hours later than scheduled time. I used to tolerate it before because it allowed me to wind down from a busy day by reading or listening to my iPod. Now, not so much.

- The stylist stopping to take family members, kids, whatever places during my appointed time. I could have stayed home and waited for your call instead.

- Being less than honest about your abilities. If you can't handle natural hair for whatever reason, SAY IT. I'm cool with it and can respect your specialization.
I am slowing learning to speak up. I just got a relaxer the other day and with my knowledge that I have gained from LHCF I was very very alert with what was going on. I made sure that as soon as I sat in the chair asked if I wanted a trim I said no. Usually I would just ask if they thought I needed one and of course the sylist would say yes. I should have been APL by now but both times I went on leave I was cut to collar bone lenght. I have also had my hair over processed several times so this time I made sure my stylist knew that I did not want anything relaxed but the new growth. When I was talking with her she was looking at me like I was crazy but that is ok because I was looking at her like she was crazy. In the end I am pretty happy with the results but I will find someone else due to the fact that she is tooo ruff with my hair and I think she uses wayyyyyyyyy to much heat. I hope one day that I will be a DIY'er. Does anyone bring their own products to the salon with them and if so what do you say...."I want you to use this.....?
Does anyone bring their own products to the salon with them and if so what do you say...."I want you to use this.....?

I have found this depends on the stylist. I really liked the person I used to go despite some of the problems. However, she really didn't like to use my products and always tried to say stuff like her insurance wouldn't cover her for using a client's product (not sure if this true or not).

Other people and shops were more than happy to use a clients products for specific reasons OR if their stocked products sucked.

That should probably be a question to ask of a new stylist - "Are you willing to use my preferred products?"

I need to find a new stylist so I am going to need to compile a list of questions to ask.
I can understand that mzteaze. I am looking for a new stylist as well and the list of questions is a great idea. Thanks!