
Well-Known Member
So I went on a date with this guy everything was good.The only turn off was he's breath It was so bad I dont think ill go out again.
That's usually a deal breaker for me. Im really big on hygiene & things like b.o & breath should always be under control. I mean were taught this at a very young age... & if it's halitosis.. It'll still be the deal breaker I would feel bad since he cant really do anything about that but I just couldn't lol
^^he's probably sick on the inside (like needs a colonoscopy or scraping of the intestines) or may have really bad plaque or something. I have vowed to never deal with someone with chronic bad breath.
We were at the movies we saw think like a man.He was trying to kiss my neck gross and I backed off.
I dont no whats wrong with some of these guys.He even picked me up in a cab I no that's your job but on a date.
I dont no whats wrong with some of these guys.He even picked me up in a cab I no that's your job but on a date.
Wow. That's terrible. As soon as he showed up in that cab, i'd have been biding my time and waiting for the date to end. the bad breath would have been the clincher. sorry dude sucked.
Sometimes it's a health issue. I went out with a guy who's breath smelled like something had crawled into his mouth and DIED! I mean disgusting! Turns out he had some kind of digestive problem...still I couldn't hang. It made me want to throw up every time he tried to kiss me.
Maybe he has some big ol' tonsil stones in the back of his throat, a rotting tooth, or gum infection. He should've taken care of that before going out on a date with you.

But yeah, bad breath is a big turn off for me too. About 4-5 years ago, I went out on a date with a couple of guys with bad breath, and it never amounted to anything more than that one date. Lol.
sorry OP. yeah bad breath is a deal breaker. And what is up with men trying to their feel on when they first meet you..."Dude back up!! Respect my personal space" LOL
Stink breath is a no no. I don't understand why everyone are downing the guy picking her up in a cab. He may have a good reason. I'd find out before judging.
Ok I'm not understanding what you said in regards to the cab. Does he drive a cab for a living? That is my first question before I say one more word.
He drives the cab for a living I didnt care about that.He's breath and him trying to kiss me was my problem.And feeling on me on the first date I dont think so.
So I went on a date with this guy everything was good.The only turn off was he's breath It was so bad I dont think ill go out again.

Sorry! I experienced the same exact thing before. I never returned his phone calls after that first/last date.
Stink breath is a no no. I don't understand why everyone are downing the guy picking her up in a cab. He may have a good reason. I'd find out before judging.

Exactly. At least he had some transportation. What if the dude didn't have a car and you had to ride the bus? Is that a big no-no too? I swear some of us are so centered on the little things and can't or won't look at the potential or into the future if you see a person is of quality.
Keen & Velvetrain We all have our preferences. Ya'll aint' exempt.:look: Weather its looks, family background/obligations, occupation, education, hygiene etc.

I wouldn't want the cab driver picking me up in his work vehicle. Obviously she had a semi issue with it because she mentioned it in her post. Its no different than wanting a man with a solid career/job with good pay and benefits imo.

I lived in NYC where stanky and cabby go hand and hand. LOL Even though I never saw all this downing ya'll mentioned DC had some kinda cute Ethi cabbies all day everyday but hell nawl I wouldn't date them. LOL They could feel the same about my gubment job having arse too.
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Keen & Velvetrain We all have our preferences. Ya'll aint' exempt.:look: Weather its looks, family background/obligations, occupation, education, hygiene etc.

I wouldn't want the cab driver picking me up in his work vehicle. Obviously she had a semi issue with it because she mentioned it in her post. Its no different than wanting a man with a solid career/job with good pay and benefits imo.

I lived in NYC where stanky and cabby go hand and hand. LOL Even though I never saw all this downing ya'll mentioned DC had some kinda cute Ethi cabbies all day everyday but hell nawl I wouldn't date them. LOL They could feel the same about my gubment job having arse too.

firecracker I thought the guy hired a cab. I assumed the guy had money to be hiring a cab like that cause OP mentioned he had money. But still, my Dad is a cab driver. He does not have an active social life. There is really no reason for him to spend money on a second car. He does have plenty of people he can borrow a car from which is like once every couple of months or so
I still don't see the big deal but to each is it's own. Noone is saying overlook the important aspects of a person. But a career or a lack of a vehicle. What's the problem? You never know what a persons situation is in life and how they are trying to improve. The same women saying I won't date a man who drives a cab will be the same chicks crying they are still single at 40.
firecracker I thought the guy hired a cab. I assumed the guy had money to be hiring a cab like that cause OP mentioned he had money. But still, my Dad is a cab driver. He does not have an active social life. There is really no reason for him to spend money on a second car. He does have plenty of people he can borrow a car from which is like once every couple of months or so
I think that makes total sense for your father but it can be an obstacle when it comes to dating for many women.

I still don't see the big deal but to each is it's own. Noone is saying overlook the important aspects of a person. But a career or a lack of a vehicle. What's the problem? You never know what a persons situation is in life and how they are trying to improve. The same women saying I won't date a man who drives a cab will be the same chicks crying they are still single at 40.
Sorry but some women and men would prefer to be single at 70 rather than get a fixer upper person at any age. Seeing and operating on potential is great for someone in their early 20's but not a good look past that. We all might not be dating material at any given time in our life due to our personal situations, goals etc. Some folks will get looked over for many reasons. That is just how it is. Everyone values different things like you stated.

Ya'll shol act like being single is a deadly disease around here. Its like women should say screw all my sacrifice, hardwork and planning just so I won't be alone. :nono: Reminds me of Essence.mess.com.:lol:

Men are suppose to add to your life not take away so a car could be a deal breaker for many. That would include male and female. I know plenty of men with preferences for women that are not carless or so called fixer uppers too.

I lived in NYC which is alot different than L.A. My rules for a car didn't apply in NYC but that is only cuz I hated driving and cars. Walking is a pleasure to me after being stuck in a car all my life. :grin:

I'm going to leave this alone. If the op wants to date cab drivers that is her situation. I don't discriminate when it comes to job titles or car models. :lol: Just other bs.
I think that makes total sense for your father but it can be an obstacle when it comes to dating for many women.

Sorry but some women and men would prefer to be single at 70 rather than get a fixer upper person at any age. Seeing and operating on potential is great for someone in their early 20's but not a good look past that. We all might not be dating material at any given time in our life due to our personal situations, goals etc. Some folks will get looked over for many reasons. That is just how it is. Everyone values different things like you stated.

Ya'll shol act like being single is a deadly disease around here. Its like women should say screw all my sacrifice, hardwork and planning just so I won't be alone. :nono: Reminds me of Essence.mess.com.:lol:

Men are suppose to add to your life not take away so a car could be a deal breaker for many. That would include male and female. I know plenty of men with preferences for women that are not carless or so called fixer uppers too.

I lived in NYC which is alot different than L.A. My rules for a car didn't apply in NYC but that is only cuz I hated driving and cars. Walking is a pleasure to me after being stuck in a car all my life. :grin:

I'm going to leave this alone. If the op wants to date cab drivers that is her situation. I don't discriminate when it comes to job titles or car models. :lol: Just other bs.

Agree with everything, certainly the bolded:yep:
I think that makes total sense for your father but it can be an obstacle when it comes to dating for many women.

Sorry but some women and men would prefer to be single at 70 rather than get a fixer upper person at any age. Seeing and operating on potential is great for someone in their early 20's but not a good look past that. We all might not be dating material at any given time in our life due to our personal situations, goals etc. Some folks will get looked over for many reasons. That is just how it is. Everyone values different things like you stated.

Ya'll shol act like being single is a deadly disease around here. Its like women should say screw all my sacrifice, hardwork and planning just so I won't be alone. :nono: Reminds me of Essence.mess.com.:lol:

Men are suppose to add to your life not take away so a car could be a deal breaker for many. That would include male and female. I know plenty of men with preferences for women that are not carless or so called fixer uppers too.

I lived in NYC which is alot different than L.A. My rules for a car didn't apply in NYC but that is only cuz I hated driving and cars. Walking is a pleasure to me after being stuck in a car all my life. :grin:

I'm going to leave this alone. If the op wants to date cab drivers that is her situation. I don't discriminate when it comes to job titles or car models. :lol: Just other bs.

firecracker :lachen::lachen: sumfin wrong witchu chile lolololol

But if OP had said that he picked up fares along da way to pay for da date...then we gotta problem.

Funky breath is a def dealbreaker for me.
ThatJerseyGirl see I woulda been down for him scoopin folks up for cash on the way. That would be like super fun in my weird world. LOL Like that cash cab show. LOL Anywayz you know you touched too! LOL