Well, whaddya know . . . I was approached . . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
This is a cut and paste from my blog . . . though I owed it to you all to post here as well since I've created 50-11 posts about this issue.

*copy* *paste*

So, despite all of my moaning and groaning about never being approached, I managed to put some of the tips from you ladies into work and, lo and behold, I was approached.

I was out Christmas shopping (for self-gifting purposes
) and when I walked up to this elevator there was a Caribbean dude just standing there waiting. Without thinking, I flashed him a friendly smile. He didn't smile back. No big whoop.

We ended up getting off at the same floor and started to walk off in different directions. But then he circled back to me and asked me if I worked nearby because I "look[ed] familiar"
Anyways, we ended up talking for a good five minutes. (He did ask if I was married
and said that he "preferred" my type of woman - meaning my size, I guess.) Anyways, I gave him my number . . . we will see if he calls. In truth, he's probably not what I'm looking for, but I'm still working to increase the number of men I interact with and dates I go on . . . so YAY ME.
Yay! Go you. :yep:

I, too, gave my number to a fellow I have no intention of dating. :laugh: I do have an interest in him, but it is not romantic (he mentioned working with young black youths and I am interested in community service with that population). I want to widen my social circle though and make contacts helpful to my interests, so I am open to getting to know even men I have no romantic attraction to but who might fit into my social interests.
That's great! Who knows - if he isn't Mr. Right maybe he has a brother, cousin, best friend......I'm just sayin'. :grin:

Way to expand your horizons and your prospects!
Great post, Glib! I think it's really cool you smiled even though he was not smiling back. It shows you are doing it for YOU which, imho, always makes a girl SHINE.
The smile does it every time. Sometimes men will have an inner dialogue that maybe they shouldn't approach you where they're just being fraidy cats but when you give a gesture like that....you're taking away that doubt.

Also, speaking as a woman with a carribbean family, he was most likely not lying about liking his women thick:yep:

Get it girl!:grin:

I love it, that smile was just the icing on the cake! What a great way to start your holiday!
Just out of curiosity... What other tips did you employ?

*note to self: smile. :)

Well, I made eye contact when I smiled and then I didn't get discouraged when he didn't smile back. And then when he came up to talk to me I remained flirty and smiley . . . even though internally I was like, "I don't think he's educated/has any money/is on my level/wants anything other than sex . . . ."

I must admit that when I gave him the initial smile, it was moreso out of politeness . . . I feel like if someone looks in your direction and you make eye contact, it's the polite thing to do. Oh and it was a real smile . . . not that fake, I'm-just-being-polite, look-like-I-just-finished-sucking-on-a-lemon smile :lol:
Okay, looks like I'm on a roll . . .

I was just contacted from a "match" from the speed dating event I went to last weekend . . . again, nobody there really blew me away, but in terms of just increasing my numbers, looks like I'm doing the durn thang!
When it rains, it pours (but in a good way). Enjoy all of this awesome attention, and get those guys! :)