Well...I finally found my hair hater!

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member

I have no words to express my disappointment in this person.

A latina co-worker of mine whom I always talk to about hair care, helped her with her splits issue, her daughters hair etc. has not said a WORD to me all day and sits 2 cubes down from me. Today would be the first day she sees my hair.

There are 6 women in my team and they were all counting down the days until I actually blowdried my hair (now the joke is the flat iron lol) since they hated my plaits so. I went from plaits and twists to this (see pics) so believe me this big hair cannot go un-noticed.

Can I only share my joy with you ladies? Wow....

Maybe she didn't see me :perplexed
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Look at all that hair!!

Don't worry about her- where do you work? I'll come by and give your hair all that hair the props it deserves. Thanks for sharing that photo!!

I have no words to express my disappointment in this person.

A latina co-worker of mine whom I always talk to about hair care, helped her with her splits issue, her daughters hair etc. has not said a WORD to me all day and sits 2 cubes down from me. Today would be the first day she sees my hair.

There are 6 women in my team and they were all counting down the days until I actually blowdried my hair (now the joke is the flat iron lol) since they hated my plaits so. I went from plaits and twists to this (see pics) so believe me this big hair cannot go un-noticed.

Can I only share my joy with you ladies? Wow....

Maybe she didn't see me :perplexed

Oh she saw you...beautiful hair btw
You can share your beautiful hair with us anytime.
She saw you, especially if your team has been having a countdown until the day you wore your hair blow dried.
She may be feeling some kind of way. Go to her cube and say hello while haplessly flipping your hair a little.:blush:
Girl, why even wait on that fool to say anything. She knows your hair looks wonderful, but some women are like that-they are not going to give it to you. Meanwhile they will burn a whole through the back of ur head:lachen::lachen::lachen:

Your Hair looks beautiful so don't sweat it.
SMDH... it's always disappointing when the hater is someone you thought was a friend. Just remember to watch her very closely. My expectation is she'll try to hurt you somehow.
Heck your hair is spilling all over my laptop, trust me she saw you!

Just go up to her and flip your hair while you say hi LOL Or maybe she's got things on her mind. Go up to her and ask "what do you think"

At the end of the day its all about how YOU feel with your hair. Enjoy it! Don't worry about what others think.
She had issues. She may have mixed feelings towards you. Sometimes people can have a like/dislike relationship with others. I have seen it happen in my own life. Don't mean they don't like you, they just like you looking a certain way.

Love the hair.:yep:
Oh she couldnt miss all that hair!!! Are u serious??? I would be all up in your cubicle if you walked by me
It seems to me she was fine with the jokes and the countdown...but can't handle the aftermath of the countdown.

Oh well!

Your hair is gorgeous btw.

I have no words to express my disappointment in this person.

A latina co-worker of mine whom I always talk to about hair care, helped her with her splits issue, her daughters hair etc. has not said a WORD to me all day and sits 2 cubes down from me. Today would be the first day she sees my hair.

There are 6 women in my team and they were all counting down the days until I actually blowdried my hair (now the joke is the flat iron lol) since they hated my plaits so. I went from plaits and twists to this (see pics) so believe me this big hair cannot go un-noticed.

Can I only share my joy with you ladies? Wow....

Maybe she didn't see me :perplexed


I love your HAY-AR! You are doing plenty RIGHT...that's why you have haters. Enjoy it. Your hair is amazing! I am struggling through a prolonged stretch and texlaxing mission now trying to get hair that looks like yours! Bless the lil hater's heart....she just couldn't take it. :lol:
She had issues. She may have mixed feelings towards you. Sometimes people can have a like/dislike relationship with others. I have seen it happen in my own life. Don't mean they don't like you, they just like you looking a certain way.

Love the hair.:yep:

Exactly. Don't you know you're supposed to stay in your place! How dare you whip out gorgeous hair? What were you thinking?:grin:
Beautiful hair! Just lovely! :yep:

Maybe your hair was sooo beautiful that it left them speechless! Who knows.
Your hair is splendifabeautifulovely!

I love thick, big hair but not everyone does, and she may not either. Or, maybe she has something else more distracting on her mind today.
Oh...She seentcha!!! Unless she was walking around the office like this all day.


BTW, your hair is beautiful!!!
Screw her. Your hair is gorgeous. She definitely saw you, and if she KNEW today was the day, if she was a REAL one, she would have come by to see you. Only takes a minute, nobody is THAT busy. :rolleyes:

It's beautiful!