You have beautiful and thick hair.

And you were nervous about your hair pics??? It's beautiful! You have thick beautiful hair! Thanks for sharing!
thanks everyone. hey lovelylocs, I have never colored my hair, color is natural. the ends are lighter brown from no lye relaxer in past while new growth is dark brown,plan on getting rid of the lighter ends (about 2-3 inches) within next few months.
Hey Jessy55,

Girl, I just look pitifully sad in these photos. Child, I think I was a little stressed out trying to figure out the camera and a few other things. I plan on posting some "happy photos" in the near future. Take care!
oh thank u do much alira!.I will try to remember your comment when I am having a down/ bad hair moment, which happen quite often since I am hair challenged, but i am working on it. With the help of this board, I'll get there eventually.
Thanks all. Caress, I am happy to share my regime with everyone. I have been sick the last few days and my energy level is still very low. I promise to do the regime this week and post it. This board and you guys have given me so much that it will be a pleasure to give something back. I will chat with u all in the next couple of days. Until then......
thanks everyone. i recently posted some of my protective hairstyle pictures. not very creative hairstyles-- I am a bit hair challenged when it comes to creativity. I am SOOOOOO tired of these protective styles. I will be glad to get a corrective texturizer and to eventually be able to do more with my hair and wear it out more. This hair thing is soooo challenging and frustating at times!!!