Flatiron Pictures

Your hair is growing wonderfully hairlove! :) It's starting to look so even, you'll be able to cut off that little back section in no time! :up:
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Wow...I can't believe that hair came from Pantene R & N...it makes my hair like straw! Yours looks so soft and healthy! Very pretty, hairlove :up:!
Loved the flat iron pics! YOu may have answered this but, did you use a protectant on your hair before you flatironed?

I really think you should put some kind of warning on your other pics. Someone could get hurt looking at that much "gorgeousocity" at one time. Us inexperienced viewers looking at all those natural ringlets can kind of go into "nappy overload" and pass out from "G" forces that result from our eyes trying to follow one of those coils in your hair.

Please put up a sign next time: ***Gorgous Ringlets Ahead...inexperienced naturals should not view this photo without protective goggles!****...you know...just as a public service announcement. ;)
LOL - Pookeylou - You are too funny! Thanks so much for the compliments.

Yes, I did use a heat protectant. It is called Ion Heat Protectant from Sally's for $5.99. It is made specifically for use with a flatiron - there's a flatiron on the bottle. It's not a watery product like other heat protectants I have used (i.e. Pantene), it is kind of like a really light oil.