You've got really nice hair.. very thick and healthy looking.. I have no idea what you were so nervous about..that's crazy girl.. Your hair looks great!!! YOU GROW GIRL!!!!
lots of body. I love it.
thanks everybody. Rushgirl, I explained early on in this post why I was so nervous, hair hell the last couple of years. it's been a tres' slow recovery and still have a long way to go but with patience ,hard work and the help of board members, I am hoping to eventually achieve my hair goal of healthy, not necessary long hair. thanks for your sweet comment.
deborah11 said:
thanks everybody. Rushgirl, I explained early on in this post why I was so nervous, hair hell the last couple of years. it's been a tres' slow recovery and still have a long way to go but with patience ,hard work and the help of board members, I am hoping to eventually achieve my hair goal of healthy, not necessary long hair. thanks for your sweet comment.

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You're welcome! I did read what you said before..and we(ourselves) are always our worst critic..but, what you have achieved looks good to us!! Keep up the good work!
Looks like you are doing a great job!! I understand about the years of hair hell.. my hair was in hair hell for a little more than 8 years.. A few months after I had my first child, I got my hair cut really short..when it had been really long, all one length and very healthy before that.. then I went through that post-partum hair loss thing.. and things were never the same since.. till I found this board.. I'm sure you have come a long way..but, you are doing great!!!
Lawdy, DSD, thanks for your comment. Girl, you are one of my hair idols as well as so many others that have commented. I wish I had your creativity b/c I am seriously hair challenged. I actually need to cut aleast 2 inches off but waiting for a couple more inches in growth b4 i whack off those dead ends.
deborah11 said:
Lawdy, DSD, thanks for your comment. Girl, you are one of my hair idols as well as so many others that have commented. I wish I had your creativity b/c I am seriously hair challenged. I actually need to cut aleast 2 inches off but waiting for a couple more inches in growth b4 i whack off those dead ends.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just keep doing what you are doing 'cause it is working well!!
absolutely beautiful hair. I love the thickness and texture! you are definitely well on your way to your goal.
thanks everyone for your nice comments and suport. Your comments have definitely helped to lift my spirits. Lately, I have been so tired of battlin gwith my hair that I have just felt like giving up. your comments have helped me to see that maybe thinggs are not as bad as they seem and that I just need to perservere, I will get to my goal eventually, albeit slowly ! thanks again.