Weight Loss & Hair Growth, Whose on this Journey?

:grin: Hellloo ladies...here is my update, and so sorry i have not been checking in, but being sick combined with back to back vacations ( Thank you Jesus!), i have been quite busy. I have lost four more pounds...totaling me to 19! I am also starting to see the best curly hair days ever! I wanted to check in to see how everyone else was doing on there journey's as well. Good luck to you all! I will be on vacation from tomorrow til Tues, so i will try to check in then.

I usually gain weight on vacation, but at my last Weight Watcher's meeting, my coach said that we should try to keep losing when on vacation. We tend to link vacation with eating, relaxing, and being Inactive. Relaxation is awesome, and recommended, but who says that we have to eat the entire time or eat badly for that matter? I am going to EAT! trust me when i say lol...but i will choose my portions wisely, and i will also try to workout at least for 30 mins at the gym in the hotel....

Just remember...weight loss and hair growth should be a new lifestyle for you...not a fad or a diet. If it is treated like that, you will eventually get tired of it and stop it. The best thing to do to stay in the game and make these habits healthy, is to slowly make them a part of your lifestyle. :drunk: I can honestly say i have grown so much, and made so many positive changes because of my new habits. I hope that this will do the same for you!


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Wow this thread is motivating. I have been trying to loose since January but I have been yo-yo-ing. I have not gotten my snacking under control. I have lost 7lbs. My goal is 30lbs.
Hey Joyous what types of things are you substituting for protein?

Instead of getting my protein from meats I mostly use beans, legumes, lentils and egg whites. I also include a limited amount of nuts which are good for protein but can be fattening in large quantities.
technically i am. i don't really want to lose much weight, just like 5-7 pounds. but the encouragement to workout helps out my hair so its a win-win
I know it's a little late to join but I'm in. My weight keeps going up and down. I had my thyroid checked out and the doc said it was in perfect health! So I can't use that as the excuse. I'm drinking protein shakes everday and eating a lot less meats and food. I still take my vitamins, etc. and drink water (although not enough) but I'm trying to lose 20 lbs within the next couple of months. I tend to lose very fast. My problem is that lately I've been gaining very fast as well. It's just like my hair: It grows very fast for awhile and then it goes into a stall for months:wallbash: As far as exercise I don't exercise enough. I've been trying to start out slow i.e. 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in "some" evenings. This is a great post:yep: Thanks for sharing!!
I am on this journey.

I've lost 14lbs since March and want to lose 10 more. I WILL be at my goal weight by Labor Day:yep:

I got a great trim on June 25 and I need 7 inches to APL. I am prayerful that I can get there in a year:up:
I forgot I was in this challenge :ohwell:

Last week I weighed in and gained 3lbs, so this week my goal is to get it off...

I still haven't been able to balance decent looking hair and working out. Obviously my health is more important but I would like to look half way decent afterwards...A positive is I'm 4 wks post and am starting to see quite a bit of new growth, I usually start to see growth around 6 weeks post...
Checking in: Been working out everyday, also I noticed I'm getting more hair growth than usual so I'm happy about that (I started taking liquid horstail and liquid MSM from the Vitamin Shoppe).
Hello Ladies, on the hair side:

I have cut bangs! Have never done it before, so i was super nervous...but i think it came out nice. What do you think??

Meanwhile, i have flat ironed it for the first time in at least two months...so here we go!


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How did I miss this thread?! IDK

But I am definitely trying to shrink the waistline while getting bigger hair!

Weight: The main goal and progress(yeah!) are in my ticker(shocking I know but it keeps me honest)....just trying to eat healthier all around. Trying to eat more "natural" foods...no artificial sweetners, no (or very little) processed foods, no sodas (diet or otherwise), etc. Also getting into the gym 3-4 times a week although it should be 5-6 times

Hair: Currently natural, between CL (front) and nearly SL (sides/nape) - Doing Crown & Glory regimen but I am taking a mini-break(2 wks) to really DC the heck outta my hair before going back in.

Love this thread...really a motivator!
Ive lost 80 pounds since oct 31st 08 Im very close to my current goal of 100 I had to change my lifestyle. It was surprisingly easy at first (man I had will power of iron) Im just hitting some road bumps now. I only just started on my hair journey in June Ive heard that significant weight loss can cause you to lose hair but so far so good my hair is doing just fine and I feel better than I ever have.
Sad to say I may have put on more weight... It seems like I can do nothing to get my self up and out there to do what I need to do. I hope i'm not depressed about this weight! I'm starting to feel real down about not fitting anything, and looking at myself in photos and thinking I REALLY don't like what I see.
Sad to say I may have put on more weight... It seems like I can do nothing to get my self up and out there to do what I need to do. I hope i'm not depressed about this weight! I'm starting to feel real down about not fitting anything, and looking at myself in photos and thinking I REALLY don't like what I see.

Just sent you a pm HH
Hello, everyone! This is my first post though I've been a member for almost 2 years. I apologize for its length. Maybe TOM is near lol, but this thread truly makes me feel the communal spirit of this site. Even though I'm so happy to be part of an "exclusive" club, I wish the world could bear witness to the uplifting words of encouragement we ladies (and occassional gentlemen) give to each other. We AA women in particular have alot of bad press out there, so it's nice to experience "black-on-black positivity". That being said...I turned 30 in April. I called it "pushing reset". It was supposed to be the beginning of weight loss and other life changes - basically correcting alot of things I did wrong in my 20s. I also called it finding mental and emotional clarity, but my friend called it a mid-life crisis lol. I hadn't truly focused on this process, but now feels like the right time to be as generous to myself as I've been to others. So here goes...I'm clocking in at 238 lbs :blush: and 4a NL. And...I love Hairveda! Cocasta Shikakai is the new love of my life! Best wishes!:grouphug3:
Count me in!
I'm already in the 8week "better body" challege over in the fitness forum...but L.I.F.E got in the way of that :look: so I'm trying to find a way to get on track and STAY on track!
I am trying to grow/ retain and lose weight!!! Goal for hair is WL by 2013. Goal for weight is down 40 by NY's Day 2012. Good luck ladies!!
i'm definitely interested! i need some motivation... i tend to get really busy and only focus on one or the other (either hair growth or weight loss) and i KNOW i need to be making a concerted effort to work on both simultaneously... so i'm definitely interested in joining this challenge!
Hi ladies, I ll def rejoin this challenge. I m already in the 8 week challenge but I need all the motivation I can get : )

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