Weight Loss & Hair Growth, Whose on this Journey?


New Member
I am proud to say i am 11 lbs lighter today since starting Weight Watcher's Momentum program about a month ago! I am also 1 year without relaxer! I am really trying to dumb down my hair regimen more, and also my weight loss regimen. Some times, we tend to over emphasize what we are doing, and all we end up doing is burning out and quitting. Are there any ladies on this journey as well, and succeeding in doing so? I plan on losing at least 30 more lbs by my next bday, and becoming BSL by the end of this year. All motivation helps!
Yes, I've lost a pant size and have been doing atkins for close to 2 months. I'm also growing my hair out, and I think the protein in my diet might be helping my hair. I'm turning 30 in September, so I wanted to make some changes that can follow me into the rest of my life. Nice post, Op.
You can do it! Keep up the good work! I think alot of us here are looking to look better in many ways!
I am on this journey as well. I am doing Weight Watchers at work (they come to us and members are my co-workers); it's been two weeks and i've lost one pound (lol). I weigh in today, so hopefully i've lost something! I am also trying to grow my hair out! It's not doing too bad, but I'm realizing that I need to find exactly what works for me b/c my hair feels weird since the beginning of my regimen...a little too crispy, lol. It's only been one week since I started, so I figure there will be many bumps. As long as my hair doesn't fall out...

This is a great thread. Perhaps you can keep this up so we can check in on each other, track progress, etc.

Congrats on the 11 lbs! That's major!! Keep it up.

i keep yo-yoing with my weight. can't seem to stick to a good workout routine. i am trying to get to full WL, was very close to the back layer being there but the shape of my hair was just atrocious. (think Soul Glo mullet :lol: )

for now, i know my hair can reach my goal length in time, so i'm just gonna put it on the back burner. of course i still want both :grin: but my priority is getting in shape.
I am! I just re-started actually. I was on one for 1.5 years and then took a hiatus for 7 months. I am going to lose (yes I'm confident! lol) 65 lbs by June and I am hoping to gain 6 inches of healthy hair.

When I started this journey in 2007 I was 339 lbs (yep I posted that) and my hair was barely ear length. Now It's 2009 and I've gotten myself down to 232 lbs (yep, I'm not ashamed) and I'm collar bone length when stretched I think.

I feel like I'm at the mid point in a slow but steady race. I'm ready to finish this up by next June.
Great topic!

I'm doing it. They seem to go hand in hand. If you're working out everyday, you're more likely to keep your hair up and in a bun of some sort therefore contributing to better length retention.

Anyway I've lost 15 pounds and I'm so happy!
im also trying to lose some weight just about 8 pounds and tone up along with the hair growth that goes with the territory. i just started the p90x on monday so im hoping for some great results.
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I'm on this journey also... it's hard to manage sexy hair when you workout frequently but health is primary for me... so far I've lost 21 lbs and am hoping to drop another 15 lbs or so and reach WL by my birthday in February... I found that slow and steady works for me
I am also on this journey of weight loss and hair growth but I am more into hair health and thickness than length at the moment. I have a target of 12 lbs to drop by August 31st, 2009 and an additional 10 lbs by December 10th, 2009. My ultimate weight goal is to come down from my current weight of 145 lbs to 123 lbs on this tiny 5'4" frame. My bones are fine to medium, so carrying around this extra 23 lbs is extremely uncomfortable for me:nono:.

I do like weight-lifting but I'm trying to really increase my cardio to shed some of the weight. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD is awesome and I will be using that a lot to help me along. In addition, exercising helps my hair to grow faster too so that's a nice incentive for me to keep on exercising:yep:.
I'm on the journey, I just lost 20lbs since the beginning of May. I'm now 239 and I'm trying to get down to 135-145. I'm eating healthy, but I need to stick to my workout routine. I have a year before I turn 30 and I want to look fabulous before then.

I would have never posted that before, I'm feeling kind of liberated today. LOL!

Oh, the hair is looking good also.
i bc in April 08 and since then ive lost 30lbs by drinking tons of water. and my hair is now approaching APL
I would like to down one dress size. I've gained 2 in the last couple of years, not good. Actually, I didn't mind gaining one, still looked good, but this last 5-10 lbs, not so much. I don't have a plan, though, except to reduce my portion sizes and try to drink more water and eat more vegetables.

Also, I'm on the 2 month protective style challenge.
Great thread!

I lost 15lbs. from mid -January to April. But I had a setback from a horrible relaxer mistake in March, so I got depressed and gave up exercising :sad:.

Now that my hair is back on track and I've gained back 7lbs:wallbash:, I'm ready to start again...

I want to lose 36lbs. by Christmas to reach my goal weight and hopefully be full BSL (with trim) and NO RELAXER!!
I'm trying to get down 20lbs and reach APL by December. I'm struggling to find a weight loss routine I can stick with. I just love to eat!! I even went out and got some Alli but I haven't taken it because I've heard some pretty interesting 'treatment effects' :/. I think my hair is on track for my ultimate goal of BSL by next spring.
I'm on this journey as well. I gained all of my weight due to my pregnancy and I must admit that it has been a struggle but I've learned a lot. I work out at home (huge collection of work out videos) and got more results this way than when I was going to the gym. I've been on several plateaus and decided to take a mini break due to my last one, fortunately, I've been able to maintain my current weight (135). I'm 5'5 and my goal is 125. The closer I get to my goal, the less I start seeing results. I'm equally focused on my HHJ and weight loss. I try not to set a goal (APL, BSL, etc) as far as my hair is concerned, it's fairly healthy now so I just want to see what my progress will be at the end of the year.
Yes. I just started my weightloss journey. I use to workout everyday. Now that I stopped I'm feeling blah, so I need to start back. I need to feel good. And these pounds I picked up has got to go! Lol
I am on this journey as well. I am doing Weight Watchers at work (they come to us and members are my co-workers); it's been two weeks and i've lost one pound (lol). I weigh in today, so hopefully i've lost something! I am also trying to grow my hair out! It's not doing too bad, but I'm realizing that I need to find exactly what works for me b/c my hair feels weird since the beginning of my regimen...a little too crispy, lol. It's only been one week since I started, so I figure there will be many bumps. As long as my hair doesn't fall out...

This is a great thread. Perhaps you can keep this up so we can check in on each other, track progress, etc.

Congrats on the 11 lbs! That's major!! Keep it up.

Me too!! :drunk: How awesome! I weighed in today, and i am at 13!! :up: And, you will get there. Let me know if you need anything in this transition! My friend gained 3 lbs and we figured out why --- she was actually not tracking her points, and started to overeat. But, i love it so far, and the meetings are great. Maybe you need to shake up your hair regimen to find out what works best for you.

Thanks so much for your feedback and encouragement! We should follow-up with each other.... that would be so encouraging!
I am trying to lose 75 lbs and grow my hair full wl (close to tbl) by Jan 2010. So far so good. 15 lbs down and I am at wl now. Good luck to all you ladies.

i keep yo-yoing with my weight. can't seem to stick to a good workout routine. i am trying to get to full WL, was very close to the back layer being there but the shape of my hair was just atrocious. (think Soul Glo mullet :lol: )

for now, i know my hair can reach my goal length in time, so i'm just gonna put it on the back burner. of course i still want both :grin: but my priority is getting in shape.

I feel you on that one! I am just sick of not being in the shape i know i could be in. But, as i have grown to realize --- healthy hair can be achieve with a healthy lifestyle. They go hand in hand, so i have to put my health in check first. If i can do it with my hair --- i know i can do it with my weight! I would strongly recommend Weight Watcher's Momentum if you need a bit of guidance, but it isn't as strict as the former ones. This is my first time trying it, and i love the freedom and ease of it. But, i am sure there are some other great ones out there. Plus, it isn't a diet, it is more so a lifestyle change, so it is sticking for me.
Awesome thread sweetie!

I am doing it! For the most part, things have been going great. My diet is a lot cleaner(trying to go raw, or close to it, by Jan. 2010). I dc/dcw every other day and my hair is constantly covered(I baggy/seal daily). The last two weeks, I have been online searching for new workouts to purchase to switch things up. Hopefully, this time next year I will be 70 lbs. lighter and bsl/apl.

Good luck to all of you lovely ladies....we can so do it!
I am trying to lose 75 lbs and grow my hair full wl (close to tbl) by Jan 2010. So far so good. 15 lbs down and I am at wl now. Good luck to all you ladies.

Super Congrats on your successes so far!! IT is SOOO encouraging to see that so many people are on the same path to success. This really opened my eyes more and now i am more determined then ever! Thanks!!! :yawn:

I can't wait until i am waist length! My hair is staggering a little over SL, and i am dying for APL!
Awesome thread sweetie!

I am doing it! For the most part, things have been going great. My diet is a lot cleaner(trying to go raw, or close to it, by Jan. 2010). I dc/dcw every other day and my hair is constantly covered(I baggy/seal daily). The last two weeks, I have been online searching for new workouts to purchase to switch things up. Hopefully, this time next year I will be 70 lbs. lighter and bsl/apl.

Good luck to all of you lovely ladies....we can so do it!

Thanks so much! This is awesome...what workouts did you have in mind?
*puts both arms n toes n the air..* yup I am.... workin on shoulder length.. maybe stretching for the APL by the end of the year.. .. we'll see... shoulder length sounds more feasible to me.... and I've lost 2lbs since I started my diet and work out tuesday... Soooooo yeah, i'm definitely in this...!!
I'm on the journey, I just lost 20lbs since the beginning of May. I'm now 239 and I'm trying to get down to 135-145. I'm eating healthy, but I need to stick to my workout routine. I have a year before I turn 30 and I want to look fabulous before then.

I would have never posted that before, I'm feeling kind of liberated today. LOL!

Oh, the hair is looking good also.

Congrats girlie!!! Yeah, i am 24 as of last Sunday --- trying to get down some more for health reasons, and of course before the big 2-5!
I'm trying to get down 20lbs and reach APL by December. I'm struggling to find a weight loss routine I can stick with. I just love to eat!! I even went out and got some Alli but I haven't taken it because I've heard some pretty interesting 'treatment effects' :/. I think my hair is on track for my ultimate goal of BSL by next spring.

Oh yeah...i have definitely heard about those "treatment effects" LOL! Nooo thank you! but, you should find something realistic. I promise, i am not a Weight Watcher's spokesman, but it is AWESOME! You are on a point system, but you learn how to choose smarter food ideas to savage your points for that day. I just really love it!
I am for sure. I just posted somewhere else that I refuse to be WL and 50lbs overweight. That would just not be acceptable to me.

I am! I just suck at consistency. I can never stay consistent.

I agree. I'm not consistent with my hair or my health. I get really lazy and that is a problem. So right now I'm working on consistency in all areas of my life, appearance being one of them.

My goal is to lose 40lbs and be full APL by December of this year.
Thanks so much! This is awesome...what workouts did you have in mind?

Hey there sweetie,

I am needing to purchase aerobics & toning dvds. Currently, I only have one yoga dvd(Crunch candlelight yoga) and have had it for years now and really need a change. Lately, I have been reading/hearing alot of raves regarding pilates and would love to get a dvd or two to start out with.