Weekday Evenings with your DH/SO


Well-Known Member
This might be an odd question, but for the married ladies or ladies who are in cohabitation relationships, what do you and your DH/SO do when you get home after an evening of work? Me and my SO have been living together for the past 10 months and during the week from the moment I get home we talk, cook together then watch TV together until we both fall asleep. Is this what normally happens in a marriage or cohabitation relationship? Sometime I feel the need to go into my bedroom locked the door and dance in front of the mirror alone for a few hours. I am kidding on the later part, but hope that someone catches my drift. I also do not want the relationship to go stale because of this weekday routine.

BTW, We also spend the whole weekend together.

Any advice!!!
This might be an odd question, but for the married ladies or ladies who are in cohabitation relationships, what do you and your DH/SO do when you get home after an evening of work? Me and my SO have been living together for the past 10 months and during the week from the moment I get home we talk, cook together then watch TV together until we both fall asleep. Is this what normally happens in a marriage or cohabitation relationship? Sometime I feel the need to go into my bedroom locked the door and dance in front of the mirror alone for a few hours. I am kidding on the later part, but hope that someone catches my drift. I also do not want the relationship to go stale because of this weekday routine.

BTW, We also spend the whole weekend together.

Any advice!!!
That's pretty much what we do. :yep: We also exercise together or alone or retreat to seperate areas of the house to watch TV or play on the internet by ourselves after dinner. Do what's best for the both of you, but please don't feel like there's anything wrong with having a little 'you' time. :)
We usually spend the evening in each others company, but we aren't always talking - double laptops will do that to you. We do talk, we usually cook together, we definitely watch TV together. When we are on the same hours (DH is a chef, and I'm a 9-5'r so his hours are usually a little later than mine) I do take some time to be alone - even if it's just going to the other room, turning on some music, and reading a book.

I'm an only child, lived alone for a while before living with DH, and I NEED solo-time. There's nothing wrong and no shame in that - it's something to value, in my mind.
We're usually talking to or playing with my nieces. Right now we are all on laptops, the 5 and 7 yr. olds included. SO and I will cook dinner in a few, get the girls off to bed, walk the dogs and usually we'd watch TV but ever since Madden 09 came out he's been playing that til' the wee hours of the morning...:look:

ETA: My SO and I are usually together during all of our spare time. We're not talking all the time or necessarily underneath one another, but at least in the same house. Sometimes we both need to get away. When that happens I will usually take the girls to do something girly and of course he opts out to play one his game systems in peace!
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:lol: Oh, yeah, can't forget DH's gaming - he plays RPG's too, so a lot of times I'll help him with the walkthroughs, or just be an extra set of eyes for goodies & easter eggs. :lol:
We're usually talking to or playing with my nieces. Right now we are all on laptops, the 5 and 7 yr. olds included. SO and I will cook dinner in a few, get the girls off to bed, walk the dogs and usually we'd watch TV but ever since Madden 09 came out he's been playing that til' the wee hours of the morning...:look:

ETA: My SO and I are usually together during all of our spare time. We're not talking all the time or necessarily underneath one another, but at least in the same house. Sometimes we both need to get away. When that happens I will usually take the girls to do something girly and of course he opts out to play one his game systems in peace!
To the bolded,Same here!But I don't mind I just get on the computer.We do spend alot of time together especially when we put our son to sleep at 8p.:grin:
you could plan a night out every once in a while...a date night ..something simple....like a movie ... or a dinner out ........or a reception at a local museum (special event) kinda thing. something fun for the both of you and that will give you something to talk about in the days ahead.
Most evenings we sit on the internet (double laptops), watch tv, I cook, we eat :lol:
Pretty boring....sometimes we're in different rooms too, but we need our alone time too :yep:
Talk, eat (either cooking or ordering out), talk, I play the Sims 2 or color in my coloring book, he watches CNN and sports, talk some more, shower, brush our teeth, hit the sack.

We go out 2-3 times a week (either together or with our friends) though so the above is for the days we actually are home.
We talk. We do the double laptops thing, we cook. He plays video games. I study. We watch Tv, we sleep.
DH and I get the kids settled down, give them their baths, set clothes out we do this in less than an hour because we want our quality time, we will just watch TV together play with the baby and just relax after we fix and eat dinner. We talk mostly about things going on or anything on our minds Not really romantic but we deal with it since we love each other it is the little things that count right
Thanks ladies for the replies...I just think our routine is boring us both. We are going to bed earlier and earlier each night. Weekends are fine, but its during the week that becomes a hassle.
:lol: Oh, yeah, can't forget DH's gaming - he plays RPG's too, so a lot of times I'll help him with the walkthroughs, or just be an extra set of eyes for goodies & easter eggs. :lol:

Sounds like our house! Mine does flight simulator, so I also play co-pilot and call out the altitude and directions lol
OP, trust, most couples I know have boring weeknights. have you thought of anything you can do for yourself?

DH and I are usually so tired at the end of the day we couldn't care less about doing anything exciting. In fact, doing nothing is exciting to us after a weekday.
OP, trust, most couples I know have boring weeknights. have you thought of anything you can do for yourself?

DH and I are usually so tired at the end of the day we couldn't care less about doing anything exciting. In fact, doing nothing is exciting to us after a weekday.


I sit at work like "ooohhh, I cant WAIT to get home and do nothing with my big headed baby (DH)."

He was asking if I wanted to go out last night and I said "naaaaaaaaah, not really can we just throw something together for dinner?" LOL

When I get home from work, my SO is usually there already playing on his PS3. If its on a day I work out I get in the shower, he joins me. Afterward, he throws together dinner while I tidy up. Then we watch Scrubs together (we download multiple seasons of a TV show at a time since we dont have cable) After 2 or 3 episodes we usually get ready for bed.

Today however, we were arguing so I left out and went angry shopping all while ignoring his phone calls, came back in the house and got on LHCF.