Weave vs. Wig

Which do you prefer?

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Hi, I'm trying to decide on whether to get a sew-in weave, or just get a new wig. I know some of the pros and cons for both, but I still can't decide. So I'm just curious for some opinions of yours. Which do you prefer and why? Thanks :)
I would prefer a half-wig since you can blend your own hair to make it look more natural. But since you asked about a wig or a weave I'd take a weave over a wig. I feel too self-conscious in a full wig and a sew-in would look more believable.

So that's my vote. Good luck on your choice!
I voted for the wig for several reasons:

1) I have seborrheic dermatitis and I need to have access and flexibility to wash and treat my scalp at will

2) I tire quickly of weaves and I like being able to shed the wig at the end of the day

3) I have a fear of some thing going wrong under the weave. Hair locking, someone cutting my hair during takedown etc.
Absolutely hate weaves. I do lace fronts to hide my natural hair but hopefully by years end time I'll alternate between half wigs and wearing my natural hair out.
AS much as I like a nice weave-- I just get so bored of them by week 4 and have to force myself to make it to at least 10 weeks-- So I vote wig.
Nothing compares to having air to my scalp via taking my wig off, freedom to wash, deep condition, and touch my hair. I hate sew in weaves with a passion.
I voted for a wig but I prefer lace wigs myself. I used to wear half wigs or quick weaves as they were first called when I first wore them in 2003, but I have moved to the next level in wigs. I like the option of being able to have access to my hair at any time. I have worn weaves before as well and prefer to wear styles I can install or do myself. I would also consider the cost and maintenance involved in each of the styles you are considering. Good Luck.
I can pretty much go both way's, but I chose weaves.

In my opinion, wearing a weave looks more natural on me then half wigs. Plus my wigs usually last for only a week or two at the most. I can wear a weave for a good 3 months.
I voted wig.:yep:

I need to have"access" to my hair when needed for washing, conditioning, etc.
I'm afraid of the glue and thread. I've seen too many disasters with weave....bald spots and the like.

Wigs, you can put on, then take off when you're sick of wearing it. More freedom!:yep:

Another thing, I HATE the feeling of weave in my hair! Ugh!:nono:
I vote wigs. I use half wigs as my protective style. I like being able to pull it off at the end of the day. I'm a daily cowasher so it's convenient. I also like the price.

If I want to wear my hair, I can. If I don't want to, I just put my wig on and roll out.
I like wigs because I like to wash and deep condition my hair once a week, and I don't really like doing that in a weave.
Also, I get bored easy so I can wear a different wig whenever I want.
Where can you get wigs that look like real hair? I am almost sure I want to cut my hair but no 100% there yet, I am jonesing for a short shoulder length bob.
I voted for weaves bcuz they allow for far more low manipulation for me! If Im wearing a wig, I wanna wash my hair every week, dc twice a week, and of course that means taking the braids down and putting em back in again...sometimes I decide its too hot for a wig and I wear a puff, and of course I have once again taken the braids down and have to put em in again!
While weaves dont allow me to play in my hair as often as I would like to...they do offer me the freedom to "get up and go", they keep me from buying a bunch of hair products and messing with and overstyling my hair, i have been able to retain sooo much length by weaving at least 50% of the year....
well i like both for different reasons.
you can take them out and care for your hair just like you normally would
they look more real, you don't have to readjust, people can't pull it off :giggle:
I prefer my weaves. I can access my scalp, its low manipulation (I have the zigzag curly by www.extensions-plus.com). I've reused this hair over and over with no problems. It is also condusive to my lifestyle because I workout 5-6 days a week.

I have had horrors with wigs. Don't get me wrong, I miss them but a sista needs something that is secure. Fall is coming which means the wind will be blowing, and just MY luck, I can just see me running & chasing after my wig. I'll tell you a story.

Picture it. My birthday, January 13 & I went to visit a friend for some very much needed sex. Well, I had on a wig. We were gettin it in. Not trying to be graphic, but he was on top.,...,and I wad caught up in the moment. Well, I opened my eyes and he was busy! But to my surprise I was like......where in da hell are my bangs.........,lo and behold, the wig was sittin up on da pillow!!!! Im layin there with the stockin cap on. And it wasn't even a real stockin cap. I wad so cised that I was gettin some, i took a pair of pannie hoses, cut da legs off day joint, and pulled it on my head. Snatched da wig off da door knob n kept it movin out the door.

But that wasn't the worse part. I grabbed that wig off da pillow and put it back on my head before he noticed. We decided to change positions. He wanted it from the back. So now, Im facing the mirror and he is behind me. Well, its getting reeeeeeal good. Why did I throw my head down and then back. The wig flew off & hit him in the face. Can I tell you when I saw myself and his face in the mirror, it was priceless.

So you see, for purposes of getting intimate and for your sanity, you might want to opt for the weave shuga, cuz I don't care what you do, that joka ain't goin NOWHERE!!

Plus, the money you spend buying a new wig every month, you could have purchased 2 packs of quality hair that you can reuse over and over. The key is not to get the cornrows tight.

We still laugh about that to this day, Steve & I.

*sits back n lights up a newport one hunnit*
Hey CCBB I am going yo have to go for the wigs for a number of reasons:

- you can DC your hair
- less traction/ friction from when you brush or wash the weave
- you can switch up your style and not have to get bored
- the hair on a wig lasts longer and you get less matting bc you are not sleeping in them
- wigs are a breeze to wash and the weight of the water or the use of a brush to detangle will not cause traction or pulling to your own hair.

Also CCBB if you go to Paks in dalston they have these sidepart wigs like the ones in the Island Beauty video so you can still have leave out hair.
I definitely choose weaves over wigs. What's the point of having free access to your hair in a wig if you still have to keep braiding and un-braiding every week?

Weave prevents me from over manipulating my hair. I think a lot of people are adverse to them because of the quality of hair that they choose. I paid under $200 for my virgin hair and I've used it for 5 installs so far and it still looks brand new! I can still shampoo cowash and DC my own hair every week. I never have to worry about the expense/stress of buying new wigs and trying to revive rat's nests. Nobody(not even my own mother) was able to tell that my weave wasn't my real hair. That's really hard to duplicate with wigs. I also hate the feeling of all my hair being suffocated under a wig. To me the weave just feels more natural. Plus I have a boyfriend, so I try to avoid those awkward moments of being caught without a wig on during those ummmm *special times :grin:*
OMG, this is hilarious! :lol:

Y'all are making this hard for me though with all the mixed responses. Though, I can see that wigs are definitely winning. Hmmm, choices, choices...
If this was last year, then I would have said straight up weaves because I hate how full wigs look but now I mostly wear half-wigs since I have access to my scalp. I'm getting another weave on Saturday and I perfer that since I usually style my hair at night so by tomorrow morning I can get ready quicker. Sometimes I just like wearing weaves.
I would go for a weave. When I take my hair down the growth is always a pleasant surprise. I wash my weave just like my hair. I am going to post pictures of my weave in two weeks. I normally don't post pics but I am excited about this hair!
I prefer my weaves. I can access my scalp, its low manipulation (I have the zigzag curly by www.extensions-plus.com). I've reused this hair over and over with no problems. It is also condusive to my lifestyle because I workout 5-6 days a week.

I have had horrors with wigs. Don't get me wrong, I miss them but a sista needs something that is secure. Fall is coming which means the wind will be blowing, and just MY luck, I can just see me running & chasing after my wig. I'll tell you a story.

Picture it. My birthday, January 13 & I went to visit a friend for some very much needed sex. Well, I had on a wig. We were gettin it in. Not trying to be graphic, but he was on top.,...,and I wad caught up in the moment. Well, I opened my eyes and he was busy! But to my surprise I was like......where in da hell are my bangs.........,lo and behold, the wig was sittin up on da pillow!!!! Im layin there with the stockin cap on. And it wasn't even a real stockin cap. I wad so cised that I was gettin some, i took a pair of pannie hoses, cut da legs off day joint, and pulled it on my head. Snatched da wig off da door knob n kept it movin out the door.

But that wasn't the worse part. I grabbed that wig off da pillow and put it back on my head before he noticed. We decided to change positions. He wanted it from the back. So now, Im facing the mirror and he is behind me. Well, its getting reeeeeeal good. Why did I throw my head down and then back. The wig flew off & hit him in the face. Can I tell you when I saw myself and his face in the mirror, it was priceless.

So you see, for purposes of getting intimate and for your sanity, you might want to opt for the weave shuga, cuz I don't care what you do, that joka ain't goin NOWHERE!!

Plus, the money you spend buying a new wig every month, you could have purchased 2 packs of quality hair that you can reuse over and over. The key is not to get the cornrows tight.

We still laugh about that to this day, Steve & I.

*sits back n lights up a newport one hunnit*

I don't usually Laugh Out Loud literally, but this made me LOL!!!!! right here at work!!! Oh my!!!

I voted weaves. I too have my EP natural wavy w/ closure in right now. And I still get to apply my moisturizers and Megatek every other day. Weaves helped me to grow my hair when I decided to go natural.
OMG, Jersey! I felt like I was right there with you :lachen:

Y'all already know how I feel... wigs all day! I love being able to wash, DC and DRY my hair. When I've had a weave, I could not get my hair all the way dry, with disastrous results :cry3:

And, for those who feel that wig wearing creates more manipulation... remember please that you can wash, DC and dry without unbraiding your hair! I certainly don't unbraid and rebraid all of this once per week. :nono: No way, I don't have time and I don't want breakage from all the manipulation.
^^^ I agree WHOLEHEARTLY JERSEYgirl I was rolling over here.

Plus not all wigs look fake, the better quality the better the look, I have lace fronts that are like hey Nice Lace Fronts, then I have lace fronts that are LIKE :spank: why did you cut your hair, I am like girl you know my hair is under here and they have literally spilled their coffee to get up and inspect.

So the same also goes for a weave, I've seen busted weaves but I have seen some SLAMMIN weaves as well.

I prefer Lace Front Human Hair wigs, They can last you 1-3 years with proper care and lay flat as could be. Really there is no difference. the tracks aren't bulky they are laying ubber flat.

I cornrow my hair underneath because that is how the LF lays best like a weave. U braid up in thin beehive braids and it's the business.
I also like others have said like to change when I please.

I wear my hair braided up for 2-4 weeks. I feel that the cost of me getting a weave put in for that long doesn't make much sense. I don't want a longer commitment. 2 weeks 1 week off cycle works for me. Plus I get to baby my hair and see how it is doing in between ;)
i am pro-wig beacuse you can get to your hair to wash, condition, and really treat it. with weaves you have to be so careful about product application and not getting it on the weave hair. also if the braids are too small or sewn weave hair in not put properly you get tons of split ends or breakage. if you do a weave get the wax coated thread its gentler on your strands.
know that if you get a great quality wig that is human hair it will last a long time, synthetic wigs usually last me about 3 months
OMG, this is hilarious! :lol:

Y'all are making this hard for me though with all the mixed responses. Though, I can see that wigs are definitely winning. Hmmm, choices, choices...

If you're the kind of person who can put your hair away and not think much about it for at least 6 weeks at a time, and you are okay with committing to one type of hair then you're a good candidate for long term weaving. On the other hand, if you wash your hair a lot, if you do a lot of conditioning treatments, if you like to have easy access to your hair, and if you like to switch up styles then wigs are a better choice. I know it's possible to wash your hair in a weave as much as you like but if you're working with the typical sew-in on a cornrow base then you don't have free access to your own strands and that can be frustrating for some.

Thatjerseygirl's horror story made me laugh but I think you can take care of that by stitching your wig down and also and treat whatever you wear under your wigs like you treat your socks - i.e. don't wear raggedy stuff under there and you won't be embarassed if it accidentally comes off. :)
^^^ go to a sewing store and get beeswax and you can still wax your thread if they aren't using proper thread, I use it for my sewing classes for seamstress ;)

you all know the trouble i've seen lololol

i love the wigs. don't get me wrong. i've seen some very nice ones on women too. i wish i could, but i just can't. i wanted to try one on, but i can't since i gotta head fulla weave....

i MAY revisit wigs again....but I LOVE my weaves, especially now with winter right around the corner. Plus, I love the growth I get from them too. My hair is funny. All I do is oil and spray. I spray morning and night, oil every other night. And it just takes off. When I leave it alone, it grows. Even when I wore wigs, I wouldn't do anything to it but spray and oil. Washing and deep conditioning every week was too much work. I don't have that kind of time on my hands.

Good luck with your decision. Have fun with the wigs.