Weave It Up Challenge 2010

Few questions:
—how many times can you use bobraz?

—if i want to push this weave to the max, should i reconsider if I am a fine haired natural?

—i'm so scared to get the weave and then not like it. I keep thinking...just get a lace front. but i want a style that will last longer than a month.

—also...anyone know a place in Memphis that does a great job for under $200?

I've read up on weaves/weave care several times to brace myself but i really am still nervous and scared Ill throw all my money away. :( a little guidance would be appreciated. you can PM me if it's easier. thanks.
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I jus wanna know whether I should continue braiding or get a full weave :blush: I kno the challenge is closed...jus questions....pretty please :blush:
im getting so frustrated, right now i have a wig with bangs, but i want to get hair that matches mine and im in the uk.

i have hair that is very fluffy and poofy looking so when straightened it does not look silky just fluffy and light.

is there any advice on what type of hair to get please?

Hey ladies this is my newest self install done on May 14th, I'm hoping I can keep it in until the end of Aug, we'll see. I'm excited cause I'm only about 1.5-2 inches from MBL so hopefully when I take down in Aug I can claim it. **crosses fingers**

sorry the pics are sideways i didn't know they would come out like that. don't know how to fix it, sry.

Ok you know I STAY stalking your hair but this is SOOOOO cute! Is this the Femi hair? Deep wave? Do tell :lick::lick:
Ok you know I STAY stalking your hair but this is SOOOOO cute! Is this the Femi hair? Deep wave? Do tell :lick::lick:
Yeah girl, thats the Femi hair. A whole year of wearing it and it still looks this good. Thats why I love this hair. I think after this install I have in now I will do one more install with this hair between Sept-Dec and then imma retire it. Only because by then my hair should be long enough to not have to weave it up any longer. Plus that would be nearly two years of service, this femi hair be putting in work. lol
Yeah girl, thats the Femi hair. A whole year of wearing it and it still looks this good. Thats why I love this hair. I think after this install I have in now I will do one more install with this hair between Sept-Dec and then imma retire it. Only because by then my hair should be long enough to not have to weave it up any longer. Plus that would be nearly two years of service, this femi hair be putting in work. lol

Wow! That is really good!
Im still in this challenge, Im on week 4 of my current install, not sure how much longer I can stand this. Im trying to decide what type of hair to purchase next. I want something that can go from curly to straight with ease. Im thinking either Arunji(sp) or some wagmans virgin curly or straight.
Im still in this challenge, Im on week 4 of my current install, not sure how much longer I can stand this. Im trying to decide what type of hair to purchase next. I want something that can go from curly to straight with ease. Im thinking either Arunji(sp) or some wagmans virgin curly or straight.

What kind of hair do you have now and what's wrong with it?
^^^^thanks! are there anymore places that do really decent natural straight (not yaki, but pressed afro hair look weaves)

STUNNING! you are rockin that hair and your body is fierce! i'm going to florida soon and this is how i want my hurr :gorgeous:

Hey Lady, thanks for the compliments, this is great summer hair!!! When you get it installed let me know, I know its gonna be fierce ;)
I just wanted to share a bit with the vets and ask your opinion....I posted this pic in the NG thread last night:


Is this a good amount of NG for 6 weeks? I've never noticed this before (although I've worn weaves 4ever lol), because I was never concerned with growth before I BC'd. I BC'd on 5/31/10. It does look really moisturized, though! I am happy about that...

So, what do you think? And sorry about the super-sized pic :-)
Bride91501: That's would be a lot of NG for me. I usually don't see any sign of NG for the first 4-5 weeks. My hair seems to take off at the 8-9 week mark.
Hope its ok that I am posting this here....Does anyone in Houston still goes to Shakora or Keisha Webb or Tinnell for weaves....I'm debating on these 3 and just wanted more information on them...any info is greatly appreciated...You can pm or post here..Thx.

Nichi goes to Tinnell. She did a post showing a lot of Tinnell's work (which was amazing). You should shoot Nichi a PM.

ETA: Question asked and answered Opps!
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I jus wanna know whether I should continue braiding or get a full weave :blush: I kno the challenge is closed...jus questions....pretty please :blush:

How is braiding working for you? How long do you keep them in? How is your own hair holding up? Have you had a weave before? Will you install yourself or do you know someone who can do so (and not damage your own hair in the process)?
I'm still in this challenge yall! I suffered some breakage at my crown during my last install because I got a bit too excited with my FHI platform. I'm on a personal no direct heat challenge until further notice [I hate time limits lol] So I'm in a kinky/curly install right now. I'm loving it so far but at the end of this month I'm starting my rotation at a hospital and I don't know if this hair will be appropriate...what do you all think??

I'm on the left in both pics



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^^^ im assuming its you on the far left? i think its cool, but if you want to tie it back or use an alligator grip clip that takes alot of hair, those things always make nice looking pull back do's.

or a doughunt!

You could try www.hairandbeautycentre.co.uk
That's where I bought my kinky straight afro weave, I really liked it and shipping is fast.

i did use them but i found that the hairraisers hair that i have is exactly the same so returned it, they are very quick and effecient though!

i however do not have a clue how to blend my hair in the weave.

i am also looking for a decent kinky curly weave here in the uk, that is good quality.

thanks! xx
What kind of hair do you have now and what's wrong with it?
I have the Sensationel Premium now, and it is starting to tangle and shed. Thats what I get for buying cheap hair but i needs something right then. Im thinking about cutting it into a bob so I can get at least another month out of this install.
I have the Sensationel Premium now, and it is starting to tangle and shed. Thats what I get for buying cheap hair but i needs something right then. Im thinking about cutting it into a bob so I can get at least another month out of this install.

I feel you.