Wearing Hair Out and Growth Retention


New Member
I have been trying to following Slyver2 regi. I noticed that she said she did not do ps n wore her hair out daily. I have also read that some of the women on here wear their hair out daily. I am currently sl n also read that this is around the tym u really need to ps to get to apl.

How do u wear it out n retain length with your hair rubbing on your clothing? I am currently 11wks post and doing good to retain my length. I am just wondering. I moisturize and oil end 2x daily with NTM n Argan Oil from Sally's

How do u keep your hair growing n wearing it out daily.
If you are a natural normally the shrinkage tht comes with styles like twists, bantu knots, etc allows the hair to be protected from rubbing on the clothing. If you are relaxed, braids and twists can also be styled to ensure they don't come in contact with your clothes,
I'm just above APL. I moisturize and seal my ends at night and then seal again lightly with protein (profectiv) in the morning. If i am en route, i pin my hair up and let it down when I get to work or wherever. If it's cold out and I'm wearing a hat I usually have my hair semi wrapped under a satin scarf to prevent the rubbing on my coat hat and neck scarf. I do these things to lessen the exposure because I know our ends are more prone to breakage while rubbing on our clothes..

Hello, Well I wear My hair down daily in the warmer Months, in the Winter, I try to protect, because the clothing We wear is a little rougher, with sweaters and scarves and thicker clothes in general, it makes for a bad situation with Your ends, but if I do, I will keep it wrapped until I arrive at My destination or pin it up till I am outta the car, but in the Spring and Summer, I practically wear My hair out every Day, For 4 days straight, then I wear in a Ponytail and moisturize for the other 3 Days, I don't like weighed down hair, but I still must get the moisture I need, so thats how I do it. light and airy, no product, 1st. 4, then moisturized last 3, then Wash, DC, and start again.
I don't have the option of wearing my hair out, even Boston during the spring time is sorta windy and chilly :( I hate it here -___- lol and the winters are sooooooo horrible....:( lol But I think alot of people wear them in the winter to keep their hair protected from the cold aswell as their clothes =O
Thanks ladies I really approeciate it. I am hoping to reach bsl by december 2010. (hoping n praying) I am bunning n have the itch to relax. :grin: