Anyone Retain Length with Consistent Wash-n-Gos???

Usually people apply conditioner and/or gel in sections to their hair after getting out the shower, but you don't manipulate your hair into a style.

ETA: I also used to do braid outs on relaxed hair all the time, and I didn't even know they were called that then...however, I used to comb my braids out to make my hair really big, lol.

Thanks so much! I'll get out of here because this is off topic and I'm jacking the OP's thread. I'll be doing a braid out or twist out soon! :grin:
A wash and go is my go to style...That's basically the only way that I've retained my length!!

Me too! And I don't have SSKs for the most part. We'll see what happens when it gets to MBL curly. I'm SL curly, APL straight.
When I BCed I was doing a wash and go for the first 2 weeks, then due to the cold I was wearing two-strands for 4 mos straight. Now since the weather has broke alittle I'm back to WNGs. I want to do wng for the next 4 months exclusively, but I heard so many people say they get SSK which thankful I haven't experienced yet.

I don't do the traditional wng method, but more of the shingling method of making sure each strand is coated with leave-in or gel, which could be the reason why I haven't had any SSk yet.

My latest wng is in my siggy and avatar
I retained my length fine. But the ends were a mess no matter what i did as far as dryness and knotting. So wngs are basically an occasional style for the summer, and no longer a staple style.
Billbackerz67 How do you usually style your hair?
The braidouts/twistouts I have done just don't look good. I am going to try a bantu knot out tonight. I usually just wear a wash n go I am at a loss when it comes to other styles. I have noticed that my hair is healthier when I straighten it but the humidity where I live just doesn't allow it. I am not retaining any length because of my dry ends and SSK's. This is driving me nuts. I never thought I would say it but I think I am considering texlaxing...
What's the difference between a wash and go and shingling? Is a shingling you just put the product on in smaller sections? I keep seeing people use them on youtube interchangeable it seems.
I have been doing WnGs consistently for the past 3 years. I cowash almost every day. If I had to guess 360/365 days/year. I have had a few SSKs, but not many. For me baggying at night, steaming, and oil rinses really help keep the SSKs at bay.
wash and goes actually keep my hair from getting dried up and tangly cause i cowash every couple days and detangle. my hairdresser said my ends looked great and that was after going for a 6 month stretch from a trim.

and to sleep at night i just put a scrunchy around the ends and my scarf over my hair. i dont twist it or anything.
I BC to half inch 1 year and a week ago and all I did was WGs and my hair is only 4.5 inches @ its long point, which is strange because my hair grows relatively fast naturally. Of course I just found out about long hair care forum a few weeks ago and realize I didn't take as good a care of my hair as I thought I was. Clearly from the progress of other hair divas such as EllePixie, the important thing is how well you take care of your hair between the WNGs.
I went grom BC to APL with no problems. But once I reached APL between the length and density of all my hair tangling became a huge problem which resulted in me being frustrated and chopping it all off again...
I do wng 99% of the time and retain length just fine and so far haven't had an issue with ssks, BUT I have what I think is major shedding/breakage? like everytime I touch my hair even just applying product I lose a nice wad of hair. I asked this q in another thread as well, but do you think that the constant moisture from wng's can cause you to lose strands??
I do wng 99% of the time and retain length just fine and so far haven't had an issue with ssks, BUT I have what I think is major shedding/breakage? like everytime I touch my hair even just applying product I lose a nice wad of hair. I asked this q in another thread as well, but do you think that the constant moisture from wng's can cause you to lose strands??

wow that's something. because im getting out the shed hair with each wash and go i only have a few strands that come out when i cowash every few days.

but if it's not shedding then it's breakage, what could you be doing to cause breakage?

cause if you're shedding THAT much something isnt right.
I was just about to say this, empressri. When I wng I lose like, maybe 3-4 strands from me running my fingers through my hair, but definitely not a ball of hair. Hysi, are you using protein as well?
empressri: I can't think of anything whatsoever that I'm actually doing to cause breakage. That's why I was wondering if it could be over moisture from the wngs. At this point I believe it's more on the breakage side because there are all sorts of lengths in the wad and I can't understand why. This has been going on for sometime too.

EllePixie: Yes, I have actually upped my protein intake and tried every portocol I can for hair breakage/shedding and they will help only temporarily, but I always end up right back here. I don't know how I'm able to keep any hair with this going on, but it growing fine. I have never lost strands like this before.

For one, every since the BC & frequent wng's I have noticed more shed/ broken hair. The only other thing I can think of which was quite some time ago, is that I dyed my hair and I think it could have caused the damage?? I used Ions jet black and every since then I noticed more than ever. I even called the company and saw on another board that others who used their perm jet black had breakage and shedding a lot. I notice a patch of hair in the crown that is thinner and has a rougher feel to it than the rest and I think this could be the source of the damage. I'm wondering if I should just Bc again and let it start all over rather than torture myself any longer. What do you guys think? To cut or not to cut?

Anyone can tell me how to post pics without needing a URL?

TIA- no really!
I'm sorry Hysi, I really don't know what the source of the issue is...are you detangling every time you wash n go, or does this happen just because you touch your hair?
I started out WnGs over the summer.
I BS washed my hair and added Lustrasilk Leave In w/oil
on my hair daily.

I combed my hair every six weeks.


As it has grown out, I have had to comb it more.
I have not had a problem with retaining length.

I am 8 months old now,
and my hair is not to my shoulders yet,
but I now finger coil at nite to prevent tangles.


I am happy with my hair so far.
I wore a wash n' go for about 8 months straight. I retained a lot of length because it was super low manipulation...even more than my normal regimen. I was only combing my hair once a week. I did get a ton of ssk's but you don't have to loose length with those.....I just snip them off when I do my seek and destroy's. They are a nuisance but they really don't cause any set backs.
What types of products do you moisturize with if you're doing wash and go's? I'm assuming you're not using heavy products...
bumping thread.......

Question? What is everyone's wash n gos reggie? Products? Do you detangle everyday? How do you wrap your hair at night?

I'm thinking about doing daily wash n gos/co washing because I'm tired of doing the daily two-strand twists and just need something different but also to moisturize my hair more. I moisturize and seal daily but my hair can still look dry and I'm afraid it's breaking because of it. I noticed that when I do wash n gos, then my curls are springy and look less frizzy. Any suggestions?
What the heck are you guys doing that I am not? I get so many SSK's and the whole summer is basically a set back for my hair. I still haven't texlaxed but I think as long as I am wearing wash n go I am never going to reach my length goals. It is just such an easy style. :-(
I think being able to retain length by doing wash n go's is partly based on hair type.
My 4a/b hair had too much breakage from shrinking up so much (tangles, SSKs) and so I texlaxed. I can still do wash n go's.
wash and go is all i have ever done to my hair as a natural my hair likes for its natural curl pattern to be clumped its caused me no problems :yep:
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What the heck are you guys doing that I am not? I get so many SSK's and the whole summer is basically a set back for my hair. I still haven't texlaxed but I think as long as I am wearing wash n go I am never going to reach my length goals. It is just such an easy style. :-(

As easy as wash and gos are if your hair is showing you it doesnt like it to the point of having setbacks leave it alone:nono:

There are certain things i know i would never do that people do on this forum
daily cowashing is one of them....

Once you fully accept what your hair doesnt like retaining is a breeze
I have noticed the same issue with my hair when I wear wash n' gos for an extended period of time. I think it's because I don't detangle.

I learned recently my hair needs to be detangled and ends moisturized/oiled regularly whether its curly or straight, but even more when it's curly.