We need some REAL hair in here. There's just too many, too many, too many Weaves.

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That was a popular song in the UK.

It came out last year, I don't know if its been posted here since the majority of the members are from America.

Here's the song ----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQf-s58rDUM

And everytime I'd go to a black comedy show.. the comedians (usually male) would always have something to say about girls and weaves. I'm just wondering is it the same in America? I remember sitting in comedy clubs, majority of females wearing a weave, and as soon as the guy starts making weave jokes, they'd roll their eyes :rolleyes:. I even witnessed one guy being boo'ed as soon as he started mentioning hair lol.

There's an increase obsession, and PRESSURE I would say on black females to grow their own hair.

What's your opinion on this?

ETA: I am not for or against weaves. I believe in live, and let others live.
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looooooool when that song comes on in the rave!! OP I know what you mean though...Black British men/boys prefer real hair. In my last year of sixth form, I went in for the first time (weave free) with my hair in a twist out afro puff- the guys loved it, they were like " I can take you seriously now!" or "I'm going to marry you in a few years" lol you know what they're like. I think men just like real hair.
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thanks or letting me know, im studying abroad in Canterbury, England next semester. i def need a sexy black English boy for a short term fling ;-)
Who cares? If a guy makes a judgment about me wearing a weave without getting to know me as a person I didn't want his sorry a**anyway. NEXT! I got a lovely head of texlaxed hair under my weave.
haha, i love this song! haven't heard it in a while. The lyrics are total jokes "But you get your hair from a horse, from a horse!....No human, just HORSE! No roots, just LINING!"

No one should take it personally, i think they were just joking :D
I like the song. It was great.
I personally don't like weave, extensions, phony ponies, etc. Too many women are dependent on them and too often it looks fake, tacky, and plasticky.
I see little girls to senior citizens in fake hair. I see the hair color matching the outfit (canary yellow hair and suit; blood red hair and dress - saw both in the lobby at work).
I can't wait till the trend of fake hair as well as the trend of wearing your pants/shorts hanging down your *** or belted around your thighs passes.
Just my opinion which I don't expect anyone or everyone to share
Bwahahahaha!!! :lachen: I loved the song. I've never heard it before.

I've never worn a weave or wig, but I've seen some really nice ones before. Too bad they aren't as common as the polyester, rainbow colored ones... :ohwell:
touchy subject I think. Many women use weave on LHCF as a PS.....I used to be opposed to weave but I love to have "styled" hair and since I am a runner I work out/run 5 days a week so styling options become limited with all of my sweating.

I PS by nature cuz I have always been athletic and I have learned that men prefer loose hair....I cannot achieve my loose look without tons of manipulation. I usually rock a natural weave like Boh Braz so I still get a lot of compliements from men on my "natural" hair lol

I rotate between weave and my own locks so I dont see it as an issue personally. but out side of the forum I get it....too many women rock long silky hair that doesnt match their own texture or length and never let their natural locks see the light of day.
I don't wear weave but how exactly does weave affect them? It doesn't!

Well...it kind of does.
It sucks for them when they want to run their fingers through their SO's/wife's hair, and they can't, because they keep running into braids and glue and nets and string. Or the woman keeps on ducking and dodging.
Or when they want to go out to dinner or something, but the woman won't go because her weave isn't installed.
Or when they've been with someone for years, but have no idea what she looks like without her weave. I saw that once on the Tyra Banks Show, and the man was so sad that his wife never let him see her with no weave.

Women like to act like what they do with their appearances or whatever doesn't affect their partners, but truth be told, it does. There was a thread around here, where someone posted a picture of a man wearing a six year old's hair do. I can't find it, but like the front was flat twisted, and the back was all out and curly. And it looked so so wrong on this grown a$$ man. Most women would not let their men wear that style, because it looks a mess. Why people believe that it's any different for a man whose partner is wearing a tacky weave is beyond me.

And I'm not saying that weave wearing is wrong, or that all weaves look tacky. We're all free to do what we want with our hair.
But I am asking that we not fake the funk. Even though it's not on their heads, a man can still be affected by the weaves that their SO/wife wears.
I think that most black men got over weaves in the 90's . Today most men just care about if you look put togehter and attractive.
I think that most black men got over weaves in the 90's . Today most men just care about if you look put togehter and attractive.

Hmm...This is somewhat true but I think it depends on where you are...

But I LOVE this song! It's been in my favorites for the year...I think I even had it as a ringtone at one point..lol
yeahhhh...I have nothing against others in weaves myself (and i've worn my share of braids) but I remember my bf had something to say about it that sort of made me think. He said "well what if I were wearing a toupee, but i still had hair? you'd think that was weird right?" and Im not going to lie and say i wouldn't think that was strange haha... that sort of stuck with me throughout my hair journey.
thanks or letting me know, im studying abroad in Canterbury, England next semester. i def need a sexy black English boy for a short term fling ;-)

Don't think you'll find many black boys in Canterbury.

Haha, OP, this song ties right in with what I said about 90% of BW in London wearing fake hair. If I noticed it, I guess it's no wonder some black British oomedians decided to make a spoof song about it.
I think that most black men got over weaves in the 90's . Today most men just care about if you look put togehter and attractive.

ehh not really unfortunately. if they were over weaves, we wouldn't see them ready to break their necks when a girl with long hair (that is hers) passes by. i've heard way too many of my male friends talk about girls with "good hair" to know that this isn't the case. don't get me wrong. they don't hate weaves. if you're attractive, they aren't going to turn you down because of it but it's not their preference and their fantasy girl most likely wouldn't need one (i say "need" because i'm talking about women IRL. obviously on this forum, the women don't need them and have gorgeous hair. it's just a PS choice but outside of this forum, most women that I've come across depend on them because they can't take care of their own hair)
Don't think you'll find many black boys in Canterbury.

For real! All the guys up there are lily white. :look:

I crease up every time I hear this tune.

"Their hairline needs redesigning" and

"Who's got real hair?"
"oh yeah"

yeahhhh...I have nothing against others in weaves myself (and i've worn my share of braids) but I remember my bf had something to say about it that sort of made me think. He said "well what if I were wearing a toupee, but i still had hair? you'd think that was weird right?" and Im not going to lie and say i wouldn't think that was strange haha... that sort of stuck with me throughout my hair journey.

I've never thought of it that way! I would think he had gone off the deep end :lachen:!
looooooool when that song comes on in the rave!! OP I know what you mean though...Black British men/boys prefer real hair. In my last year of sixth form, I went in for the first time (weave free) with my hair in a twist out afro puff- the guys loved it, they were like " I can take you seriously now!" or "I'm going to marry you in a few years" lol you know what they're like. I think men just like real hair.

I remember when I was 16 and I did a sort of BC into a pixie cut. I used to always wear those fake pony tails and half wigs and when I went to my netball club that week, the girls (all black) didn't like it, I could tell. But the coaches loved it and told me I looked "like a real person now". In fact one of them said I "look like somebody's daughter now":blush: whatever that meant lol.
Men say they want a girl who doesn't wear makeup....then they compliment you on yours. Half the time they don't even know you're wearing it (or at least they don't in my case).

Men say they hate weave, but none of the guys I have dated know that 90% of the actresses/models they worship wear weave.

Men don't know what the hayle they want.
Well i agree with lilsparkle, men don't usually know what the flip they want till this day some men think beyonce doesn't wear wigs!?!!

they half the time dont know when a women is wearing make up especially if your like me and swing between natural tones to nothing at all, men are not totally clued up as to what tricks women have in regards to beauty.

as for 'fake hair' to be honest i seriously honestly don't understand why everyone cares!?!....

if its not your head or someone has not asked your opinion then seriously why are you so concerned what the next person does?... that's my stance.

i have had my natural hair out long short, i have have different colors i have had a weave a wig braids etc. prob done most things possible with my hair, but i don't ever give out a judgment on my fellow sistah because i think there is too much swinging around anyways to bring a sistah down.

im sorry but songs like that are not necessary some girls genuinely have no idea how to look after their hair and have been taught that if they don't have some non black ethnicity in them they cant grow long hair? its sad...

but i say you do you, i get chicks rolling their eyes at me when my hair is natural and in a weave chicks will always be chicks and i get men paying me attention however my hair looks like, at the end of the day if a man wants to 'run his fingers through my hair' he can! if he doesn't wanna pass through a track then catch me on my leave out day then he can roam in nappy kinks and coils! lol

im just in the mind set that if it don't concern you then don't pass any negative judgment cuz i have met soo many women who wear weaves but have hair flowing down their backs, but just choose to wear weaves cuz like me, they want either longer lengths or cant be arsed to do their own hair everyday, but with a weave you can experiment whilst not mash up up your own hair!

nuff said!

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Don't think you'll find many black boys in Canterbury.

Haha, OP, this song ties right in with what I said about 90% of BW in London wearing fake hair. If I noticed it, I guess it's no wonder some black British oomedians decided to make a spoof song about it.

Hmmm 90% .... so it's just newborn baby girls who aren't wearing weaves huh. Coz I've seen toddlers with weaves on. It's crazy out ere :lachen:

It's thanks to these types of songs, and Chris Rock's film ''good hair'' .. that makes every non-black person think we all have hair issues. And this might be an un-popular opinion, but who cares I'm behind a screen. But I bet after you read this I'll have some of you throwing your weaves at the screen. :grin:

IMO when you buy a weave.. it's like your saying ''Yeah, I DO want your hair and I'm buying it, where's my purse.. lemme buy this hair from a horse or human.'' Then the world looks at you and thinks ''another black female who doesn't like her hair.'' I know some do it for Protective styling. But nobody will look at your head and think, oh she's got hair growing under there. She's just Protective styling right now. I know some people will reply and say ''we don't care what other people think.'' But your actions reflect the rest of us BW. I hate always arguing with people, telling them our hair grows. We can do this, we can do that. Then they walk outside and see loads of black women with long hair but no hairline, instead a hairline design.

ETA: If you're happy... keep doing you. I just wanted to present another side of the argument. Just playing devils advocate. So don't get real angry, this is an opinion I've heard many times. My true feelings on the matter is in my first post.
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Well...it kind of does.
It sucks for them when they want to run their fingers through their SO's/wife's hair, and they can't, because they keep running into braids and glue and nets and string. Or the woman keeps on ducking and dodging.

Their SO or wife...that may "affect" them but if you had a weave that would not affect them any more than me being a natural shoulder length 3a/3b.
Well i agree with lilsparkle, men don't usually know what the flip they want till this day some men think beyonce doesn't wear wigs!?!!

they half the time dont know when a women is wearing make up especially if your like me and swing between natural tones to nothing at all, men are not totally clued up as to what tricks women have in regards to beauty.

as for 'fake hair' to be honest i seriously honestly don't understand why everyone cares!?!....

if its not your head or someone has not asked your opinion then seriously why are you so concerned what the next person does?... that's my stance.
Haha the makeup thing is so true. I've discovered that men say they don't like it when women wear makeup blah blah, basically this just means they don't like girls who are superobvious with their makeup. *shrugs*

as for the 'its not your head' argument this is completely true. But it also leads to stereotypes and the mistaken thought that black women can't grow hair. So in my opinion, people can't get mad about the stereotype that black women can't grow hair and then go and hide their beautiful hair from the world in the next sentence. I'm not saying that black girls can't wear weave, hell, girls of all races wear weave, but when its the overwhelming majority... *shrugs* I"m all for everyone doing 'them'. But there are some consequences for a massive amount of bw 'doing them' in the exact same way. So if people are ok with that then thats alright
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Hmmm 90% .... so it's just newborn baby girls who aren't wearing weaves huh. Coz I've seen toddlers with weaves on. It's crazy out ere :lachen:

It's thanks to these types of songs, and Chris Rock's film ''good hair'' .. that makes every non-black person think we all have hair issues. And this might be an un-popular opinion, but who cares I'm behind a screen. But I bet after you read this I'll have some of you throwing your weaves at the screen. :grin:

IMO when you buy a weave.. it's like your saying ''Yeah, I DO want your hair and I'm buying it, where's my purse.. lemme buy this hair from a horse or human.'' Then the world looks at you and thinks ''another black female who doesn't like her hair.'' I know some do it for Protective styling. But nobody will look at your head and think, oh she's got hair growing under there. She's just Protective styling right now. I know some people will reply and say ''we don't care what other people think.'' But your actions reflect the rest of us BW. I hate always arguing with people, telling them our hair grows. We can do this, we can do that. Then they walk outside and see loads of black women with long hair but no hairline, instead a hairline design.

Honestly I dont care whether people think Im wearing a weave for protective styling or not "What other people think of me is none of my businesss". I wear weaves because I like them (seems like youre worried about what others think that will just make you an unhappy and frustrated person). I love my natural hair it is beautiful and healthy but if I want a change in my style or I want to protect my hair I will wear a weave and my edges are fuller than ever darling not a hair is missing. If my actions reflect on other black women well my install is beautiful and when I step out I always look well put together so its not a bad reflection if I do say so myself.
I like this song!! And I especially like how at the beginning they say "WHITE girl, BLACK girl, weave all day..." Yes world, it's not just black women who wear weaves! I'm tired of that misconception...

Society tries to make it seem like all black women have some sort of insecurity about their hair, they want to look white etc... (granted, some do!) but many just like weaves as a style.

As for our white counterparts, society seems to accept that they use weaves to add volume, for straighter or curlier looks etc. For them, it's just a style. For us, an identity crisis... :nono: Why the double standards?

ETA: I think if they really wanted to hammer their point home, they could've shown more ladies with their own hair. Natural OR Relaxed!! This is the problem with the media in dealing with this issue. They're good at pointing out problems ... how about solutions or examples that people can aspire to? I think that's was "Good Hair's" downfall too... not very much representation of healthly/ long black hair.
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I like this song!! And I especially like how at the beginning they say "WHITE girl, BLACK girl, weave all day..." Yes world, it's not just black women who wear weaves! I'm tired of that misconception...

Society tries to make it seem like all black women have some sort of insecurity about their hair, they want to look white etc... (granted, some do!) but many just like weaves as a style.

As for our white counterparts, society seems to accept that they use weaves to add volume, for straighter or curlier looks etc. For them, it's just a style. For us, an identity crisis... :nono: Why the double standards?

probably because of the assumption that white girls can grow their hair and we can't. even women on this board believe that white girls grow hair so much faster (when it's really all about genetics which vary by person and retention-white girls have a hair type that retains length VERY easily and our hair is fragile so i don't understand why even women on here think that they grow hair sooo much faster). so they assume that these women can grow their hair to that length or, at least, that it is their hair type anyway. for us, that isn't our hair type AT ALL (for the majority) and people of all races already think we can't grow our hair so i think that's why people make a big deal about it when we do it but not when white girls do it. oh yeah and the average white girl on the street doesn't rock a weave whereas i see so many black women in the street with one so it ends up looking like an "epidemic" in our community. that's all it is i think
ehh not really unfortunately. if they were over weaves, we wouldn't see them ready to break their necks when a girl with long hair (that is hers) passes by. i've heard way too many of my male friends talk about girls with "good hair" to know that this isn't the case. don't get me wrong. they don't hate weaves. if you're attractive, they aren't going to turn you down because of it but it's not their preference and their fantasy girl most likely wouldn't need one (i say "need" because i'm talking about women IRL. obviously on this forum, the women don't need them and have gorgeous hair. it's just a PS choice but outside of this forum, most women that I've come across depend on them because they can't take care of their own hair)

Well they get fooled often because how would they know?? The world is full of natural look extensions and if it weren't people wouldn't sit here arguing every week about whether ______ (insert name of celeb here) is showing her "real hair". Now if women, especially hair board women who spend more time than average thinking about hair can't tell ... even fewer men outside the beauty industry would know.

I guess September is hate on a weave month (not angry at all - just sayin' :) ). I'm not going to make excuses for my extensions and call them a PS - I wear them coz I like them. They're fun, they're creative, they're a quick and easy way to change up styles and not come away from the salon crying coz so and so messed up your hair. And you learn a lot about managing and styling hair from them. For example, you can try out products on weave hair first and that prevents the drama and hassle of spending days getting your own hair back into shape coz you used the wrong product in it that turned your hair into sticky brillo. And if you learn to detangle weave hair - and this can be a real beast - you can detangle your own hair with ease. Extensions have been around since minutes after homo saps invented the comb so I would say they're not going anyplace.
Okay there are raggedy weaves out there are raggedy Heads of relaxed hair and Raggedy natural hair so Please... I don't care, as I said before Raggedy is what Raggedy Does, has nothing to do with fake or real!

If your going to do it, do it right. Don't blame the hair blame the wearer!

I noticed it is hate Weave month too!
Don't like it don't wear it, I don't like things others do but I am very respectful because this is their choice and I won't down play or degrade their choice.
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