"WE" aren't the only ones with hair issues!


Well-Known Member
LOL... imagine that. I've grown so tired of all these threads circulating with underlying negativity regarding Black women and their hair! Now me, being a little hair obsessed (and this is waayyy before LHCF), I am always talking about hair with my friends at work. I have mostly Hispanic friends b/c that is all that is at my job! Well anyway, I was talking to one of my friends yesterday. I walked up to her and just told her "I LOVE your hair!!" She has very curly hair and it is BIG (like fro-ish) and long... I'd say it's APL unstretched and BSL stretched. And it's so beautiful!!! And she was saying for a while she was having problems with it "behaving" and it was dry and breaking a lot and not growing. But it is better now; she started taking better care of it.... to me it's always looked great. So I think we need to banish the school of thought in which only Black women have hair problems, growing pains, etc. I have another Hispanic friend- she has naturally curly hair but she straightens it every other day. I asked her why she doesn't wear it naturally and she said b/c it looks way shorter, like barely SL. When she straightens it it reaches APL. See, she has shrinkage issues too! And I think it seems nobody is ever satisfied with what they have. Straight haired folks want curly hair, curly heads want to be straight... brunettes want to be lighter, etc... Thanks to this site I am learning to love my hair the way it was intended to be...... There is too much dislike and dissatisfaction of ourselves going around and not enough education. Our hair is beautiful and it doesn't matter whether we relax, go natural , wear braids or locs or what.. and let's not get mad when someone makes a comment that seems idiotic or ignorant. Remember it is just that- ignorance! Let's educate and celebrate!:grin:
I agree, all of my friends regardless of color have hair issues. My white homegirl is actually the most vocal about problems with her hair. I think what irritates me the most are the images that are portrayed daily concerning our hair. I'm so damn sick of that Dr. Miracles ad and similar ones like it..!!!
No, I've heard of it though. I must say I'm a little biased to loving LHCF only.:yep: Why whats up on that site?

Predominantly white board that discusses the same issues about hair that we do.

Recent thread title "Please HELP Me.....So depressed - Hair looks terrible and won't grow back!"

We have never been the only ones with problems, although people would like to believe that sometimes.

I agree, all of my friends regardless of color have hair issues. My white homegirl is actually the most vocal about problems with her hair. I think what irritates me the most are the images that are portrayed daily concerning our hair. I'm so damn sick of that Dr. Miracles ad and similar ones like it..!!!
exactly my supervisor is always complaining how her hair is thinning out and every time she combs it it sheds, shes Filipino with tail bone length hair

Predominantly white board that discusses the same issues about hair that we do.

Recent thread title "Please HELP Me.....So depressed - Hair looks terrible and won't grow back!"

We have never been the only ones with problems, although people would like to believe that sometimes.


I just saw that... see thre? But I don't see hair growth ads and miracle growth things in the white mags....:rolleyes: hmmm.
exactly my supervisor is always complaining how her hair is thinning out and every time she combs it it sheds, shes Filipino with tail bone length hair

I know I"ve seen women of other races with some jacked up hair. And they dye and fry their hair too and they don't even do protein or other DC and things we do!

Predominantly white board that discusses the same issues about hair that we do.

Recent thread title "Please HELP Me.....So depressed - Hair looks terrible and won't grow back!"

We have never been the only ones with problems, although people would like to believe that sometimes.


Hi. Two years ago, I was getting highlights, blowdrying, flat ironing, etc. Then, during a highlight in June 2006, she put too much bleach and it literally Ate off my bangs. Six months later, I went back to my natural color and got my hair chi permanently straightened. My hair began literally melting off. In January ’07, I had it cut really short and he cut it into choppy crappy layers. It was BAD. In the summer of last year, I wore extensions in just the sides for 2 months (Great Lengths). Now, almost 2 years later, my hair is still bad (maybe even worse). I have the worst hair in the world, and I feel like a monster. I’ve tried Rogaine, all kinds of vitamins, two endos, 2 regular doctors, 4 derms. I’ve tried CO but it leaves my hair looking even thinner. Even after blowdrying out – weighs my hair down- And, since my hair is still so short and choppy I have to blow dry right now until it gets longer (if that ever happens). I was using medium heat but now it takes high heat to get it to fluff and dry and look half-way normal. I use a 1200 watt dryer, though. Some days, I get so frustrated trying to get it to look normal that I rewet and try again. I cry when I look in the mirror or see pictures of myself because I used to look good. (well, human)….I’m on antidepressants, B12, multivitamin, and armour thyroid. My thyroid levels are normal but low normal, and I’ve had some weight gain around the middle and no energy (probably from the depression from this hair though). So my doc thinks I have mild hypothyroidism. I feel like I can’t be myself anymore because of this hair thinning and texture change. I’ve tried SLS free and shampoo bars but they are all drying and don’t rinse (make my hair feel hard). I guess because it’s so thin and porous. I’m the saddest person in the world right now. I used to have okay hair and nothing I try (and I’ve spent LOTS of money on this) seems to be helping it come back. I ordered some HF37 vitamins and some kind of hair loss shampoo that starts with “o” – can’t remember name of it but is being praised on the boards for increased hair growth. I wanted to try to get this mess to grow out but it is turning to just fuzz instead. It has potential because one day will look good then for 2 weeks will look like peach fuzz. That’s why some days I say to hell with it and fix it twice trying to figure out what to do. I cry all the time. I don’t know what shampoo and conditioner to use. I don’t know what products to use. I have to use hairspray but even that doesn’t hold well. I’m so incredibly sad and I’ve already started over once – don’t want to again. Please give me suggestions. Thanks so much. I considered the Castille shampoo but heard it can make your hair gummy. I tried AMLA/SHIKAIKAI/REETHA mixture with water yesterday and would not rinse well and took 3 shampoos to get that mess out of my hair. I color with the 28 day hair colors every so often myself because don’t trust salons. Can I use henna or would it just eat what’s left of my bad hair off???? I will try to add pictures. Please don’t laugh or make fun. I’m so sad.

and black people are the only ones dealing with hair issues:yawn:
I checked out that other and forum and read some of their posts. It's true, we aren't the only ones with hair issues. A lot of the ladies on that forum also have problems with breakage, dryness, and hair not growing.
I know I"ve seen women of other races with some jacked up hair. And they dye and fry their hair too and they don't even do protein or other DC and things we do!
yep and she told me that she got highlights before and her hair broke off so she had to cut it in a bob and grew the rest of it off:nono:
now shes afraid to get color because she wont know how to care for it
I checked out that other and forum and read some of their posts. It's true, we aren't the only ones with hair issues. A lot of the ladies on that forum also have problems with breakage, dryness, and hair not growing.

one lady said she flat ironed everyday:blush: and blow dryed and she wonders why she has breakage:ohwell:
It's sad that you gotta spell it out like that but that's how it is.

Lord knows there are plenty of nonblacks who can't grow hair. Who suffer from thinning locks and as you said there are plenty more who obsess about being blonde or brunetter. Straight or curly.
I mean, we're women. We want everything!

As far as damage is concerned.
-I worked with one unnatural blonde w/streaks who used to pull apart split ends ALL DAY LONG. Yeah--she'd pull them apart and flick them all over the surrounding floor.
ALL day long.
It was pretty disgusting to watch...
(That ain't nothing. I've witnessed way nastier ish: When I was in the military my white suite mate in tech school sunburned and peeled as a result of it. Or should I say, she-- 'molted'! ' MOLTED'...like some dayum reptile all over the floor. So...I was looking around and I said to myself, '...the hell are all these flakes and what are they doing all over the bathroom? ' I'd never seen nothing like that before. Cause ya'll know black folks don't 'molt'. Anyway, so then she gon come in there and be like, 'Oh--I was peeling...'. Ugh! I made her clean that ish up. Mangy *****...).

Anyway--yeah it was APL---but was it healthy? Hell naw.
Her hair looked like hay. If someone fired up a cigarette her whole damn head would be afire...

-When I was stationed in tech school I roomed with a girl who had to use MY hair care products to get it back in shape. Now I cannot recall what she did to it.
But just know that it involved applying to many chemicals to the hair within in a 24 hr period.:nono:

And I remmebr telling her not to dye her hair. She ain't listen.
Her hair was actually 'springy'. All of it...was gummy. It would stretch to hell and back before it would break! She bathed her hair in my conditioner and slept with the entire night.

I could go on and on!
But suffice it to say that...ALL women have hair issues.
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^^^^ WOW!!! :nono: I know what y'all mean, I've seen quite a few white women with long stringy hair that looks bad but they don't want to cut it, or hair that's dry because of all the bad dying jobs. This one Director at my job had the worst dye job I've ever seen! And it looked like straw, was frizzy all over the place. She had to be making at LEAST $250K up in there and was walking around with her hair looking a hot mess. Everyone commented on how they would love to just hold her down and shave it off.
wow that woman is having the exact same problems we have on this board, bad stylists, dry hair, hair 'not growing', you name it!
A lot of white women come into where I work and ask about hair vits and advice all the time. Usually their issues are thiness, breakage, and loss of hair. What surpises me the most is that they come to me and ask me about hair advice and not the other white women who work with me. It took me a while to get use to that because I just never thought white women would be intrested in what I do to keep my hair healthy. They don't care about color or texture at all, well at least it seems like it. its pretty cool.
I agree, all of my friends regardless of color have hair issues. My white homegirl is actually the most vocal about problems with her hair. I think what irritates me the most are the images that are portrayed daily concerning our hair. I'm so damn sick of that Dr. Miracles ad and similar ones like it..!!!

Seriously Cosigning...My bestfriend is Indian, and the women in her family are more hair obsessed then we are....I never knew Indian's 'greased' their scalps:lachen::lachen:
LOL... imagine that. I've grown so tired of all these threads circulating with underlying negativity regarding Black women and their hair! Now me, being a little hair obsessed (and this is waayyy before LHCF), I am always talking about hair with my friends at work. I have mostly Hispanic friends b/c that is all that is at my job! Well anyway, I was talking to one of my friends yesterday. I walked up to her and just told her "I LOVE your hair!!" She has very curly hair and it is BIG (like fro-ish) and long... I'd say it's APL unstretched and BSL stretched. And it's so beautiful!!! And she was saying for a while she was having problems with it "behaving" and it was dry and breaking a lot and not growing. But it is better now; she started taking better care of it.... to me it's always looked great. So I think we need to banish the school of thought in which only Black women have hair problems, growing pains, etc. I have another Hispanic friend- she has naturally curly hair but she straightens it every other day. I asked her why she doesn't wear it naturally and she said b/c it looks way shorter, like barely SL. When she straightens it it reaches APL. See, she has shrinkage issues too! And I think it seems nobody is ever satisfied with what they have. Straight haired folks want curly hair, curly heads want to be straight... brunettes want to be lighter, etc... Thanks to this site I am learning to love my hair the way it was intended to be...... There is too much dislike and dissatisfaction of ourselves going around and not enough education. Our hair is beautiful and it doesn't matter whether we relax, go natural , wear braids or locs or what.. and let's not get mad when someone makes a comment that seems idiotic or ignorant. Remember it is just that- ignorance! Let's educate and celebrate!:grin:

Great points....ITA. My friend is Blasian and she complianed that her hair was falling out cause she wasn't "taking care of it". I was a bit shocked. And I then wondered how many other races has problems with their hair. After reading this thread; now I know. :grin: