Well-Known Member
Hi. I'm new here and I was wondering if we can define new hair types. I think describing our hair type in four different ways (3b, 3c, 4a, and 4b) is limiting. I don't know what my hair type is I just know I am not a 3b or a 4b. My stylist told me that my hair is right in the middle of being kinky and curly. Too kinky to be curly and too curly to be kinky.
erplexed My hair is naturally soft, fine, thin, flyaways, frizzes easy, and tangles/mats easy. Texture wise it is more wavy than curly and when pulled it straightens easy without reverting too much but I can't truly tell until the relaxer is gone. People have describe my hair as baby hair or baby soft hair.
erplexed I am currently transitioning so my hair is becoming thicker. But in my relaxing days, I only got a mild lye relaxer from the salon three or four times out of the year and my hair was never relaxed bone straight. That was my relaxing regime for over fifteen years. Some products like hot oil treatments, the pink stuff, and hair grease made my hair greasy and/or made it clump together. Hair spays and gels was just as bad.
I know some people on the board don't believe in hair typing. To some extent I agree, however, to save time, money, and frustration I would like to use a better hair type definition system. Hopefully I am not alone in this. I purpose adding 3d and/or 4a.1 Any thoughts??? Questions???

I know some people on the board don't believe in hair typing. To some extent I agree, however, to save time, money, and frustration I would like to use a better hair type definition system. Hopefully I am not alone in this. I purpose adding 3d and/or 4a.1 Any thoughts??? Questions???