I really need this challenge to drink more water. It's been one of my goals and I'm drinking nothing but water or teas. But, that only means I'm not drinking much of anything these days (except in taking my vites).
I'm armed with a bag of lemons because I have to have something in my water to really like drinking it. That said, I'm ready for the challenge.
I'm glad I signed up for this challenge. The accountability is keeping me honest. I'll need to do a better job at keeping track of how much (oz) water I'm drinking but, I have a 32 oz cup and a container of lemons that I keep flowing all day. (can't do it without the lemons )
It's been a minute since I've posted in here. I'm still a few oz under my full gallon/day goal but still being consistent everyday so I guess that's a plus. Maybe when it gets warmer the last few oz will be easier to get down.
just when i'm filling up my 320z mug for the gym there's no water coming out of the fridge. I guess i need a new filter...its only been 3mths though..i guess we have been drinking a lot of water LOL Guess I'll be stopping at the store on the way to the gym. ;(