Water challenge anyone?


Well-Known Member
I don't know if there's already one I tried to search and it doesn't work. I don't like water but I will drink juice until the cows come home. I don't like the taste but I know I need to force myself to drink more. I'm actually sitting here with a bottle of water (yea me!). I just hate the thought of going to the bathroom every five minutes.

I like to drink hot tea and I have been drinking the Vermont cocktail but I need to drink more pure water. I need to make an effort to drink more and find ways to drink more and have motivation to do it.

Theres so many sources that say you need X amount of water but who really knows. I just know I don't drink enough. I was just reading where you take your weight and divide by two and that's how much you need to drink. That's the formula I'm going to use.

Who wants to do a drink more water challenge with me? There's no strict rules just drink more water than you already do. If anyone has any other suggestions feel free to contribute.

Challenge details:

*Must drink pure water. Juice, tea, kool-aid like flavored vitamin water etc does not count towards intake.
* The only thing you can add are lemon, lime, orange slices or just a squirt of the juice)

* There is no end date since this is what we need to do any way and will lead hopefully to better health and hair.

How many oz do you need to drink to meet the challenge?

Do you have a plan on how to increase intake? (ie every hour or whatever you can think of that will help you drink more)

Don't really have a plan just make sure I get all of it in.

This might be for later on in the challenge but I want to also know if you've noticed a difference in your hair because of drinking more water.

The challenge starts 2/22/08

I'll bump it up daily as a reminder.

So far we have:

Sweetly Blessed
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What the hay, count me in! You can never drink to much water right? Well, I'll commit to drinking 64 oz per day! Effective tomorrow. It's to late tonight to start. :yep:
Count me in too ... I have this same problem, I know I am suppose to drink more water but i just can't- I will drink coffee, tea, juice, but water :perplexed

I am going to really try to stay on my game this time (I hope)
I'm in I know i drink alot at work, but we will see how this will work while im at school and home! Wish me luck im committed to 64oz!:yep:
Me I want in! I also, love tea and started to drink vermont cocktail. Last month I drank a lot more water and noticed how much better my my skin looked.
I'm in. I doing better. I have stopped buying pop and actually I have not purchased any in months. I have been drinking green tea, juice, and lemonade kool-aid. I'm so in:yep: I need to drink 70 ounces of water to meet the challenge:perplexed
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:lachen:I was just sitting here forching this water down. My friend looked at me and was like, "You are so strugglin'!" I don't have a problem with drinking water, it's just the going to the bathroom part!

How many oz do you need to drink to meet the challenge?
50 oz

Do you have a plan on how to increase intake? (ie every hour or whatever you can think of that will help you drink more)
I plan to drink a bottle in the morning before going to work (25 oz), a bottle while at work (16 oz) and then push for another bottle when I get home (25 oz). The bottle in the evening will give me flexibility of not forcing down the entire bottle since it will be beyond 50 oz.

Hmmm, I already drink mostly water, although probably not 64 oz. The only other beverages I drink are 2% milk and 100% juice. Someone mentioned skin improvements - just know that you may experience increased breakouts as you wean yourself from sugary and carbonated drinks. My skin broke out terribly (I believe it was because the excess water was flushing out the bad guys). :lachen: Once I got through that rough spot, my skin cleared up and really glows. It is almost too oily now, whereas before it was dry and flaky. I'm not sure yet about the impact on my hair. :ohwell: Oh, and regarding excess bathroom breaks, my body gradually began to adjust to the increase in fluids. I do not go every 5 min.

Finally, I now crave water like I used to crave pop. I drink ice cold water in the morning to wake up just like some people drink coffee. :lick:
I'm glad you mentioned the bolded. I think going every second is what defeats me every time I attempt to start drinking water. I did hear that the bladder gradually enlarges once you increase your intake. So, according to what you are saying, this seems true. Yaaay :grin:.

Hmmm, I already drink mostly water, although probably not 64 oz. The only other beverages I drink are 2% milk and 100% juice. Someone mentioned skin improvements - just know that you may experience increased breakouts as you wean yourself from sugary and carbonated drinks. My skin broke out terribly (I believe it was because the excess water was flushing out the bad guys). :lachen: Once I got through that rough spot, my skin cleared up and really glows. It is almost too oily now, whereas before it was dry and flaky. I'm not sure yet about the impact on my hair. :ohwell: Oh, and regarding excess bathroom breaks, my body gradually began to adjust to the increase in fluids. I do not go every 5 min.

Finally, I now crave water like I used to crave pop. I drink ice cold water in the morning to wake up just like some people drink coffee. :lick:
I swear I buy more toilet paper than anyone I know! :lachen::lachen:

Water comes out like 1:1! :perplexed And it only decides to come out when I'm in a meeting at work or doing something that requires my attention. :wallbash:
:lachen:This reminded me of an interview where I almost wet myself. The woman went on and on, and decided to introduce me to the damn department right then and there. Not only, one woman was on the phone and I actually had to wait like ten hours for her to get off. It was that type of having to pee so bad that it hurt. I thought I was going to die right there in the office.

I swear I buy more toilet paper than anyone I know! :lachen::lachen:

Water comes out like 1:1! :perplexed And it only decides to come out when I'm in a meeting at work or doing something that requires my attention. :wallbash:
Count me in. When i drink lots of water and eat well my feel looks and feels great!

I cant say how it's affected my hair but my hair has wlays been really dry. NO conditioner ever moisturizes my hair so I think it could be because I need more water.
I'm in!! I have this little jug (that I got from Walgreens for like $2.50) that holds 36oz of water- it looks like a mini version of the big jug that sits on top of a water cooler. I will fill that twice a day to give me 72oz of water daily (alittle over 8 glasses as recommended). Walgreens also sells the bigger jug that holds the daily amount of water you should drink a day so you only have to fill it once!
I'm just letting you ladies know in case you're like me and don't want to be going back and forth all day to fill up your cup or bottle.

Drinking the right amount of water is VERY good for you. Don't overdo it though, because there is a such thing as drinking too much water, which can be bad for you.

*off to fill up my little jug*
I'm in. All I drink is water and milk, but I don't drink often which isn't good especially since i have sodium filled oodles and noodles every day.

How many oz do you need to drink to meet the challenge?
50 oz

Do you have a plan on how to increase intake? (ie every hour or whatever you can think of that will help you drink more)
I will use the sports bottles that I can squeeze. Makes it much easier to drink water. I will also try to check in to this thread often to say how much water i drank
Oooooh, I am so in this challenge. I just realized that in the last 3 weeks I have reduced my water intake drastically. I wasn't conscious at all about this. I will back to update what I will do as I am crunched for time.
But i'm in!! I was just reading this article regarding water and hair growth so this is perfect timing. Here's the article, http://www.hairboutique.com/tips/tip211301.htm take some time to enjoy it. Especially for those of us who take many hair vitamins and any other supplements!!!

I plan to guzzle it down through my transition....to help with shedding and dryness.....my roots need water to GROWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

WATER 4 the whole 2008 for me!!!
I'm in! I joined the Mega Hair Diet Challenge, and this is soooo compatible with that, I couldn't help myself!

I talked to a doctor who told me that people who HATE water are usually allergic to it! :blush: Then he told me about one patient of his whose blood pressure dropped measurably whenever she drank it....he treated her for the allergy, and all was well. Bizarre, I know!!! LOL

Amount of Water Everyday: 80 oz. minimum. When I only drink the formulated amount, I find that it's not enough to keep me well hydrated. I sweat too much when exercising.

Plan: Use a 20 oz. bottle, and refill with distilled water. I hope none of you ladies are drinking what comes through the tap into your homes or work places without some serious filtration!!!
I'm in!

For Lent, I'm actually cutting out juice and sodas. With the exception of my ACV concoction that I drink in the morning, I only drink water during the day.

How many oz do you need to drink to meet the challenge?
-64 oz

Do you have a plan on how to increase intake?
-Drink one glass every two hours
Im in :yep::yep::yep: I already drink alooooooot of water b/c I breastfeed and also take vit's but count me in.
I don't know if there's already one I tried to search and it doesn't work. I don't like water but I will drink juice until the cows come home. I don't like the taste but I know I need to force myself to drink more. I'm actually sitting here with a bottle of water (yea me!). I just hate the thought of going to the bathroom every five minutes.

I like to drink hot tea and I have been drinking the Vermont cocktail but I need to drink more pure water. I need to make an effort to drink more and find ways to drink more and have motivation to do it.

Theres so many sources that say you need X amount of water but who really knows. I just know I don't drink enough. I was just reading where you take your weight and divide by two and that's how much you need to drink. That's the formula I'm going to use.

Who wants to do a drink more water challenge with me? There's no strict rules just drink more water than you already do. If anyone has any other suggestions feel free to contribute.

Challenge details:

*Must drink pure water. Juice, tea, kool-aid like flavored vitamin water etc does not count towards intake.
* The only thing you can add are lemon, lime, orange slices or just a squirt of the juice)
* There is no end date since this is what we need to do any way and will lead hopefully to better health and hair.

How many oz do you need to drink to meet the challenge?

Do you have a plan on how to increase intake? (ie every hour or whatever you can think of that will help you drink more)

Don't really have a plan just make sure I get all of it in.

This might be for later on in the challenge but I want to also know if you've noticed a difference in your hair because of drinking more water.

The challenge starts 2/22/08

I'll bump it up daily as a reminder.

So far we have:

Sweetly Blessed
I'd like to try this challenge as well.

How many oz do you need to drink to meet the challenge?
70 oz

Do you have a plan on how to increase intake? (ie every hour or whatever you can think of that will help you drink more)

- 32oz between breakfast and luch
- 32oz between lunch and leaving work
- 6-8oz with dinner
Im in! I dont know what 64 oz is but Im aiming for 2 litres a day :)

I have a whole load of vitamins to take so it will help a lot:look:
But i'm in!! I was just reading this article regarding water and hair growth so this is perfect timing. Here's the article, http://www.hairboutique.com/tips/tip211301.htm take some time to enjoy it. Especially for those of us who take many hair vitamins and any other supplements!!!

I plan to guzzle it down through my transition....to help with shedding and dryness.....my roots need water to GROWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

WATER 4 the whole 2008 for me!!!

Thanks for the article I'll check it out.
I'm in! I joined the Mega Hair Diet Challenge, and this is soooo compatible with that, I couldn't help myself!

I talked to a doctor who told me that people who HATE water are usually allergic to it! :blush: Then he told me about one patient of his whose blood pressure dropped measurably whenever she drank it....he treated her for the allergy, and all was well. Bizarre, I know!!! LOL

Amount of Water Everyday: 80 oz. minimum. When I only drink the formulated amount, I find that it's not enough to keep me well hydrated. I sweat too much when exercising.

Plan: Use a 20 oz. bottle, and refill with distilled water. I hope none of you ladies are drinking what comes through the tap into your homes or work places without some serious filtration!!!

Wow that's crazy. I don't like water but I never thought being allergic to it. I have heard of people being allergic when they bathe with it and their skin gets really irritated but drinking it wow!
How's everyone doing so far? I've only drank a bottle and a half so far (9z bottle so about 14 oz) I have a ways to go. Last night I filled a Coke bottle up to the required amount and I'm pouring it into a smaller bottle because I like to drink out of that instead of the large Coke bottle.
How many oz do you need to drink to meet the challenge?
70 ounces per day but I will actually drink about 80 - 96 ounces per day (ie, 10 - 12 cups a day) as I drink coffee and I work out 3 days a week.

Do you have a plan on how to increase intake?
Drink a 12oz cup of water first thing in the morning upon arising out of bed, then follow that up by drinking 12 ounces of water every hour and a half to two hours a day until bedtime. Limit my coffee intake to once per day instead of 3 times a day.

I didn't copy and paste so I kinda took a piece of the beginning phrases of Drasgrl and above is edited my update for my challenge and by the way, so far, I already drank 64oz of water for the day and has at least 3 more cups left to go before bed and it's only 4:25pm.
Doing GREAT.............but running to the bathroom..... GO FIGURE
It's worth it though, my shedding has calmed down tremendously!!

I drink (4) 16oz bottles and that's enough for me!! I'm an ex PEPSI abuser, so Im amazed at the lack of desire for soda :guiness:

ARE WE REPORTED ANY NOTICABLE IMPROVEMENTS i.e (hair, skin, energy) and if so when?