Washing Your Hair Twice A Year -


Well-Known Member
Ladies, what are your thoughts on this video?

I just can't understand the poor hair practices on youtube that ppl freely share with others. I had to leave the comment section because it's only a minority of ppl ,who understand the importance of washing ones scalps regularly. Can't believe the majority of black ppl with internet access are still not washing their hair regularly.
Im more annoyed with her speaking so low then loud as music coming on in between her talking. Keep having to turn the TV volume down then up.

On the washing every six months is her choice. Her hair still seems happy. Her ends and edges look good too. Plus im all for whatever you gotta do to keep from messing in your hair. If I could find a way to not wash my hair for 4 months I would.
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Ladies, what are your thoughts on this video?

I just can't understand the poor hair practices on youtube that ppl freely share with others. I had to leave the comment section because it's only a minority of ppl ,who understand the importance of washing ones scalps regularly. Can't believe the majority of black ppl with internet access are still not washing their hair regularly.

I'm not saying one HAS to wash their hair every day but my question is how often does she "wash" her body? Considering the scalp is skin I would think it needs cleansing more often than twice a year.
It works for her. I remember when I wore braids in college that I would only wash my hair 3 or 4 times a year but I was told that washing wasn't allowed while wearing braids. My scalp was on fire but my real hair was surprisingly healthy. Now that I know better, I find that her not washing her hair is nasty but her hair looks really healthy.
I can't go without washing my hair for a few days.
I also am watching on no volume, but I like how the stylists is tending to her hair

Her healed break out to me, made me remove my palms from my face just now
It indicates to me a dirty phone and probably dirty pillow cases. Two times a year, I don't think so. ( I wasn't trying to be mean, just an observation)
No breakouts anywhere else on her face, in fact, beautiful skin
I've also worn braids about 15yrs ago (when I knew less) and didn't wash my hair for a year while they were in. I'd redo them one by one but I too, believed that I couldn't wash my hair while in braids. I can laugh at that madness now but my hair grew out nicely and my density was on full come final takedown. Still washed my face and body:look:
Well she's doing long term protective styles so I'm not that mad at it. But I know when you don't wash your often it stinks. So how is she getting around that? (I didn't watch the whole video) Also, did that stylist detangle that hair with a fine tooth comb?
I was coming in here to rag on her, then saw she's got way more hair then me so then I backed out of the thread with my tail between my legs lmao. Not gonna tell her she's wrong if it's working, I don't see an lesions or any nonsense on her scalp so she's keeping it healthy somehow. Whatevs
If it works for her then I'm not sure it's a poor hair practice for her. On this board, many of us stress the importance of doing what works for you regardless of what others are doing.

For me, 6 months is too long without washing my hair. But she is free to care for hers however she pleases.
Lowering manipulation is always a plus.

Only reason I wouldn’t suggest not washing your hair a bit more frequently is the scalp. Majority of slow growth has a lot to do with how well you keep your scalp clean.

If she’s only washing her scalp twice a year, that’s months worth of sweat, grime, bacteria, dust, pollen, and whatever else likes to get trapped within the roots. If she can use some type of oil that’s anti microbial, an astringent, or anti fungal that will more than likely help.

But if she’s doing this for protective reasons, more power to her.

I have an extremely sensitive scalp that mimics my face skin. It’s oily, gets irritated easily which leads to itching, and practically anything other than an essential oil inflames it. So I have no choice but to wash every 3-5 days, but I’m return I see much more growth, and my scalp doesn’t give me issues. I always wondered why when I was younger, I had dandruff so badly. Ever since washing more frequently I no longer have that problem.
It's nasty and disgusting. When I was relaxed I washed my hair twice per week...maybe a little more in the summer. Now that I am natural I wash my hair everyday, sometimes twice per day now that it is summer because I sweat from my exercise sessions as well as just being out and about in the hot weather, and my hair is thriving because I use gentle products. If I did not see the screengrab I would have immediately labled this as wypipo nonsense.
We need to stop thinking and saying that our hair grows fast in a dirty environment.
Not washing one's hair for 6 months is crazy. Stop the madness.

I don't think this method of washing twice a year is working for her. She has been growing her hair for 5 years and her hair looks shorter than armpit length.

As @PlanetCybertron stated most slow growers are due to an unclean scalp.
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We need to stop thinking and saying that our hair grows fast in a dirty environment.
Not washing one's hair for 6 months is crazy. Stop the madness.

I don't think this method of washing twice a year is working for her. She has been growing her hair for 5 years and her hair looks shorter than armpit length.

As @PlanetCybertron stated most slow growers are due to an unclean scalp.

Can you imagine a prospective date telling you that he only cleans his scalp twice per year? No decent woman would consider him as a love interest because that shows how he views cleanliness. Like I said, this sounds like something out of the playbook of wypipo and their nonsense. o_O
This is her comment from the video:
Aah, good old YouTube commentators. I can’t stress enough how important it is to do what works for you! This isn’t a video to force my method down anyone’s throat. I’m only sharing what I have done (that has clearly worked) for the past 5 years. Take it or leave it. Smell, dirt, build up, all of that isn’t something I worry about as I don’t suffer from dandruff, I don’t perspire on my head, plus I live in a country where the weather is pretty much cold majority of the year, so there’s really no reason for me to be sweating buckets- neither do I load my hair with products upon products which inevitably will cause build up. I wear wigs, this is why I am able to leave my regular cornrows in as long as I do. May be difficult for some of to believe but after so long my hair probably smells better than those who wash theirs every month, (Y’all can ask anyone in my circle). Soooo, I will be doing a Q&A on this as I think it’ll be quite interesting to answer your questions in a separate video. Drop your q’s down below and I’ll answer as many as I can soon! Thank you for watching guys xx

Ain't no way that your scalp smells better than someone who washes their hair on the regular..
This video came to mind when I read this thread:

I read in another thread that the women don't necessarily wash their hair, just use the concoction. Don't know if that's 100% true but I did read it somewhere.

As for the original post, if it works for her... I remember heat straightened naturals getting washes only quarterly. Their hair seemed to thrive and not smell too bad.
Can you imagine a prospective date telling you that he only cleans his scalp twice per year? No decent woman would consider him as a love interest because that shows how he views cleanliness. Like I said, this sounds like something out of the playbook of wypipo and their nonsense. o_O

My reaction below.....