Washing Your Hair Twice A Year -

Nope....noooooooo. I'm thinking that her hair would be even healthier with at least a monthly wash. Or, at least it would smell better. I wouldn't want to sit next to her on an airplane.
We aren’t always aware of what we smell like. You get used to what your hair smells like after going months without washing it. That doesn’t mean other people can’t smell it. A lot of people have houses that stink. They don’t notice it or think anything is wrong with it. But a newcomer is like, “What in the world?” But as others have said, “Do you.”
We aren’t always aware of what we smell like. You get used to what your hair smells like after going months without washing it. That doesn’t mean other people can’t smell it. A lot of people have houses that stink. They don’t notice it or think anything is wrong with it. But a newcomer is like, “What in the world?” But as others have said, “Do you.”
Lol @ stink houses. It's true!
We aren’t always aware of what we smell like. You get used to what your hair smells like after going months without washing it. That doesn’t mean other people can’t smell it. A lot of people have houses that stink. They don’t notice it or think anything is wrong with it. But a newcomer is like, “What in the world?” But as others have said, “Do you.”
It's true... I've had friends that said their hair doesn't stink when it's not washed and I've smelt their scalp several times. Just sitting in close proximity I can smell that dirty scalpy smell...maybe the hair itself smells fine most likely but the smells come from the scalp.
It's true... I've had friends that said their hair doesn't stink when it's not washed and I've smelt their scalp several times. Just sitting in close proximity I can smell that dirty scalpy smell...maybe the hair itself smells fine most likely but the smells come from the scalp.

Yes yes, and yes to the bolded. That scalpy smell is no joke. I had a lady come in my salon who hadn't washed her hair in what seemed like months as well, I was in another room and could smell her hair. Peewwww! Man it was sooooo stank. I had to cleanse the air after she left. It was awful.

But then again, my nose is pretty sensitive to smells so that might be it. Long hair or not, I will not EVER be doing that to an extension of my skin or any part of my body for that matter! My goodness...Basic hygiene should mean something to a lady.
I think we are overlooking the elephant in the room here. Um I am mad that she didn't show these 6 month old cornrows. My head is just swimming with potenial images of what that matted hot mess looked like. I am going to google images it see what I can find.
I need to see her hair stretched because so far I'm not impressed... and I could only imagine the product build up, sweat, shed skin cells--- Oh the stink and the itch!

Continues watching...

... Okay her hair is long and healthy.

*Kanye Shrug*

Do you, boo!
She has nice hair but I couldn't do it because of my itchy scalp issues. I don't bother with braids or crochet braids they don't hold up to frequent washing. My haidresser insists that wiping my scalp with alcohol? will be sufficient. I told her that she's funny.
Twice a year and no washing at all? Like not even a co-wash? YIKES! :cantlook: I'd be running around like :couchfire: if it were me. After 4 days my scalp acts like it hasn't been washed in months!
I do, however remember, a while back, like a LONG while back. I was too lazy to go through the whole shampoo then condition process, so I would condition wash weekly or bi-weekly. I didn't use shampoo for like 7 months straight. Then I'd shampoo and then there goes another 6 or 7 months without shampooing again. It caused me to water wash in between condition washing more often though. When I think back at that, I thought that was bad, then here she comes talmbout she don't do any washing for 6 months. Lawd Haa Mercy.
I don't feel the need to police other people, women particularly are too critical of one another in my opinion.
As I get older, I am genuinely less invested in my opinion of improving other women's life and choices, even their hygiene. I wish we wouldn't protest so strongly so that people share more openly.
She doesn't sound nasty to me and I don't feel the need to list all the ways my hygiene is so much better than hers
I don't feel the need to police other people, women particularly are too critical of one another in my opinion.
As I get older, I am genuinely less invested in my opinion of improving other women's life and choices, even their hygiene. I wish we wouldn't protest so strongly so that people share more openly.
She doesn't sound nasty to me and I don't feel the need to list all the ways my hygiene is so much better than hers

Nah, it aint that simple. We have Black girls who are looking for inspiration and advice on how to manage their natural hair. There is already so much misinformation on how to care for it which is why you see little Black girls with chewed up hairlines and are unable to retain what they grow. Black women are known for our cleanliness and being put together so when she is putting it out there that people should be washing twice a year she should get pushback from the online public because that's trifling.
I’ll concede that less frequent washing used to be the norm for black hair-growing up, people did press and curls maybe every 1-2 months? Lots of girls kept in micro braids for 3 months without washing.

But never 6 months :eek: I need these people in the comments to quit playing like those balking at this are “acting brand new.” Nope, this IS brand new :lol: As far as styling, somewhere in the comments she said she wears wigs so I guess that takes care of that.

It’s wild to think that baby girl is gearing up for her Christmas wash now for the first time since June :eek::eek:
You can wash your cornrows under wigs. Just saying. You can wash your microbraids, box braids, Senegalese twists, sew-in, etc.... there's no need to pretend that not washing is a mandatory part in length retention or any hair style. She's not washing her hair because she does not want to wash her hair. That's the end of that story.
Ditto @RossBoss and @sunflora

I'm sorry ladies, if you have no access to water then that's one thing. But if you do, that's just plain nasty not to wash your hair for that long. For heaven's sake, it's an extension of her skin...I mean ewww!
It has not been terrible detrimental to her so good for her. I think I’ve become jaded because I tend to assume every YouTuber that I see is only telling 50% of the story until I get to the point that I trust their intentions to be an accurate historian (I.e ife360, 22nd century woman, etc).

You can’t tell me water is dry now. This lady is either lying about her regimen or the state of her hair and scalp at the end of the 6month period because this video clearly began after she had washed and detangled her hair.

No stylist is going to take down 6 month old hair and restyle it. I don’t know who she is trying to fool with this video.
It has not been terrible detrimental to her so good for her. I think I’ve become jaded because I tend to assume every YouTuber that I see is only telling 50% of the story until I get to the point that I trust their intentions to be an accurate historian (I.e ife360, 22nd century woman, etc).

You can’t tell me water is dry now. This lady is either lying about her regimen or the state of her hair and scalp at the end of the 6month period because this video clearly began after she had washed and detangled her hair.

No stylist is going to take down 6 month old hair and restyle it. I don’t know who she is trying to fool with this video.
Because I can't like this twice I had to repost.
I’ll concede that less frequent washing used to be the norm for black hair-growing up, people did press and curls maybe every 1-2 months? Lots of girls kept in micro braids for 3 months without washing.

But never 6 months :eek: I need these people in the comments to quit playing like those balking at this are “acting brand new.” Nope, this IS brand new :lol: As far as styling, somewhere in the comments she said she wears wigs so I guess that takes care of that.

It’s wild to think that baby girl is gearing up for her Christmas wash now for the first time since June :eek::eek:

I remember back in maybe middle school washing hair often was frowned upon because we thought we were washing out the relaxer and that's why our roots were puffing up. Lol. Silly.

However I have heard someone say in the past few years that dirty hair grows faster so you know... Some things never die.
Yes yes, and yes to the bolded. That scalpy smell is no joke. I had a lady come in my salon who hadn't washed her hair in what seemed like months as well, I was in another room and could smell her hair. Peewwww! Man it was sooooo stank. I had to cleanse the air after she left. It was awful.

But then again, my nose is pretty sensitive to smells so that might be it. Long hair or not, I will not EVER be doing that to an extension of my skin or any part of my body for that matter! My goodness...Basic hygiene should mean something to a lady.
Same here, I have a sensitive nose as well. Dirty hair smells different from dirty scalp. They will pull their hair to their face and smell their hair and don't smell anything, but scalp freaking smells. The stylists I follow on IG always talk about this, how we don't like to wash our hair and our damn scalps smell when we come into the salon :nono: It's basic hygiene to me.
Only small children can get away with this. They can easily go 2-3 weeks w/o washing and their scalps don't smell like an older person. Their ph is different than ours. My 8 year old niece had braids and told me it was time to take them out b/c her hair was stinking :lol: . I thought to myself, if only grown women would do the same lol. When my niece was younger like 6/7 she could go awhile w/o washing and wouldn't have that scalpy smell, same with her 2 year old sister - Her mom will braid her up for a few weeks and she smells fine.