Wash And Go, To Grow And To Dazzle 2020 Challenge

I think I’m going to toss my Curl Charisma Coil custard. I only have a few uses left and I don’t like the results as much as I like mousse def. it’s just taking up space in my shower and I feel guilty about not using up.
Honestly, toss it! You’ve attempted to use it in a few ways. You don’t like it. If there’s a shelter near you that accepts open products, that’s always an option.
I’m going to get some of their recommended products and see if I continue to have the same issue. It’s only one issue. I just want soft hair. LOL I actually love everything about the results of the custard and the mousse except for the lacking of a soft feel.

I am hoping to correct the firmness I feel with a topper. Is that achievable? I don’t need climate control for humidity or lack there of. The cast feels almost like plastic with the custard rather than crunchy. With the mousse, I get a papery almost crisp cast rather than crunchy or hard feeling.
Why do you use the topper at all? What does it do for you?

I'm not a good one to ask about the cast. I really don't notice much perhaps because my hair is short. I probably care more about my hair feeling like it is holding moisture and holding definition. I may notice more when my hair gets longer.
It's CCS day. I made the mistake of trying to do my hair after working out and almost didn't finish :lol:

Used my diluted shampoo and conditioner today and diluted products are definitely the way to go. I diluted my conditioner 1:3 but I will try 1:4 next time. The Kirkland conditioner is really thick.

I shampooed twice with the diluted Jessicurl shampoo. The first shampoo I concentrated on my scalp. The second shampoo I focused on my strands. I think the shampoo works well but I think I still like the Elucence shampoo better. When I finish up this batch I will try diluted Elucence. If I see a difference I will reserve the Jessicurl for mid-week.

I added the diluted conditioner and squeezed it in and let it sit while I showered. I think it can be diluted further. I then added water in sections and squeezed that into the section. I rinsed. I turned the shower nozzle to a concentrated setting and put the nozzle directly on my hair and let it soak in the water. For some reason this is a major step of getting my hair to absorb water and to see any definition when wet.

I immediately added 3 pumps of UFD to the top layer of the front and sides and then another 1 to 2 pumps in the back.
This time I started at the sides. I took 1 pump and applied it to the sides and then the front in small sections. I finished with the back.
I took water into my hands and then added water to each section and squeezed it in. I took 1 or 2 pumps of UFD and then covered my entire head. I added a little more water.

Out of the shower I took a nickel size amount of Aunt Jackie's per section and squeezed it into each section. I then smoothed it through each section focusing on my roots. Then I massaged it into my ends. I added just a little bit of water to each section until my hair sounded sudsy.

I then shook my hair in the shower. I was surprised when I looked up my hair had fallen into place. I usually have to pull my hair into place with a comb.

My hair is progressing nicely. My left side is longer than my right so it is starting to fall nicely. My right size needs another inch to do the same.

I had errands to do and I just went out with a wet head:ohwell: When I got in a few hours later I diffused for about 10 minutes on low heat. It is still wet. I will diffuse again before bed. I found that alternating air drying and diffusing helps me to retain some moisture and dry by the end of the day.

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Used quiet calm curl control under pop lock today. Was easier to apply than over knot today. As usual my hair looks exactly the same :laugh:

I’m going to stick to UFD with the doux products as toppers for a while now. I don’t need different stylers because my hair looks the same every wash and go.
Lucky soul! :lol: With hair, you are like those people who can eat anything and not gain weight.
Lucky soul! :lol: With hair, you are like those people who can eat anything and not gain weight.
I have gained soooo much weight during quarantine. I kept it off at the beginning because I needed to fit in my wedding dress, but now all bets are off.

You hair is honestly growing down on the sides now!! I can’t wait to see it flourish.

I also almost didn’t finish my hair today. I did it after a bottomless outdoor brunch and a 3 hour nap. I think I was hungover in the shower, but I pushed through!
I have gained soooo much weight during quarantine. I kept it off at the beginning because I needed to fit in my wedding dress, but now all bets are off.

You hair is honestly growing down on the sides now!! I can’t wait to see it flourish.

I also almost didn’t finish my hair today. I did it after a bottomless outdoor brunch and a 3 hour nap. I think I was hungover in the shower, but I pushed through!
I have gained weight too. I was doing pretty good. I must have started packing it on around Christmas. My boobs were busting out of my button up sweater today :lol: Too many leggings and sweats. When I drop 5, I'm back to regular clothes during the week.

I can't wait until my hair flourishes as well. I am starting to really see the progress and that is helping me to stay motivated. I'm coming out of that awkward stage.

I'm not sure what to say about hungover wash and goes. There is no way I could have finished that.
Why do you use the topper at all? What does it do for you?

I'm not a good one to ask about the cast. I really don't notice much perhaps because my hair is short. I probably care more about my hair feeling like it is holding moisture and holding definition. I may notice more when my hair gets longer.
I’ve never used a topper before. I’ve only recently become aware of it. I’m considering using it if it will give me a softer feel.
@faithVA your hair is definitely getting longer.
I’ve washed my hair a few times after arm day and it’s just a really bad idea. :oops: It’s like a second workout.

@toaster I think you’re right. I should just toss the coil custard. I don’t think it’s suitable for donation since it comes in a jar and I’m sure some shower water has gotten inside.

I’m going to keep all my kinky curly products as back ups and stick to UFD/ICH and UFD/jello shot
Do you feel your hair is fully hydrated?

I know when I first started I wasn't able to use ICH or any topper. But once my hair was fully hydrated ICH worked like a charm.
This is such a great point. My hair used to love ICH and I can’t figure out what went wrong. Only thing I changed is that I’ve been going longer without washing my hair. I went from washing on day 4 to washing on day 7/8 and my hair has gotten significantly dryer. Idk why I was so quick to throw my holy grail combo under the bus. I think I’m just itching to buy something lol. I’m going to go back to washing every 4 days and see if that helps at all. Thank you for bringing that up!
This is such a great point. My hair used to love ICH and I can’t figure out what went wrong. Only thing I changed is that I’ve been going longer without washing my hair. I went from washing on day 4 to washing on day 7/8 and my hair has gotten significantly dryer. Idk why I was so quick to throw my holy grail combo under the bus. I think I’m just itching to buy something lol. I’m going to go back to washing every 4 days and see if that helps at all. Thank you for bringing that up!

I hope it helps. Yeah, I'm trying to pretend I don't see all of the wonderful new products the ladies are sharing :lol: There is so much temptation in this thread.
I think I'm probably using too much gel, but I'm afraid to use less because if it is a fail then I have to redo my entire head which I'm not feeling right now :lol: I am looking forward to my hair getting to a length where I can put it in a puff when I have a styling fail. With the way my back is cut I don't see that happening any time soon.

Last night I put on a satin bonnet and then the buff. I retained my sheen but it was smooshed. Not sure if it is worth the effort. Next time I will not cover it and see if I can get similar results without the effort. I may not need a head covering until my hair is longer.
I clarified my hair on Saturday and used all my Innersense products. I don't know if its just me but ICH does not seem to provide me with the definition I desire. I thought it was just the way my stylist did my hair but no I seem to have gotten the same results. Not sure if its because of the Innersense Quiet Calm curl underneath (which I love how that product feels) but it gives me a fluffy defined/not so defined look. Not sure if I'm feeling it. I LOOVVEE the Hydrating Cream bath and the Hydrating Cream conditioner :drool:.

This is my first time using them on my own so I will play around with it more. I didn't use much of the ICH because my stylist warned me that it could make my hair hard. Maybe I needed more than what I used? I will try that next. I did about a half a pump in each section (6 sections).
I think I need a new topper to pair with my UFD. The last two times I used ICH I had a grayish cast on my hair after a couple days and my hair just looks dull. I tried papaya slip on top of UFD today and my hair looks amazing and slightly shinier, so I’m headed in the right direction. Only issue is that Trepadora seems so hard to get. BoldKulture and ProductJunkie are often sold out. Plus I think with the $/oz calculation it’s more expensive... though I haven’t checked recently on the pricing for the larger bottles so I may be wrong...

What else pairs well with UFD and is relatively affordable and accessible??
I have the same issue. I love UFD and always looking for a good topper. I really like ICH also but I get the best results when I use Trepadora on top of them both. However it's costly and hard to get. I'm thinking of trying pop lock or big poppa gel maybe over UFD.
I clarified my hair on Saturday and used all my Innersense products. I don't know if its just me but ICH does not seem to provide me with the definition I desire. I thought it was just the way my stylist did my hair but no I seem to have gotten the same results. Not sure if its because of the Innersense Quiet Calm curl underneath (which I love how that product feels) but it gives me a fluffy defined/not so defined look. Not sure if I'm feeling it. I LOOVVEE the Hydrating Cream bath and the Hydrating Cream conditioner :drool:.

This is my first time using them on my own so I will play around with it more. I didn't use much of the ICH because my stylist warned me that it could make my hair hard. Maybe I needed more than what I used? I will try that next. I did about a half a pump in each section (6 sections).
When I use ICH, I use a lot. 8 pumps from the big bottle and my hair isn’t overly crunchy. There is a cast, but after a day or 2 my hair is very soft.
I’ve found that I get my best results when I’m heavy handed with my conditioner and all my stylers.
When I use ICH, I use a lot. 8 pumps from the big bottle and my hair isn’t overly crunchy. There is a cast, but after a day or 2 my hair is very soft.
I’ve found that I get my best results when I’m heavy handed with my conditioner and all my stylers.
Are you also heavy handed with the UFD ? I’ve been pretty heavy handed with it recently and I’m wondering if that has anything to do with my issues.
Are you also heavy handed with the UFD ? I’ve been pretty heavy handed with it recently and I’m wondering if that has anything to do with my issues.

My hair is obviously way shorter than GettingKinky. If I'm heavy handed, my hair tends to be sticky and my curls clump but I get almost no elongation. I also lose definition sooner because the curls don't lay correctly. I don't get better results with more. I only use 3 pumps of ICH.
My hair is obviously way shorter than GettingKinky. If I'm heavy handed, my hair tends to be sticky and my curls clump but I get almost no elongation. I also lose definition sooner because the curls don't lay correctly. I don't get better results with more. I only use 3 pumps of ICH.
That’s very helpful! Thank you!
My hair is obviously way shorter than GettingKinky. If I'm heavy handed, my hair tends to be sticky and my curls clump but I get almost no elongation. I also lose definition sooner because the curls don't lay correctly. I don't get better results with more. I only use 3 pumps of ICH.

Man then I read your post lol I don't know now. I think I will try more. I have definition but its more on the fluffy side. Reminds me of the sponge curl look. It looks good but I want more separated defined curls.

I'm using ICH with the quiet calm underneath. If using more doesn't work next wash I will try ICH without anything under it to see how it looks. Then if that doesn't work I will try UFD as a base then ICH on top. Using UFD on my hair with no leave in I hate the way that feels when I'm raking but I will try it if the other methods don't work.
Man then I read your post lol I don't know now. I think I will try more. I have definition but its more on the fluffy side. Reminds me of the sponge curl look. It looks good but I want more separated defined curls.

I'm using ICH with the quiet calm underneath. If using more doesn't work next wash I will try ICH without anything under it to see how it looks. Then if that doesn't work I will try UFD as a base then ICH on top. Using UFD on my hair with no leave in I hate the way that feels when I'm raking but I will try it if the other methods don't work.

I have never used quiet calm and am not familiar with it. I use UFD + ICH.

My stylist uses a little UFD and we both use the same amount of ICH and I get that fluffy look like in my profile pic. That doesn't last and there isn't any great definition. That is due to using too little UFD. I don't get more definition with ICH, I just get better hold.

To get the right amount of definition, I have to use the right amount of UFD because it is what sets the definition on my hair. And the ICH is just to add a layer to my hair to prevent the humidity causing it to puff up.

For me that base layer has to be right. There is no compensating for it if it isn't.
I got serious about wearing WnG in 2019. I hated shrinkage so I would always stretch my hair in 2 ponytails while it dried. I used KCKT+ homemade shealoe + wetline to style and never used real shampoo. My hair looked ok in pictures, but it was not in great shape.

Now that I have a better handle on styling, I’m thinking of trying to stretch again because after 2 years (and 3 haircuts) my hair looks the same length maybe even shorter now and my last haircut was in Feb 2020.
