Was I tripp'in


Active Member
Some things are meant to keep to yourself!

Background: My SO is not the romantic type, nor is he one to give compliments not even on my fliest days. Me on the other hand thrive while planning romantic dinners/events and love to tell my man he looks good, smells good etc., etc.

Well this week I was slightly feel'in myself and ladies you know when men give that "look" or "smile" even without them speaking directly to you.

Me and my big mouth told my SO that information and that it made me feel good. He was heated......

My thing is..... they were indirect compliments and I can understand his frusteration because all I want is a compliment from the man I love and random people are doing that, not him!!

Should I be the one apoligzing??? :rolleyes:
So you were looking good and some other guy was looking at you and your boyfriend got mad?

I dont understand what the big deal is. Your boyfriend should be proud that other man recognize your beauty and that you come home to him. He should also take that as a hint in him needing to tell you that you look great. I wouldn't apologize for anything cuz you did nothing wrong. He needs to get a grip.
Thanks..... I knew I wasn't tripp'in!!

He has been putting me on a guilt trip since last night; saying I have disrepected him by mentioning that!!

Some things are just meant to keep to ourselves, huh?
I agree that some things are better kept to yourself but I don't think this is one of these things. I don't see the problem, he should see it as a compliment that he is not the only one that finds you attractive and a wake up call that what you don't get from him you can get from some one else. JMHO.
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Thanks..... I knew I wasn't tripp'in!!

He has been putting me on a guilt trip since last night; saying I have disrepected him by mentioning that!!

Some things are just meant to keep to ourselves, huh?

Yeah some things I think we should keep to ourselves. But in this case as I wrote before I dont think its that big a deal. However if its gonna cause a big problem maybe I would just have a serious talk to him about the fact that he never compliments me and leave it at that...no mentioning of other men finding me attractive. Believe me the less fighting over nonsense the better.
I think it depends on how you said it. Were you trying to make him jealous? I've said things to DH and it was fine, we laughed and everything. Then I can say the exact same thing with a different intent word for word, and he can see through to what it really is. Now if it was a genuine conversation that you were having then no, you're not trippin
I've done this before... Apparently it really hurts guy's feelings for some reason!!! I guess it's because they have no choice but to recognize that they are slipping on their game and that there are other men who are ready and willing to step up to the plate when they strike out! My man can be the SAME WAY and I've expressed to him about random men saying things to me or looking at me. He tries to get mad and say that I'm entertaining them, when I actually think I do sometimes. All women enjoy the attention of a man. I guess we should both express to our men directly that we would appreciate them complementing us every now and then... :perplexed
I think it depends on how you said it. Were you trying to make him jealous? I've said things to DH and it was fine, we laughed and everything. Then I can say the exact same thing with a different intent word for word, and he can see through to what it really is. Now if it was a genuine conversation that you were having then no, you're not trippin

My thoughts exactly. I've mentioned other guys attraction to me and my FI either does this--->:ohwell: or :grin: depending on the context/how it was used.
You are not trippin. I have this problem too. Now my boyfriend just gives me an robotic, "You-look-pretty" everyday.

I know he's thinking in that pea brain head of his...Took a shower.....check, went to work.....check....I told my girlfriend she looks pretty...check

I think the last time he got really happy about my looks was when we first got together....5 years ago! So, I don't know what to think about it anymore. Whatever.

Once I was looking fly a while ago and he told me, "Wow, I forgot how pretty you were" I was like....er ok???? WOW. He says something about after a while, looks don't matter at all.
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hmmmmmm being with a man who doesnt compliment---that sucks..i mean what gives--whats the point..

every woman needs to hear it soemtimes shoot--every person needs to hear positive accolades and affirmations sometimes..gosh--that sucks..

i couldnt do it and i would speak up like hey honey/babe i would enjoy if every now and then you said something nice a compliment something sh*t....doesnt it feel good when i tell you- you look great and etc...

how do you think it makes me feel that you dont? if i never gave you a compliment or anything how would you feel...
hmmmmmm being with a man who doesnt compliment---that sucks..i mean what gives--whats the point..

every woman needs to hear it soemtimes shoot--every person needs to hear positive accolades and affirmations sometimes..gosh--that sucks..

i couldnt do it and i would speak up like hey honey/babe i would enjoy if every now and then you said something nice a compliment something sh*t....doesnt it feel good when i tell you- you look great and etc...

how do you think it makes me feel that you dont? if i never gave you a compliment or anything how would you feel...

I completely agree. I love compliments from someone who is suppose to me "my man." They tend to matter a lot more coming from him then a someone else. It says that he notices you and your efforts and beauty and he does not take it for granted.

No I would not apoloze. If you do, then everything that you may feel bad for that is not your fault you will be apololizing for and where is the compromise in that. Then he will always know how to make you feel guilty.

For him to say he disrespected you, No I take it the other way around. Don't cramp on my day with your negative wording and energy. Be happy for me and agree. Step up instead of disrespecting me and turning this around to be about you.
It depends how you said it..we went through that alot and still do. I just had a baby in March and this summer/fall, I'm finally starting to get back to myself again and I think I'm emmiting that confidence and it's getting some looks and hes not really in to that....sometimes we laugh and sometimes I know I need to keep it to myself
My guy gives lots of compliments, which I love.

But even then I will give him a little reminder.. sometimes I will be like 'you need to step ya game up, I got lots of compliments today' and he'll be like --> :perplexed-->:look:-->:rolleyes:-->:notworthy:-->:infatuated: