She Updated.....Ateya's Perm day!

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I'm not understanding why it's a problem for ppl to point out the fact that she doesn't have the healthiest hair care practices? :perplexed I mean, she doesn't. Does that mean her hair isn't bangin? Naw. It just means that there are better/healthier ways to accomplish what she has. No one is taking anything away from her or her hair. She chooses style over length. What she does works for her to achieve her style. Were she to try to retain length, I'm sure some changes would have to be made (just like we all made changes upon joining LHCF).

I honestly believe that if a newbie came to this site, posting this reggie (Ateya's) and asked us to critique it, EVERYONE and their LHCF momma would be in there talking about how she needs more moisture, less heat, etc. But because homegirl has a youtube page and some videos, to give anything less than praise is deemed 'hating'.

I'll never really understand, people.

I agree with this...just because people are disagreeing with what she does to her hair doesnt mean they want her to stop doing it because obviously she likes it. She posted it for all the world to see so negative comments and being critiqued are gonna come regardless if she asked for it or not.
Dang, i didnt know so many people knew about her and liked her...

I remember searching to make sure she wasnt a member, then asking a question about drying hair striaght under the dryer and mentioning her name like back in June, and from there i thought i only saw 1 or 2 other threads mentioning her name.

Her hair and the cut is nice, and i believe that she could grow her hair with her regimen...maybe not as fast, but its working for her....not everyone texlaxes and is on low heat and manipulation...seems like about the same thing as going to someone you trust at the salon weekly and having your hair prosper, happens for some people*shrugs*...her personality, makeup and clothes seems average to me too...*shrugs* (not to knock her, just didnt get the hype :blush:)

:wave: Where have you been?
I feel a little bad about it personally... me questioning her technique was not meant to be negative at all...

I really asked about her relaxer technique because I thought that I MIGHT be being a little anal about the amount of overlapping I get when I relax!

I thought that possibly the amount of overlapping she did might be normal, and that I was killing myself not to get any small drops of relaxer on previously relaxed hair for no good reason because some small amount of overlapping is normal...

I DO think her regimen works for her and her hair is very pretty, and I LIKE her vids and personality!

:wave: Where have you been?

Heeeeyyyyyy Ms. Plain Jane!!! :grouphug: I was on a lil vacay where no-one had any kind of computers :nono: Now i gotta get back in the mix.

One of those days i was sitting there and thought "Everytime i hit the ground I bounce up like roundball" :nono: :ohwell: Thats because of your crazy @**! :wallbash: LOL
I am thinking of posting a comment to her Youtube...
How the heck does she put all that hair into that silk cap and she doesn't use not even ONE bobby pin? That alone should earn her an award! She just yanks off the cap and her hair is done, no need to even comb it! :drunk: I do a "doobie" and my hair needs like 20 bobby pins to stay in place.
Someone tagged this thread with the terms "haters" and "jealous"... How did you come to that conclusion? I'd venture to say that most of the posters in this thread have longer hair and healthier hair practices (if not simply healthier hair :look:), so what are they hating on? The fact that Ateya has a Youtbue video and they don't? Are they jealous because their webcams are broken? :lol:

I knew where it was headed after the first page:nono:. Everytime someone makes a thread about this girl's hair it always seems to go downhill for some strange reason. People don't like her products. People don't like her technique. People don't think her hair will grow if she continues to use that regimen (someone actually said this on here). Just let the girl do her. Dang
Wow. I never heard of her. Shes been posted about before? Dang, where was I at?

OP Its not your fault. Seems like anytime anybody posts a link to a YouTube by a non-LHCFer, it goes this way. Their hair can be bangin- down to her butt cheeks and somebody will have something to say. Especially if they do something against the grain ie using petroleum.
I knew where it was headed after the first page:nono:. Everytime someone makes a thread about this girl's hair it always seems to go downhill for some strange reason. People don't like her products. People don't like her technique. People don't think her hair will grow if she continues to use that regimen (someone actually said this on here). Just let the girl do her. Dang

imo, when someone posts a video or technique from an "outside source" it is always open to criticism. in fact, even members who introduce the board to new products and techniques will get a mixed bag of response based on what people have experienced or how good they feel the product/technique is. this is how people learn and it stops the newbies from thinking that they can copy a technique or regimen that's "controversial" and get the same results as that person.

lets be real, ateya's hair is gorgeous but she does indeed do some things that can cause damage to people's hair. imo, the tension in this thread came from those thinking people who questioned her were haters, "holier-than-thou", blasting her hair or her entire regimen. that was not the case, imo but the misinterpretation of posts sure added a lot of unnecessary drama. no-one is stopping ateya from "doing her" but merely discussing (and not in a harsh way either, imo) her regimen.
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I knew where it was headed after the first page:nono:. Everytime someone makes a thread about this girl's hair it always seems to go downhill for some strange reason. People don't like her products. People don't like her technique. People don't think her hair will grow if she continues to use that regimen (someone actually said this on here). Just let the girl do her. Dang

:ohwell: Even on her youtube comments people are leaving some effed up comments. Don't knock her down for doing what works for her. I might not agree 100% with some of the things she does, but her hair is thick and beautiful. She has a lot of swang and shine and I love it. Go Ateya!! :drunk:

I mean... let's compare "progress" if it's that serious. :ohwell:

I'm joking (or am I :look:), but come on. This is LHCF. Those of us who are serious about our hair and like to promote healthy hair practices, especially for women of color, will speak out against certain practices that can ULTIMATELY lead to unhealthy hair.

SMH. :sad:

Then people wanna complain about the lack of unity among black women. :lol: First we couldn't all agree that Miley Cyrus is fast and now this. :nono::lachen::lachen::lachen:
Heeeeyyyyyy Ms. Plain Jane!!! :grouphug: I was on a lil vacay where no-one had any kind of computers :nono: Now i gotta get back in the mix.

One of those days i was sitting there and thought "Everytime i hit the ground I bounce up like roundball" :nono: :ohwell: Thats because of your crazy @**! :wallbash: LOL

LOL! One of the most horrible lines in rap history!

Good to have you back! :hug2:
I mean... let's compare "progress" if it's that serious. :ohwell:

I'm joking (or am I :look:), but come on. This is LHCF. Those of us who are serious about our hair and like to promote healthy hair practices, especially for women of color, will speak out against certain practices that can ULTIMATELY lead to unhealthy hair.

SMH. :sad:

Then people wanna complain about the lack of unity among black women. :lol: First we couldn't all agree that Miley Cyrus is fast and now this. :nono::lachen::lachen::lachen:

:lol: You are a mess but I hear ya. Just because I don't agree what she does doesn't mean I want her hair to fall out or that I don't like her. I don't know the girl but judging from her videos, she has a great personality. I don't understand the problem really.
Well if we do a search for overrated, wrong, technique, and haters we will find a thread with a vid of a beautiful girl with a beautiful head of hair with a nice personality to match!
I was nervous watching the way she was applying, but her hair came out beautifully. She was brave to be on the phone too. I know that when I apply my relaxer, I need complete silence. I also thought it was cute that she prays over her relaxer lmao :lol: I do the same thing. I love her videos and personality though :)
Well if we do a search for overrated, wrong, technique, and haters we will find a thread with a vid of a beautiful girl with a beautiful head of hair with a nice personality to match!

With the exception of the "haters" tag, all other tags that you listed apply. I would like to know that state of health of the person's hair that thinks everyone is hating. :rolleyes: Where are you in your hair care journey? What setbacks have you had? :scratchch If you're having issues with managing your own hair, maybe you should seek the advice of those LHCF hair gurus that you're unsuccessfully bashing for actually trying to help their sistas out.

Sistas dont let sistas relax recklessly.
I don't recall Ateya every saying she was actively trying to grow her hair long. So if she wants her hair healthy-looking and retaining length is not a #1 priority for her, then let her be.

I mean, really even if her reggie is a trainwreck in LHCF terms, she's on point to a certain degree b/c she uses the Aphogee line. I mean, clearly if she used any other line (like a moisture based one) she'd be bald. :nono: In addition, she has medium-coarse hair, not fine strands like some of us (like me) so her hair can withstand certain abuse that others cannot. That's why she emphasized that her reggie was just that...hers.

That said, if you don't normally do your own touch-ups, why on earth do you think that doing a half-assed video on it is a gift to your fans? Just say that you don't self-relax, or bring your camera to the salon and show your stylist doing it for you. The logic that she had on that part of this whole situation is just lost on me.

That is all :look:
It can be dangerous. :look:


I see :ohwell:
OT: Look at some of the comments about LHCF off youtube

imitatingart (13 minutes ago) Show Hide
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They have a real "our way or the highway" mentality, like black women can only look good if they do the crap they advertise.

I think theyre just mad because she isnt paying money to look at pictures of their backs

trinacoco (31 minutes ago) Show Hide
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LHCF *****es at it again. All that damn dog shampoo is really turning them into dogs! Oh excuse me, horse shampoo. So we'll just call them stallions.

LHCF Stallions at it again.

So were stallions now!!!!:lachen: Please ladies don't go over there and cuss nodody out for calling us horses!!
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I see :ohwell:
Look at some of the comments about LHCF off youtube

imitatingart (13 minutes ago) Show Hide
Marked as spam

They have a real "our way or the highway" mentality, like black women can only look good if they do the crap they advertise.

I think theyre just mad because she isnt paying money to look at pictures of their backs

trinacoco (31 minutes ago) Show Hide
Marked as spam Reply

LHCF *****es at it again. All that damn dog shampoo is really turning them into dogs! Oh excuse me, horse shampoo. So we'll just call them stallions.

LHCF Stallions at it again.

So were stallions now!!!!:lachen:
In my best FlavaFlav voice "wOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOw"
Yep. I put in ridiculous tags and this was the first thread to pop up.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: wow you were right, I just did it...
I cant wait to see how many threads (whether they deserve them or not) get this tag. :nono:

I agree that maybe the vid shouldnt have been titled tutorial. But I also agree that she was clear that her goal wasnt the same as plenty of womens goals on here. She recognized that her hair has grown, but I dont think anywhere did she say she wanted to be WL or to change her ways or anything. Never heard her complain about breakage problems either though.
I'm not understanding why it's a problem for ppl to point out the fact that she doesn't have the healthiest hair care practices? :perplexed I mean, she doesn't. Does that mean her hair isn't bangin? Naw. It just means that there are better/healthier ways to accomplish what she has. No one is taking anything away from her or her hair. She chooses style over length. What she does works for her to achieve her style. Were she to try to retain length, I'm sure some changes would have to be made (just like we all made changes upon joining LHCF).

I honestly believe that if a newbie came to this site, posting this reggie (Ateya's) and asked us to critique it, EVERYONE and their LHCF momma would be in there talking about how she needs more moisture, less heat, etc. But because homegirl has a youtube page and some videos, to give anything less than praise is deemed 'hating'.

I'll never really understand, people.

ITA with everything you just said!

Ateya is doing what works for her and what SHE likes, but in other threads, there were ladies commenting on how they were going to adopt her regimen. What ladies don't understand is that Ateya's regimen is not for length retention/health. It's for style.

Pretty soon, someone is going to start a thread stating something like "I tried so-and-so's method of all protein products, no moisture, high blowdrying/flat-ironing heat, curling irons 3x a week,'s been a year...I'm still the same length. What's wrong with my hair?"

Style regimen is not always equal to a Length regimen.
I see :ohwell:
OT: Look at some of the comments about LHCF off youtube

imitatingart (13 minutes ago) Show Hide
Marked as spam

They have a real "our way or the highway" mentality, like black women can only look good if they do the crap they advertise.

I think theyre just mad because she isnt paying money to look at pictures of their backs

trinacoco (31 minutes ago) Show Hide
Marked as spam Reply

LHCF *****es at it again. All that damn dog shampoo is really turning them into dogs! Oh excuse me, horse shampoo. So we'll just call them stallions.

LHCF Stallions at it again.

So were stallions now!!!!:lachen: Please ladies don't go over there and cuss nodody out for calling us horses!!

lmao!!!! They sound a tad bitter...did the horsey poo not work for you boo:lachen:
ITA with everything you just said!

Ateya is doing what works for her and what SHE likes, but in other threads, there were ladies commenting on how they were going to adopt her regimen. What ladies don't understand is that Ateya's regimen is not for length retention/health. It's for style.

Pretty soon, someone is going to start a thread stating something like "I tried so-and-so's method of all protein products, no moisture, high blowdrying/flat-ironing heat, curling irons 3x a week,'s been a year...I'm still the same length. What's wrong with my hair?"

Style regimen is not always equal to a Length regimen.

But she did say her concern is health and not retention..overlapping relaxers is not what the majority of people would consider a "health" practice. I agree with the other poster when she said that if she wasn't going to show the correct way to do a relaxer she should have left it alone. There are going to be people that watch that video that think it is ok to do what she did but they might be trying to grow their hair and they are gonna be the ones wondering why their hair isn't really retaining the length because they are assuming she is giving them correct information.
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