Wannabelong's 2 Year Progress Pics

A COW WITH HOLES!!!! (holy cow, that is!) :thud:

What awesome progress!!!! :eek: You retained both length and health. Kudos galore!
Now that's some good growth! What's your Reggie?

Thanks! I don't do too much because I'm lazy. I wash and DC under my steamer for an hour 1x week. I stretch relaxers between 12-18 weeks. I do a protien treatment when my hair starts to feel too soft and a week before I relax. I moisturize and seal with an oil every night and cover my head with a bonnet or scarf depending on how my hair is styled. From weeks 1-6, I rollerset and wear my hair straight (parted down the middle or on the side). From weeks 7+ I alternate between buns and twistouts until I decide to relax. That's it. I find simple is best for me.
I've watched your progress every chance i've had since i was a lurker! It's BEAUTIFUL!