2 Years of LHCF (*PICS*)

OMG Is that you?! I can still remember your comparison (your cropped pic and the ear length) way to grow girl! If no one has asked post your reggie - you still using C&G?...
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Your hair progress is wonderful! Not only has your hair grown in length, but it looks so much more healthier, with that shine, silky, bouncy look! Love it!
Hi Ladies,
This month made 2 full years that I've been a member of Longhaircareforum. I am still so happy that I found this community and I am very thankful for all the help and advice I've received from every one of you. Thank You So Much! I am very happy with my progress and just wanted to share and let you all know how much I appreciate this community. Thanks Again

JUNE 2006

JUNE 2008


Ak..beautiful work..keep it up..you should pat yourself on the hair......wonderful, simply wonderful!!
Fabulous. Just too fabulous. Especially since your starting point was mine also. Keep on growing.