Waist Length in 2010


New Member
***Update: This challenge is open to anyone at anytime. However, no additional names will be added to the official list. Happy growing ladies!***

Ok ladies; I have been reluctant to start a challenge because I don't know how well I will do keeping up with the thread. I have been waiting for someone else to start something like this but alas my waiting has been in vain :look:.

You don't have to do much, just post how far you are from WL, what you plan to do to reach your goal and then check in periodically to let us know how it is going. It would also be nice if we could post before and afters once we reach our goals. You can post your starting pic in January or wait until you reach WL and post a side by side before and after comparison.

So I will start.

I am a little less than 6 inches away from WL. I get about the average (.5 inches) growth per month. My goal for 2010 is to retain most if not all of my length and to keep my ends healthy so that I don't have to do a major trim once I get there. I plan to do one minor trim (no more than .5 inches) in June if needed.

To reach my goal I plan to stick with my current regimen:
- Wash and deep condition once a week applying one egg to the DC
- Apply coconut oil as a leave in
- Moisturize twice a day using coconut oil to seal ends
- Henna and indigo once a month
- Wear protective styles 4-5 days a week during the winter
- Low manipulation throughout the year
- Very little heat styling (I am definitely going to straighten in December so I can take my comparison shot but I may also straighten in August for my anniversary if my ends look good).

So who is with me?

1) a-caribian_dream
2) ADB
3) angel_tee
4) Atiramisu
5) Aviah
6) Barbara
7) beanius
8) beauti
9) bigbrowneyez
10) Black Hoya Chick
11) brg240
12) Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll
13) casey3035
14) classychic1908
15) crazydaze911
16) CurlyMoo
17) dachsies_rule!
18) Dee Raven
19) elise805
20) Ediese
21) Fine 4s
22) flower
23) Franscie
24) hillytmj
25) ImFree27
26) Inana04
27) Jewell
28) joib
29) lolasmane
30) mEmYSELFaNDj
31) Michelle
32) mnemosyne
33) MsCounsel
34) Mz.MoMo5235
35) Nightingale
36) Optimus_Prime
37) pretyhair73
38) PikiNiki
39) PrincessLinzz
40) Princess_Teearra
41) SimplyBlessed
42) SmilingElephant
43) Summer79
44) SVT
45) Sweet_Ambrosia
46) Sweet Charm
47) testimony777
48) thaidreams
49) theprototype
50) TriniStarr
51) wavezncurlz
52) wheezy807
53) Whimsy
54) winnettag
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Hey, count me in! :yay: I think I can make wl in 2010. I'm 4-5 inches away. I expect to post pics in a 3-4 weeks when I touch up at 12 weeks post. I have a dryer coming in a few days and I plan to start rollersetting and dc'ing w/ heat once a week, and flat ironing my roots during stretches. I almost always wear buns, and the occasional braid out when I go to a show or something. I also plan to color my hair with black henna once every relaxer cycle (3 months or so).

ETA: I've updated my fotki. No pw needed, but you must be logged in to fotki to view.
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Ooooh, i've been waiting on this for weeks. I saw 2010 challenges for APL, BSL, MBL and tailbone and i'm like :perplexed what happened to WL! I wanna join...i'm 5 inches away, relaxed.


Wash once a week with Mizani shampoo
DC after wash with Mizani conditioner mixed with EVOO
Moisturize daily with Mizani butter rich
Seal 2-3X a week with Hot 10 oil
Protein treatments using eggs every 4-6 weeks.
I'm in. I dunno how many inches i am from WL but i'll accurately measure at the end of this month. My plans are to basicly continue following my regimen.
Retouch every 16 wks
Moisturize nightly
Daily Protective Styling
Scarf method at night
Once a week DC's
No/low heat
:welcome:Ladies :hiya:

Optimus_Prime and dachsies_rule!: Only 4-5 inches away, you guys will definitely reach your goals :yep:.

wheezy807 and Franscie: Welcome!

Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll: It is nice that you have been there before; you know for sure that it is possible.

Let the journey begin!
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I'd like to join. I've been scared to join any challenge (this will be my first), but it's time to put myself on record!

Here's my starting pic:


To get my hair to WL, I intend to (besides sticking with my normal regimen):

- start protective styling, mostly my putting my hair up in a messy bun
- keep my scalp healthy and clean, by clarifying once a month, oiling and massaging my scalp with coconut oil/evoo
- flat iron 1-2x a quarter
- maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet
i would like to join please. do you have a set number of people you are accepting? if so i hope i posted in time
I'd like to join. I've been scared to join any challenge (this will be my first), but it's time to put myself on record!

Here's my starting pic:


To get my hair to WL, I intend to (besides sticking with my normal regimen):

- start protective styling, mostly my putting my hair up in a messy bun
- keep my scalp healthy and clean, by clarifying once a month, oiling and massaging my scalp with coconut oil/evoo
- flat iron 1-2x a quarter
- maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet

Welcome! You are so close; I can't wait to see your end results.
i would like to join please. do you have a set number of people you are accepting? if so i hope i posted in time

Welcome! No there is no cap. I may not be able to get everyone's name on the participants list as the number of participants increases but it will remain open to anyone who wants to try and reach WL by the end of 2010 :yep:.
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I've been waiting for someone to start the WL 2010 challenge! :grin:
Thank you!

I don't know how far I am from WL, but I'll post a starting pic at the end of the month, or the first week of January.

I'm going to try to stick to this routine:

Wash & DC every week
Moisturize and seal daily
Wear protective stlyes 99% of the time
Low heat
Scalp massgaes 3x week
I'm going to experiment with adding cassia or henna treatments to my routine and if I get good results I'll do that monthly.
I've been waiting for someone to start the WL 2010 challenge! :grin:
Thank you!

I don't know how far I am from WL, but I'll post a starting pic at the end of the month, or the first week of January.

I'm going to try to stick to this routine:

Wash & DC every week
Moisturize and seal daily
Wear protective stlyes 99% of the time
Low heat
Scalp massgaes 3x week
I'm going to experiment with adding cassia or henna treatments to my routine and if I get good results I'll do that monthly.

Welcome! Adding henna to my regimen really helped a lot. I hope it works for you!

Happy growing ladies!!!!!
I only have 6 more inches to go. I will be using the same technique I used to grow my hair from shoulder length to bra strap in one school year. My hair is pretty much the same length that I have in my fotki. I cut(lice) and colored my hair the last 5 years and pretty much neglected it.
Shampoo every two weeks -cream of nature or anything
Deep condition with cholesterol
Air dry over night with four large braids soaked with grease and 911 leave in
Lightly blow dry each section and flat iron
Lastly grease my scalp with sulfur 8 and glover's mixed
put hair into ponytail
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ok, my reggie will be

co-wash 1x per wk
poo wash 1x per month
dc after each wash
moisturize,seal, heat protect
blow dry straight on lowest setting.
moisturize ends as needed
bun bun bun

once it gets warmer i change my reggie:
co-wash 2x per wk
poo wash 2x per month
dc 1x per wk
moisturize, seal
bun, mosturize ends as needed

i'm a big fan of bunning, it was the only thing that got me over the mbl hump last time. so i'm riding the bun train all the way to wl and beyond.

this will be my starting pic. it was taken on 12/04/09. not the best pic since i have this weird flip thing going with my ends because of the buns

i anticipate hitting wl by may and grazing hl by this time next yr (if all goes as planned)
Welcome ladies!!!!!

I have to say, those of you who have already posted your before pics have some gorgeous hair :yep:.

Waist length here we come :grin:
Should i join? I only need like 2-3 inches. :look:

I know how you feel, I am just shy of 2 inches away from MBL and almost joined that challenge :ohwell:. I don't know how fast your hair grows or how tall you are, but if you are only 2-3 inches from WL I bet you could get to tailbone length by the end of the year :yep:.

You are more than welcome to join this challenge but if I were you I would join the tailbone in 2010 challenge if one has been started. If one hasn't been started you could join this one now and then ditch us when it does get up and running; we would understand :grin:.
I know how you feel, I am just shy of 2 inches away from MBL and almost joined that challenge :ohwell:. I don't know how fast your hair grows or how tall you are, but if you are only 2-3 inches from WL I bet you could get to tailbone length by the end of the year :yep:.

You are more than welcome to join this challenge but if I were you I would join the tailbone in 2010 challenge if one has been started. If one hasn't been started you could join this one now and then ditch us when it does get up and running; we would understand :grin:.

But i wouldnt feel right ditching :nono:

lol...i already requested to join the Hip Length in 2010 Challenge...i'm not going any longer than that.
Count me in! I don't know how many inches I need. I will be taking more pics soon. I'm on the 16th wk of a 6 month stretch, so low manipulation for me.

Pre-poo, wash, DC 1x wk
Moisturize and seal ends daily
Massage scalp with CoCasta or Shikikai Elixer
Alternate moisture/protein DC as needed
Search and destroy method
Buns 5-6 days a week
No heat
Diet high in protein/omega-3

HHG ladies!
Yay someone made a thread. I was waiting as well :look: I'd like to participate.

I'm maybe 2 in from waist length and my upper layer is maybe 4". I don't really know. I think I'll try to see this week.

I plan to:
*not touch my hair as much. I think I'm okay with this but recently my hands keep touching my hair :nono:
*cowash and DC weekly
*moisturize twice a day
*clarify once a month
*for the winter especially, bun and occasionally protective styles.
* eat healthier, drink water, exercise.

good luck everyone
Welcome CurlyMoo!!!!

SmilingElephant: I appriciate your loyalty :grin:. The hip length challenge would be good (and I feel you on that being your final destination). Maybe you can join both. You could join this one and then once you reach WL stay on as our cheerleader and our inspiration :yep:. It is up to you though :wink2:.
Welcome brg240 and PikiNiki!!!!! You both have some beautiful hair :yep:.

I am so excited to see the end results this time next year, though i suspect that some of you will reach WL way before that.
Welcome CurlyMoo!!!!

SmilingElephant: I appriciate your loyalty :grin:. The hip length challenge would be good (and I feel you on that being your final destination). Maybe you can join both. You could join this one and then once you reach WL stay on as our cheerleader and our inspiration :yep:. It is up to you though :wink2:.

Okay......i'll join!! :grin:
:sad: I need 7" to waistlength:wallbash:. Even December next year may be too soon. I doubt I could do it but wanna try!
I'm scared...but I'm in.

DC 1x a week
Co-wash 3 times a week (I have to)
Poo twice a month
Pre-poo once a week with my oil concoction
Massage my scalp 10-20 mins per day with rosemary oil
Keep hair and ends saturated in coconut oil
Doublestrand twists every night before bed and wrapped in satin scarf
No heat but to blow dry my hair twice a month for special occasions
Continue my vitamin regimen
Whey protein powder drink daily
Drink MAAAAAD WATER and NOOOOO SODA(thats a challenge right there!)
Increase my workout
Spinach (ONLY) salads 4 times a week
I sooooo wanted to join this challenge but have decided to go natural and do a blunt cut to BSL once I reach MBL, which should occur this month after flat ironing. Good luck ladies!!! :rolleyes: Oh yes I am subscribing. :yep:
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