~~~waist Length Dreams~~~ Challenge 2018

I used Colorful Neutral Protein Filler underneath my APB Not Easily Broken DC. I should have done my normal prepoo/detangle with coconut oil and water before I washed my hair because I used the clarifying shampoo. But I was too lazy and I felt more tangles than usual while I was applying my moisturizing products and twisting my hair. I won't do that again.
How is everyone progressing? I've retained/grown an inch in my nape. The longest part is 15", which is 2" away from WSL on me. Why am I not excited? I think because the rest of my name is still 3" away at 14". Even though everything grew/retained an inch, that could take me forever and a day to get to. :rolleyes:
Im thinking Im about 2-3 inches away from WL (I think anyway) Tonight I will start the Inversion Method and in the morning my plan is to start this Hair 369 Pill Regimen. With hopes of getting the last bit of growth. I am supposed to measure my hair in April with the expectation of being WL. I think I will do the Inversion Method 1 last time in April then do the measurements. Until then l will continue to use protective styling and Whipped Shea Butter. I deeeeep condition every 2 weeks and use protien every month. (Sometimes more) ***Has anyone tried the rice water rinse? How does it work for you? (I have 1 month left to reach my goal of WL and I am on it)
How is everyone progressing? I've retained/grown an inch in my nape. The longest part is 15", which is 2" away from WSL on me. Why am I not excited? I think because the rest of my name is still 3" away at 14". Even though everything grew/retained an inch, that could take me forever and a day to get to. :rolleyes:

I'm sitting here excited for you!! Weren't you at a growth stalemate for a longgg time? And now it's growing! I would focus on that instead of on my ultimate goal. Doing that is a surefire way to zap the enjoyment out of how you feel about your hair. Congrats girl! Btw, what has changed to cause the growth?
How is everyone progressing? I've retained/grown an inch in my nape. The longest part is 15", which is 2" away from WSL on me. Why am I not excited? I think because the rest of my name is still 3" away at 14". Even though everything grew/retained an inch, that could take me forever and a day to get to. :rolleyes:
Last year, I checked my hair every month and was extremely frustrated with my lack of progress. So this year, I will only check her twice: once in June and in December. Currently, I'm keeping her well moisturized and under wigs, but I will let her out in the Summer for a rotation of puffs, twists, braid outs, roller sets and wash & gos. I'm hoping I will finally reach waist length by the end of the year.
I'm sitting here excited for you!! Weren't you at a growth stalemate for a longgg time? And now it's growing! I would focus on that instead of on my ultimate goal. Doing that is a surefire way to zap the enjoyment out of how you feel about your hair. Congrats girl! Btw, what has changed to cause the growth?
Yeah I don’t think it was retaining or growing at all. It may be because I’ve been using the AVJ/glycerine spray, or maybe because I’m pregnant. I hope it’s not the latter. My hair didn’t grow any with the last one so...but then again I wasn’t taking care of my hair then either so I really don’t know. I’ve been incorporating a lot more protein weekly because i feel my fine hair needs that. Then I incorporated Shea butter mixes to seal with. Could be a combo of all those things. For some reason I’m not that excited because I’m focused on other things. Lol idk.
Yeah I don’t think it was retaining or growing at all. It may be because I’ve been using the AVJ/glycerine spray, or maybe because I’m pregnant. I hope it’s not the latter. My hair didn’t grow any with the last one so...but then again I wasn’t taking care of my hair then either so I really don’t know. I’ve been incorporating a lot more protein weekly because i feel my fine hair needs that. Then I incorporated Shea butter mixes to seal with. Could be a combo of all those things. For some reason I’m not that excited because I’m focused on other things. Lol idk.

Seems our regimens are similar....i started january with scurl and shea butter but by middle of jan i switched to AVJ and glycerin and sealing with shea butter....retention has been point on and hair is happy,
Length wise, my hair is growing i believe. I will know for sure when i telax beginning or end of april. I keep my hair in plaits these days and moisturise and seal usually 2x a day except i'm tired. Been taking my vitamins (manetabolism plus) everyday and spray Netwurks xcel 21 2x a day most times
@Froreal3 and @fifigirl, how do you make your AVJ+glycerin sprays? I know a lot of people just ballpark their DIY measurements, but do you make a mix that is basically 1 part AVJ to 1 part glycerin? Do you add anything else to it? TIA!
I use more of the AVJ and then a tablespoon of glycerin, so if i'm to measure it would be about a cup of AVJ and a tablespoon of glycerin. I live in a humid country so i can't over do the glycerin. This works excellently for me
How is everyone progressing? I've retained/grown an inch in my nape. The longest part is 15", which is 2" away from WSL on me. Why am I not excited? I think because the rest of my name is still 3" away at 14". Even though everything grew/retained an inch, that could take me forever and a day to get to. :rolleyes:

Since I got minor heat damage the last time I straightened my hair back in November I haven't really checked my length. I've been wearing my hair curly all the time and it doesn't seem like it's getting any longer. I'm sure it is, but shrinkage is hiding it all.
Since I got minor heat damage the last time I straightened my hair back in November I haven't really checked my length. I've been wearing my hair curly all the time and it doesn't seem like it's getting any longer. I'm sure it is, but shrinkage is hiding it all.

I know shrinkage is supposed to be a good thing but I really dislike how much my hair shrinks. My hair shrinks to shoulder length when curly.:oops:
This is my month for my lengrh check! I have a strong regimen using Whipped Shea butter. I keep my hair in twist and smooth with Shea. I believed that I have retained a whole lot because of this new found reggie. Im recovering from major surgery so right now its all about finding the energy and strength to do this length check and having a good wash day. I think Im going to shoot for this weekend!
Hi ladies. Haven't been around much...too focused on life, most of all this pregnancy, but with a few weeks to go, I am thinking about what I'm gonna do with my hair. I am not sure if I want to just put my real hair in twists or just get some extensions or something so I can leave it alone. I will decide in the next two weeks or so. I've neglected my hair for the past couple weeks, so today I moisturized and sealed with glycerin/water/shea butter mix. Then I lightly detangled before putting it in two braids for nighttime. I just don't feel like messing with it anytime soon.
Hi ladies. Haven't been around much...too focused on life, most of all this pregnancy, but with a few weeks to go, I am thinking about what I'm gonna do with my hair. I am not sure if I want to just put my real hair in twists or just get some extensions or something so I can leave it alone. I will decide in the next two weeks or so. I've neglected my hair for the past couple weeks, so today I moisturized and sealed with glycerin/water/shea butter mix. Then I lightly detangled before putting it in two braids for nighttime. I just don't feel like messing with it anytime soon.
Congrats momma!!
i am going to probably round out this year in braids/cornrows. I have not had the time or energy for hair styling and atleast this way I can take care of my hair.
So I have been ghost for AWHILE, things have been busy the last 6 months or so but I'm finally getting back to a place where I can have more of a weekly routine. And when I thought about it, I have been at a hair length plateau for probably a year or so now. I say hair length plateau because my hair has significantly increased in volume but I am not seeing the length increase at all it seems, I'm still hovering around mid-back-ish. I have done away with all the tried and true issues like heat, and not moisturizing consistently etc etc. I have been doing a bunch of different buns for simplicity sake. I eat 85% vegan now, I work out, YOU NAME IT!!! I need a hooded dryer :( because I do miss my hot oil treatments but I just wanted to know what things helped you push past what seemed like a REALLY hard plateau?
So I have been ghost for AWHILE, things have been busy the last 6 months or so but I'm finally getting back to a place where I can have more of a weekly routine. And when I thought about it, I have been at a hair length plateau for probably a year or so now. I say hair length plateau because my hair has significantly increased in volume but I am not seeing the length increase at all it seems, I'm still hovering around mid-back-ish. I have done away with all the tried and true issues like heat, and not moisturizing consistently etc etc. I have been doing a bunch of different buns for simplicity sake. I eat 85% vegan now, I work out, YOU NAME IT!!! I need a hooded dryer :( because I do miss my hot oil treatments but I just wanted to know what things helped you push past what seemed like a REALLY hard plateau?

I don't know what all the vegan diet consists of but are you getting enough protein? My best friend used to be vegan and she had hair challenges during that time with slow growth.