Waist Length Challenge 2015

Update pic. I just relaxed this weekend, rollerset, and flat ironed. I'm most e excited because my hair is thick from root to tip. I might have a shot at waist length after all!!!!!!


Ultimate Goal: Ultimately it would touch the floor. But FULL WL for right now I'm OK with
Regimen: I have been going back and forth with my regimen for the last few months but this is what I usually do: CoWash/Detangle/Hot Oil on wash day, or any other treatments my hair may need. Flat twist or braid while wet. Leave alone for 4 weeks. Last time I stretched my hair and then flat ironed and braided it. Next time I may consider a light blow drying to make the braids look a tad neater

How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: Based on my LengthCheck Shirt my waist is at the 17 Line. My hair is currently between Line 11 and 12. When I received the shirt 6 weeks ago it was between line 10 and 11.

Natural/Relaxed/Other: Completely natural

Tips/Tricks: Continue to leave it alone, no trims, no color. PS 100% of the time.

Issues or difficulties you're having: Lint balls causing tangles.
Checking in. Looks like my longest layer has made it to BSB (happy dance!). If I can keep up the retention I'll be scratching MBL by January. The routine that I'm sticking to:

Every 5-7 days in 14-18 sections
Pre-poo with some kind of brahmi oil on scalp and EVCO mix on length, spritzed with water or AVJ, cap and heat 15 min minimum

Wash with terressentials or a shampoo bar, finger detangle while washing

Oil rinse with bask apple and sorghum supple hair syrup or an EVOO / Castor oil mix

Sage tea/black walnut tea rinse (for my grays)

ACV rinse

Air dry for a while in the same sections twisted up into Bantu knots (this helps to dry/smooth my ends straight before blow drying the rest)

Tension blow dry on low (same sections) until 90-95% dry, twist and bun overnight or for a few days

The twists then are taken out for a regular bun or up do of some kind

Dusting / trimming - haven't quite figured this out yet. I chopped at the end of June and dusted in late August. I went from APL in late June to just at BSB now so that's about 1.5-2 inches. Good steady progress. MBL is another 2 inches away so the end of January is realistic with another dusting.
My hair has been falling out by the handfuls and my autoimmune disease is known to cause the problem.. I am so DISCOURAGED right now, I don't even know how to be positive. I have gained 13 lbs, and my hair is falling out.. I just feel like CRap..
My hair has been falling out by the handfuls and my autoimmune disease is known to cause the problem.. I am so DISCOURAGED right now, I don't even know how to be positive. I have gained 13 lbs, and my hair is falling out.. I just feel like CRap..

JJamiah :hug3: Hang in there hun. What are you doing for your health right now? What is your dr. saying?
My hair has been falling out by the handfuls and my autoimmune disease is known to cause the problem.. I am so DISCOURAGED right now, I don't even know how to be positive. I have gained 13 lbs, and my hair is falling out.. I just feel like CRap..

I'm so very sorry JJamiah . Hopefully your doctors can stabilize your condition. Keep your head up and your faith strong. Maybe you can wig it for a while and let your hair rest for a bit?
My hair has been falling out by the handfuls and my autoimmune disease is known to cause the problem.. I am so DISCOURAGED right now, I don't even know how to be positive. I have gained 13 lbs, and my hair is falling out.. I just feel like CRap..

Awe Sis I'm sorry you are going through this:bighug:
My hair has been falling out by the handfuls and my autoimmune disease is known to cause the problem.. I am so DISCOURAGED right now, I don't even know how to be positive. I have gained 13 lbs, and my hair is falling out.. I just feel like CRap..

(((((HUGS))))) Have you talked to your doctor? Also, are you sure it's hairloss and not excessive shedding? Do you see any bald spots? If so, I would contact the doctor.

I have an autoimmune disease too, and my medication causes excess shedding and sometimes hairloss. I switched meds to help with the hair loss. One med caused me to shedd more. I also tried to lower my stress levels and try to eat more green so that I wont be contributing to the shedding/hair loss on top of the medication that is known to cause hair loss/shedding.

It will get better:yep:. Try not to get discouraged.
I'll do a length check this evening but here are some pics for now.
This is a sloppy twist out, the roots weren't twisted, on blowdried hair.
I had to re-blowdry my hair because the stylist did an AWFUL job.
My ends were all tangly and the roots were still wet.
I think she was scared because I made so many requests...


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@JJamiah :hug3: Hang in there hun. What are you doing for your health right now? What is your dr. saying?

Just taking the medication they gave me (all four of them) (But I did stop taking them about a week ago) I have an appointment on Friday. Thanks Froreal3 :bighug:

I'm so very sorry @JJamiah . Hopefully your doctors can stabilize your condition. Keep your head up and your faith strong. Maybe you can wig it for a while and let your hair rest for a bit?

I am hoping they can. I haven't wigged it for a minute so it will be nice to get back to it :) (the brighter side, right?) :bighug:
caliscurls thank you :)

Awe Sis I'm sorry you are going through this:bighug:
:bighug: me too.. I hate it.. :( Firstborn2 thank you :)

(((((HUGS))))) Have you talked to your doctor? Also, are you sure it's hairloss and not excessive shedding? Do you see any bald spots? If so, I would contact the doctor.

I have an autoimmune disease too, and my medication causes excess shedding and sometimes hairloss. I switched meds to help with the hair loss. One med caused me to shedd more. I also tried to lower my stress levels and try to eat more green so that I wont be contributing to the shedding/hair loss on top of the medication that is known to cause hair loss/shedding.

It will get better:yep:. Try not to get discouraged.

I read into it and both autoimmune diseases that I have say that they experience excessive shed clumps.. Literally it looks like when you buy bread hair and it is clumped together in a wavy pattern :( that is what comes out of my head, a loc of clumped hair from one area. It could be the medication too, and I truly thing it is a host of all of them combined.. I just honestly don't know what to do.. I am trying so hard to stay positive.. having a bald head makes it a little less pleasant, and the fact that I put on 15 lb.. isn't helping.. I think I should have cried out those 15 lb. already. :( I pray it will get better soon. :bighug: thank you pelohello

@JJamiah :bighug: reach out to your dr. Hopefully you can get some resolve soon.

I am hoping. divachyk Thank you

:grouphug: thank you so much everyone. I truly appreciate your love and concern. I just really haven't been very happy since I have been diagnosed.. School keeps me grounded. The boys keep me focused and my Fitbit keeps me busy walking... :) I am trying to not be a victim, and instead a victor.. just really hard sometimes.
Froreal3, thanks so much for helping me to host this challenge.
Ladies I need help, with all that is going on, and Froreal3, even though I know she is busy herself with that adorable little one and life itself has agreed to help me out. I just truly wanted to say thanks :)
@Froreal3, thanks so much for helping me to host this challenge.
Ladies I need help, with all that is going on, and Froreal3, even though I know she is busy herself with that adorable little one and life itself has agreed to help me out. I just truly wanted to say thanks :)

You're very welcome JJamiah. You just take care of yourself. With that said, I need to look at these check in dates and reintroduce myself with this goal of WL 2015! :lol:
Currently in a weave, but I really think I want a set of mini twists as my next protective style. Either that or this (see attached)...

I also haven't gotten my hair straightened in nearly a whole year! By the time I take this weave out, it will be a year... Excited to see if there's any difference in this year and last year's length checks...

If not I dunno what to do anymore lol.
how do my low-density ladies wear their hair when it's straightened without it looking really thin?

I wear my hair tousled/curly or bump my layers. My hair grows in layers, so I just accentuate that. I'll try to find some old pics.
Hey ladies! Our next check in date is December 31st. That means we are almost halfway there!


What things will you be doing to make the most of this last quarter?

Are you changing anything or staying the same?
Hey ladies! Our next check in date is December 31st. That means we are almost halfway there! Questions: What things will you be doing to make the most of this last quarter? Are you changing anything or staying the same?

I'm going to do more protein treatments.
No more buns or ponytails.
"Wigging" it.
Go back to co-washing.
Take my vitamins consistently.
Be gentle.
I'm going to continue:

- Taking my Target brand HSN vitamins.
- Continue using protein regularly
- continue moisturizing often

I'm going to try to:

- deep condition more often
- keep my ends trimmed

I'm not sure if I'll start playing with heat more or if I'll keep my protective styling kick.

When this weave comes out I plan to flat iron for the first time in a year... After that I think I want some mini twists... And maybe after that this style that's attached.

Lots of options! I'm excited to see how long my hair is though.


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Hey ladies! Our next check in date is December 31st. That means we are almost halfway there!


What things will you be doing to make the most of this last quarter?

Are you changing anything or staying the same?

I got good results from the bun challenge so I'll continue to bun in mini braids. Continue black tea rinses to slow down shedding. And I've started juicing for breakfast hope to get some benefits from that.
As for me: I will be going back to medium sized twists in a bun styles. I will go back to moisturizing every other day. I will also go back to using pomades/natural grease on my ends. I need to continue to use a light/medium protein every week to every other week.
I took my July weave out today and I got a blowout. Still going strong with both Manetabolism and Hairfinity. I will be posting these pics in all of my subscribed threads :-)



The left side is from July 7, 2014 and the right is from October 11, 2014. I think I saw thickness more than length this go round. Any length was mainly experienced in the interior part of my head where it is still growing from a setback I had two years ago.
Last one and then I'm gone for another 3 months


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One more length check for the sides. I REALLY hope my nape grows. My sides are BSL... If life was fair i'd be WL in the back lol.


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My hair has been falling out by the handfuls and my autoimmune disease is known to cause the problem.. I am so DISCOURAGED right now, I don't even know how to be positive. I have gained 13 lbs, and my hair is falling out.. I just feel like CRap..

Stay strong girlie. Setbacks are the worst, but fortunately weight can be lost and hair continues to grow. I will never forget the time my girlfriend taught me the "trick" of cutting the sides off my braids to remove them. APL to less than NL in one afternoon :-O

One more length check for the sides. I REALLY hope my nape grows. My sides are BSL... If life was fair i'd be WL in the back lol.

I always say my sides are nipple-length... BSL might be a lil classier! LOL.

Hey ladies! Our next check in date is December 31st. That means we are almost halfway there!


What things will you be doing to make the most of this last quarter?

Are you changing anything or staying the same?

I was in Marley Twists for the past four months (don't judge), but that ended up being great for length retention. I am currently giving my hair a few days out of braids, then I will blow it out and twist it back up. I will definitely try to touch them up more regularly!!! I'll also post to this forum :-)
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