Waist Length Challenge 2015

JJamiah- a garlic hair treatment might help. And garlic pills are good for both cardiovascular health and hair. Hang in there, lady! :huggle:

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Checking in, nothing exciting to report. I've had my hair in a bun for almost 4 wks now. I have been doing water rinses 2-3 times and week and keeping the end sealed and protected. I'm trying to squeeze one more week in the bun before I have to take it down. I'm serious about keeping my hands out of my head, I need to see 3-4 inches by the end of the year.
I want to join!!! I'm about APL now, hope to be BSL by the end of the year and make it to MBL April 2015 & WL next Aug/ Sept!!!! My last length check was April 1, 14 <------- the pic is my avatar

I'm in braids now until sept 1, I'll take those out and only rollerset and flat iron unless I'm in braids then I'll air dry, always deep condition, wash every 10-14 days, and use my mix of MN/Hair Trigger Growth Elixer/Sulfur8/ Dr Miracles Gro Oil
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Hello, I'm just getting a chance to join now also. :-). I have locked APL hair but combing them out now. Stretched hair is MBL but after trim thinking maybe BSL...

Current Routine cowash with cream of nature while combing out dreadlocks

After comb out plan to wash 1x weekly or as needed with Aphogee Moisturizing Shampoo, 2 min Keratin Reconstruct Aphogee with Ors olive oil smooth n hold pudding for protective styles.

Only will straighten for length check and trim, mainly twist and buns for protective styles
^^^:bighug: @JJamiah Hang in there, sis! Have you been taking or using anything for the thinning/shedding?
Froreal3 honestly no, I just get so stressed when I wash my hair, seeing how much falls out. :(
Thanks so much for your support, you guys are awesome. At times I feel like putting my hair out of its misery. So, instead of going bald, I get a weave.

@JJamiah- a garlic hair treatment might help. And garlic pills are good for both cardiovascular health and hair. Hang in there, lady! :huggle:

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Duchess007 I haven't used anything really, but treatments. I will dig into the garlic stash..

I honestly feel that the man above knows my woe. I was looking online in Groupon, my secret habit, LOL and I saw a shampoo for hair that was falling out due to medication and sickness.. I was like I should get this. I will try the Garlic first, since I do have some in my PJ Stash :)

:bighug: I truly thank you ladies.
Whoa- I totally missed this one. Can't see mentions from my phone, so sorry I'm so late!

I usually twist my hair down until I have about 2 inches of hair left. Then I combine the remaining ~2" hair in one twist (i.e. I wrap the hair around and around until it is all twisted together). Once I have the bottom part twisted, I pinch the bottom of the two-strand twisted section with one hand and start bantu knotting from there (imagine that the fingers that are "marking" the spot are your scalp).

I can try to do a vid or pictorial if that helps. This has seriously been working wonders for my ends.

Can we get a vid tut Duchess007?
So yeah...I'm going back to my twists regimen. I will do a set of twists every two weeks. I will still shampoo and dc once a week, but I will do this in twists. Every two weeks I will finger detangle and wash my hair loose (in sections).

I have been back on my sulfur kick recently, oiling my scalp nightly. I have also been moisturizing my hair with some Annabelle's Perfect Blends leave in spray and hair creams. They have been leaving my hair really soft.

Still taking this Manetabolism, hoping for another 3 inches by December. :look: That will put me solidly in MBL zone. Then I hope to retain another 4 inches by December of 2015 to put me at WL.
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I'm wearing a wash and go today. Now I remember why i only attempt them once a year :lol: Too much work! I've only perfected it knee and I don't remember what I did. Washing and DC'ing tonight and going back to braidouts.


S/N: Here's a picture from last month of my best braidout ever :drool: It lasted all of five minutes because I wore it to the On the Run concert


(Added a link to the braidout picture because it keeps coming up sideways when I upload from my phone)


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Okay... I need some advice:

My weave has been in for just over 5 weeks and is starting to loosen. I had initially meant to keep my weave in for 8 weeks.

So should I A) just let it rock for another 2.5 weeks and then take it out?

B) get it retightened and see if I can make it to 10-11 weeks?

I'm also supposed to be going on vacation mid August and I'm not sure if I want to be in the weave while on vacation (the opposite of most people lol).

What do y'all think?
ImanAdero I usually keep my weaves in for about two months. I would get it tightened if you were to wear it any longer. If you don't get it tightened, might as well take it out. What did you end up doing?
Hello ladies-

Just sitting here under my hair steamer with Queen Helen mixed with grapeseed oil.
I snipped the ends of several twists last week and plan to do a good professional trim on blow dried hair at the end of the year. Not sure if I'll be at WL by Jan 2015 but for sure by the end if it. Or else....somebody's gonna to pay for that Grrrr!

Have a good night ya'll.
ImanAdero I usually keep my weaves in for about two months. I would get it tightened if you were to wear it any longer. If you don't get it tightened, might as well take it out. What did you end up doing?

Froreal3 I'm taking It out in 2 weeks and didn't get it tightened.

I'm really ready to take it out now, but in Tryna get my money's worth.
Hello ladies-

Just sitting here under my hair steamer with Queen Helen mixed with grapeseed oil.
I snipped the ends of several twists last week and plan to do a good professional trim on blow dried hair at the end of the year. Not sure if I'll be at WL by Jan 2015 but for sure by the end if it. Or else....somebody's gonna to pay for that Grrrr!

Have a good night ya'll.
I love your hair
Today was wash day: I prepooed/detangled with Hairveda Vatika Frosting (coconut oil) and some Shescentit Cococream. Then I shampooed, dced with Silk Dreams Vanilla Silk :lick: (love love love this stuff). Afterward, I used Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie on damp hair and sealed with Keravada Fenugreek oil.

I will most likely make MBL this year in December. I realize I grow about 3 to 4 inches a year, so I think I will make WL around next year in December.
Hi. I have to leave the challenge. I h ab en been taking care of my hair like I should so I've been experiencing the most minimal amount of retention. Good luck to everyone who is still on their way and congratulations to those that have reached their goals.
Just an update:

I think that I might reach waist length by the end of this year. Two months ago I started doing protein treatments once or twice a month, and have reintroduced NeXXus Humectress into my regimen. I also don't use as much heat on my hair as I use to.


My bangs, however, are being unusually stubborn. :ohwell:
Hello ladies,



Kinky twist is my summer hair style. .. and I love it. . Philadelphia trip to my wonderful niece. ..
^^Those came out cute, sis! JJamiah

As for me, I'm discouraged. My back/nape hasn't grown. IDK why. The front/bang area and sides have...even my slow growing crown has grown a little. I should be MBL by now...hoping for December. I really just need two more inches in the back to be MBL...2 stinkin inches. *sigh* I might try out a weave sometime in December if I don't get those two inches by then. Shoot, 1" and I will be grazing MBL. I haven't worn a weave in over three years, so that should be different.

Good news is my hair appears to be healthy. It's the longest it's ever been. I was looking at old pics and was like "wow!" I'm complaining about my nape? smh


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^^Those came out cute, sis! JJamiah

As for me, I'm discouraged. My back/nape hasn't grown. IDK why. The front/bang area and sides have...even my slow growing crown has grown a little. I should be MBL by now...hoping for December. I really just need two more inches in the back to be MBL...2 stinkin inches. *sigh* I might try out a weave sometime in December if I don't get those two inches by then. Shoot, 1" and I will be grazing MBL. I haven't worn a weave in over three years, so that should be different.

Good news is my hair appears to be healthy. It's the longest it's ever been. I was looking at old pics and was like "wow!" I'm complaining about my nape? smh

Froreal3 thank you. .. :-)

I know it can be discouraging, but please hang in there. The good part is that it is healthy, and that it has grown from the picture. Maybe putting it up for a while might help as you said with the weave. I know for mine I have to wear it out for a little, and then put it up for a little, flip flopping. . My hair is bipolar.. lol
^^Those came out cute, sis! JJamiah As for me, I'm discouraged. My back/nape hasn't grown. IDK why. The front/bang area and sides have...even my slow growing crown has grown a little. I should be MBL by now...hoping for December. I really just need two more inches in the back to be MBL...2 stinkin inches. *sigh* I might try out a weave sometime in December if I don't get those two inches by then. Shoot, 1" and I will be grazing MBL. I haven't worn a weave in over three years, so that should be different. Good news is my hair appears to be healthy. It's the longest it's ever been. I was looking at old pics and was like "wow!" I'm complaining about my nape? smh

When is the next time you straighten your hair for a LC?

Also, when my nape use to break continuously, I would just assess hair styles, washing method, tension and clothing that touched the area. I even stopped touching it after a while. My nape grew in really well and is probably the healthiest part of my hair, but it took a lot of work.
@Froreal3 thank you. .. :-)

I know it can be discouraging, but please hang in there. The good part is that it is healthy, and that it has grown from the picture. Maybe putting it up for a while might help as you said with the weave. I know for mine I have to wear it out for a little, and then put it up for a little, flip flopping. . My hair is bipolar.. lol

IKR. Thanks! From neck length (in the pic) to BSL is huge. It's always been like in the pic my whole life, so yeah...so far so good. But I'm greedy and impatient. :lol: Plus I'm a slow grower.

When is the next time you straighten your hair for a LC?

Also, when my nape use to break continuously, I would just assess hair styles, washing method, tension and clothing that touched the area. I even stopped touching it after a while. My nape grew in really well and is probably the healthiest part of my hair, but it took a lot of work.

I'll probably do a light flat iron in December. My hair is always up...literally always. I usually have it in some medium sized to large twists or just one big braid in the back pinned up. Most of it is laziness. So far keeping my hair up has helped grow it to the length it is now. I tried doing long term ps with my own hair beginning of this year, but I hate the way my roots and hair gets matted with the individuals. So I stopped and went back to my normal reggie (wash, dc, style in twists weekly). My name doesn't seem like it's breaking, but it could be little by little unbeknownst to me. *shrug* Not sure what else I should do other than wait for it. Saludable84
^^Those came out cute, sis! JJamiah

As for me, I'm discouraged. My back/nape hasn't grown. IDK why. The front/bang area and sides have...even my slow growing crown has grown a little. I should be MBL by now...hoping for December. I really just need two more inches in the back to be MBL...2 stinkin inches. *sigh* I might try out a weave sometime in December if I don't get those two inches by then. Shoot, 1" and I will be grazing MBL. I haven't worn a weave in over three years, so that should be different.

Good news is my hair appears to be healthy. It's the longest it's ever been. I was looking at old pics and was like "wow!" I'm complaining about my nape? smh

Aww, don't be discouraged Froreal3, you've had great results, just keep pampering your hair and you'll get there :)
My latest length check. It looks like I'm about an inch away but I don't wanna claim it until I do an official length check and straighten my hair.

I've gone back to my twists because I think the braidouts were causing breakage, I even experienced a bit in my nape. :-/

I'm going to go hard on the protein treatments for the rest of the year. My hair craves that stuff. :lol:

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been on a hair hiatus since the beginning of the year. I was pretty upset with my salon fiasco but i was looking at my hair the other day and realized i had pretty much grown back the year's worth of hair growth the stylist cut! my mind's kinda blown that I grew back almost 6 inches in less than a year :grin::grin: that helped me to be hopeful again to reaching waist length by next year. here's my recent length check, I measured and I'm 10-12in now but still about 2 in from BSL. Hoping to make it by December '14 and be grazing WL end of 2015.

Idk what i was doing to have grown my hair back that quickly besides just not really doing much. My hair is fine and low-density so I've been pretty much wearing my hair in the same flat-twist updo style for months, I guess keeping it simple was the way to go. Now I just wish I could make a nice juicy bun, but I think my low-density is behind my hair still looking like a bunny tail because my sister's hair is only 2 in longer than mine and her buns are crazy big....:(

Hopefully the closer i get to WL the bigger my buns will be *praying*


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Giving my length check because come end of the month or Whenever the next LC is supposed to be... I'll be in a sew in. My mom took this photo. I still have a LONG way to go. But that's okay. I just love how thick it feels right now.


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My update:


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