waist length and beyond users


caring for extremely long hair can be quite a task . please share how you take care of your very long hair and verious methods that you use. also any hair styles that may be great to wear for the holidays without cutting our hair.:yawn:
Great thread. I hope you get some good responses. I have to go off line soon, but I will try to respond tomorrow night.
One thing that helps me out greatly is washing my hair in the shower. It definitely helps with keeping my tangles at bay.

I have a Jilbere shower comb, and I love it. I use it as a regular comb for daily styling, and I use it after I've shampooed and conditioned my hair (once I put in some leave in conditioner).

I'm sure some of the other waist length and beyond ladies have some other great tips to share.

caring for extremely long hair can be quite a task . please share how you take care of your very long hair and verious methods that you use. also any hair styles that may be great to wear for the holidays without cutting our hair.:yawn:

I'm at or maybe a little below waist length when stretched/wet. I wear a lot of buns and updos, usually. Lately, I've been twisting my hair in about six twists after cowashing. My schedule recently has not allowed me to cowash/detangle as often as I'm used to, plus it takes longer than it used to. The twists keep my hair from getting terribly tangled if I need to go three or four days without detangling and/or cowashing. Keeping my hair knot-free is essential. Difficult combing out sessions mean damage, so I'm very careful about regularly combing out the shed hair. I use a seamless comb and I like to gently use a denman brush, after my hair is detangled and conditioned, to make sure ALL of the shed hair is out.

The longer hair gets, the easier it is to "put it away". There are so many cute updos. I just invested in some high quality hair toys. I was sooooo tired of using cheap plastic clips and accessories that invariably break. Lately, I've been putting my twists up into a bun and using either a wood or Quattro hair stick to secure it. I'm trying to perfect a "pretzel" bun, but haven't quite gotten it yet. So far I have this:


Let's see...my hair responds well to natural butters and keeping it simple.

I hope more people respond. I'd love to know how you care for your hair, too.

Aw, thank you! It's not quite as defined as I want it to be. Plus it's a bit hit or miss as to how I get it into the pretzel shape. I think my hair needs to be longer for it to work the way I want it to. But thank you. :)
Do you co-wash every day, Cichelle?

Allandra & Cichelle: How do you style your hair when you wear it out? And more importantly how do you keep it from getting caught in doors, under handbag straps, etc.?
Do you co-wash every day, Cichelle?

I used to and prefer to cowash daily. I did for two years pretty much regularly. My schedule lately has been too busy and it is taking longer and longer to do. But I usually don't go more than three day or cowash less than twice a week.

Allandra & Cichelle: How do you style your hair when you wear it out? And more importantly how do you keep it from getting caught in doors, under handbag straps, etc.?

I guess you could call it a wash and go. Meaning, I cowash, apply natural butters and let it dry....if possible without touching it as it dries. I like to do half-ups to keep my hair off my face.

My desire to avoid getting my hair caught in and on things is one reason I almost never wear it down. But I think it is a matter of getting used to it, so that guarding your hair (moving it out of the way, tilting your head away from the door, etc.) becomes second nature. But I have seen quite a few people with long hair wearing backpacks careless of their hair and their ends are getting torn up because of it. :nono:
I'm very gentle about detangling. I can hear any kind of breaking or tearing- and stop combing immediately. It doesn't take me very long, only about 3-5 minutes in the shower, with lots of conditioner. Also- I never comb dry hair, unless it's pressed straight, and then I apply oil first.

That's the main thing.

Also- I don't trim/ cut until I reach a goal.

Oh- and I clarify every time I shampoo because I live in an area with very very hard water. When I first moved here from NY, my hair totally broke off. Someone recommended that I clarify to remove the mineral and product buildup, and I haven't had a problem since then. I never had to do this in the US, and I know a lot of people don't wash their hair often- but it works for me.
I'm at or maybe a little below waist length when stretched/wet. I wear a lot of buns and updos, usually. Lately, I've been twisting my hair in about six twists after cowashing. My schedule recently has not allowed me to cowash/detangle as often as I'm used to, plus it takes longer than it used to. The twists keep my hair from getting terribly tangled if I need to go three or four days without detangling and/or cowashing. Keeping my hair knot-free is essential. Difficult combing out sessions mean damage, so I'm very careful about regularly combing out the shed hair. I use a seamless comb and I like to gently use a denman brush, after my hair is detangled and conditioned, to make sure ALL of the shed hair is out.

The longer hair gets, the easier it is to "put it away". There are so many cute updos. I just invested in some high quality hair toys. I was sooooo tired of using cheap plastic clips and accessories that invariably break. Lately, I've been putting my twists up into a bun and using either a wood or Quattro hair stick to secure it. I'm trying to perfect a "pretzel" bun, but haven't quite gotten it yet. So far I have this:


Let's see...my hair responds well to natural butters and keeping it simple.

I hope more people respond. I'd love to know how you care for your hair, too.

That looks perfected to me! Where are you getting your "higher quality" hair accessories from?
One thing that helps me out greatly is washing my hair in the shower. It definitely helps with keeping my tangles at bay.

I have a Jilbere shower comb, and I love it. I use it as a regular comb for daily styling, and I use it after I've shampooed and conditioned my hair (once I put in some leave in conditioner).

I'm sure some of the other waist length and beyond ladies have some other great tips to share.

how long have you been growing your hair out?what is the ultimate goal?
Big congrats to all of you guys for maintaining your long tresses :grin:

I am sure I speak for most when I say "I cant wait to get there!"

All though, I think Im gonna stop at Mid-Back :look:
Do you co-wash every day, Cichelle?

Allandra & Cichelle: How do you style your hair when you wear it out? And more importantly how do you keep it from getting caught in doors, under handbag straps, etc.?
I love wearing my hair nice and straight when it's out. It's very seldom that I have my hair in any type of curly style (too much time for curls to not last long).

I always make sure my hair is tossed behind me (over my shoulder before putting my handbag on my shoulder. I've never had a problem with getting my hair caught in any type of door.
I'm at or maybe a little below waist length when stretched/wet. I wear a lot of buns and updos, usually. Lately, I've been twisting my hair in about six twists after cowashing. My schedule recently has not allowed me to cowash/detangle as often as I'm used to, plus it takes longer than it used to. The twists keep my hair from getting terribly tangled if I need to go three or four days without detangling and/or cowashing. Keeping my hair knot-free is essential. Difficult combing out sessions mean damage, so I'm very careful about regularly combing out the shed hair. I use a seamless comb and I like to gently use a denman brush, after my hair is detangled and conditioned, to make sure ALL of the shed hair is out.

The longer hair gets, the easier it is to "put it away". There are so many cute updos. I just invested in some high quality hair toys. I was sooooo tired of using cheap plastic clips and accessories that invariably break. Lately, I've been putting my twists up into a bun and using either a wood or Quattro hair stick to secure it. I'm trying to perfect a "pretzel" bun, but haven't quite gotten it yet. So far I have this:


Let's see...my hair responds well to natural butters and keeping it simple.

I hope more people respond. I'd love to know how you care for your hair, too.
I pm'ed you for your password. It has been a while since I have seen your hair. It has grown!
My hair likes low manipulation so I try to leave it alone as much as possible. I try to finger comb as much as I can to avoid using a comb. I don't shampoo any more than once a week and it's every 2 weeks if I wear it straight. Right now I'm doing braid-outs so I just wash it and braid it up every night after moisturizing. De-tangling on dry hair before shampooing has been a Godsend for me.

I stay away from direct heat now because my hair really took off when I stopped using it. If I want my hair straight I will do a silk wrap.

I moisturize and oil everyday. My daily style is a ponytail. Sometimes I'll put half of it up half down but that's as fancy as it gets, lol.

To sum it all up though, low manipulation has gotten me the most growth so I truly believe on keeping it simple.:yep:
My hair likes low manipulation so I try to leave it alone as much as possible. I try to finger comb as much as I can to avoid using a comb. I don't shampoo any more than once a week and it's every 2 weeks if I wear it straight. Right now I'm doing braid-outs so I just wash it and braid it up every night after moisturizing. De-tangling on dry hair before shampooing has been a Godsend for me.

I stay away from direct heat now because my hair really took off when I stopped using it. If I want my hair straight I will do a silk wrap.

I moisturize and oil everyday. My daily style is a ponytail. Sometimes I'll put half of it up half down but that's as fancy as it gets, lol.

To sum it all up though, low manipulation has gotten me the most growth so I truly believe on keeping it simple.:yep:
your so right. when i keep my hair in plaits it grows so fast!!!! plus its much healthier. i only straighten my hair out a few times a year. that has helped aided in more length for me!!!!!
what a beautiful baby!!!!!! ok christmas time is comming. i havent straigtened my hair out a minute. i wonder how much it has grown?:grin: