Jewell said:
I don't mean to sound crude, but why is it that many of the waist length ladies on this board don't have any pictures? Or if they do have pictures, they aren't current, as in this year. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to see progress pics, etc.
I'm not Waistlength, but when I finally get there, I'm gonna go Picture Crazy! :lachen: Jewell, You're gonna get tired of seeing my pics around here... but give me about 2 years to get there first! :lol:
What was your starting length for growing your hair? (twa, chin, shoulders, etc.)
I cut my hair pretty short about 4 years ago on a whim. Maybe like ear length. Before that it was always around shoulder length, no longer. I always wanted longer hair, but just thought that I couldn't grow it because it never got any longer than that.

How long did it take you to achieve waist length hair from that starting point?
About 4 years.

Are you relaxed, texturized, or natural?

What was you regime as you grew your hair out?
Mostly conditioner washing, I use gentle shampoo diluted with a lot of water about once a week. Lots of deep conditioning with my heat cap. Seamless combs. Basically gentle care, moisture and no heat or chemicals. Being consistent with this simple routine and waiting a long time is what has lead me to waist length :)

What products did you use?
Elucence Moisture Benefits shampoo, Elucence condish, right now I'm really liking Curl Junkie products. I also really like Aura Hypoallergenic gel, it's really gentle, rinses clean and is very moisturizing.

What styles did you wear?
Well, I went through some periods of keeping my hair up pretty much exclusively, but now I wear it down probably like 2 times a week, up the rest of the time.

Any other hair growing tips???
Satin pillowcases, seamless combs, and patience! Patience and consistency are what really grow hair. I also like to trim my own ends about 1/4 inch every 2 months to keep them thick.
This thread is so inspiring. I dont want waist length hair but I want to know that I can achieve it...if that makes sense.
I used to be a religious heat user - wash once a week, blow dry and flat iron...RELIGIOUSLY. Now I have cut out heat almost completely. I rollerset after washing and have almost perfected my regime. My stylist has said that my hair is thicker and definately healthy. I am blessed that she only trims in desperate times otherwise she doesnt even mention it. I am struggling to get the two inches I need to be BSL but I think by next spring I will definately be there!
Thank you ladies! :D
I didn't get to take more pics today. My SO didn't like that I straightened it LOL I'll try to take more next week after washing.
FlowerHair said:
I have a few new pics too, will try to take more tomorrow :)
Your hair is so gorgeous FlowerHair! :up: And you SO seems very protective of your hair, which is nice. :yep:
KittenLongPaw said:
What was your starting length for growing your hair? (twa, chin, shoulders, etc.)
I cut my hair pretty short about 4 years ago on a whim. Maybe like ear length. Before that it was always around shoulder length, no longer. I always wanted longer hair, but just thought that I couldn't grow it because it never got any longer than that.

What was you regime as you grew your hair out?
Mostly conditioner washing, I use gentle shampoo diluted with a lot of water about once a week. Lots of deep conditioning with my heat cap. Seamless combs. Basically gentle care, moisture and no heat or chemicals. Being consistent with this simple routine and waiting a long time is what has lead me to waist length :)

What styles did you wear?
Well, I went through some periods of keeping my hair up pretty much exclusively, but now I wear it down probably like 2 times a week, up the rest of the time.
How did you wear your hair when it was ear length?

How often did/do you conditioner wash?

When you said keeping your hair up, did you wear a bun? Braids? Twists? Etc?

KittenLongPaw and FlowerHair have beautiful natural hair! Congrats on being waist length! ;)
Congratulations to all the beautiful hair ladies that have achieved the goal of waistlength. Beautiful job ladies. bonjour
Poohbear said:
How did you wear your hair when it was ear length?

How often did/do you conditioner wash?

When you said keeping your hair up, did you wear a bun? Braids? Twists? Etc?

KittenLongPaw and FlowerHair have beautiful natural hair! Congrats on being waist length! ;)

Hey Poohbear, I never saw this, sorry! Thanks for the compliment :)

When my hair was ear length, I just wore it out. I couldn't really do much else with it. Eventually, I started sleeping with a doo-rag on it when it was damp, and that flattened it out some and actually made it dry in a cute style.

Right now I'm conditioner washing like twice a week, and washing with shampoo once a week. So, washing 3 times a week total. Since it's cold, I really don't feel like having wet hair more than I need to. I keep it in buns and braids most of the time, because that way it doesn't get tangled and I can wash it less. I've been using Wild Growth oil on it, because that makes it air dry really nicely after I wash, and keeps it feeling soft and easier to manage. Most of the time, I airdry with my hair in a braid or banded, and that leaves it a little straighter, which means less tangles and then I can just bun it and braid it for a few days without washing it. When the weather is warmer, I wash more, and wear it out more.

HTH! :)
Yes, thanks Nappy for bumping it.

So, Pooh, did you ever reach waist-length?

How long is your hair right now?

Of course, I remember SherryLove. She is another inspiration. Not too many black women can represent with length such as that.
Blossssom said:
So, Pooh, did you ever reach waist-length?

How long is your hair right now?
LOL! No, my hair is no where near waist length. My hair was less than an inch long almost 2 years ago, so my hair has a long way to go if it's ever going to reach waistlength. But as Country gal expressed, I would be content with armpit length. I'm hoping I'll be armpit length by the end of this year. Right now, my hair is a few inches passed shoulder length when stretched in the back. However, the sides and front aren't as long because I just trimmed about 2 inches off last month.

And it's nice to finally see a picture of your hair Blossssom! Looks like you'll be waist length in no time! ;)

Thanks KittenLongPaw for your response! :)
I WANT WAIST LENGTH HAIR NOW...but I know it takes patience... In the meantime...Give us some TIPS!!!
What was your starting length for growing your hair? My starting point is just above bra-strap length
How long did it take you to achieve waist length hair from that starting point? It took me about 1 year.
Are you relaxed, texturized, or natural? Natural
What was you regime as you grew your hair out? My hair grew the best when I just left it alone and eliminated direct heat. I washed it at first whenever my scalp itched, I have a detailed regimen now but I don’t think it’s what really grew my hair, I think most of all it was a healthy diet and eliminating heat.
What products did you use? Any moisturizing conditioner, I now like V05 moisture milks. I want to mention part of my hair growth was b4 I knew about LHCF so I wasn’t doing much and it grew but to get me to inch past the mid-back length and into waist-length I really feel ACV rinses helped, as well as deep conditioning, and OIL which my hair loves now that I have moisture down I need to get my protein down as well so my strands will be that much stronger.
What styles did you wear? I got the most consistent growth with braid outs over the summer. I also did protective styling buns, and stuffing all of it under a straight wig. Hehehe
Any other hair growing tips??? For me keeping my scalp clean and not messing with my ends much while retaining moisture and seriously limiting heat is the best option to gain length. Diet is also important; also little changes like changing to a satian pillowcase and remembering to moisturize my hair daily is what helped me to finally retain the length.
Qetesh said:
I WANT WAIST LENGTH HAIR NOW...but I know it takes patience... In the meantime...Give us some TIPS!!!
What was your starting length for growing your hair? My starting point is just above bra-strap length
How long did it take you to achieve waist length hair from that starting point? It took me about 1 year.
Are you relaxed, texturized, or natural? Natural
What was you regime as you grew your hair out? My hair grew the best when I just left it alone and eliminated direct heat. I washed it at first whenever my scalp itched, I have a detailed regimen now but I don’t think it’s what really grew my hair, I think most of all it was a healthy diet and eliminating heat.
What products did you use? Any moisturizing conditioner, I now like V05 moisture milks. I want to mention part of my hair growth was b4 I knew about LHCF so I wasn’t doing much and it grew but to get me to inch past the mid-back length and into waist-length I really feel ACV rinses helped, as well as deep conditioning, and OIL which my hair loves now that I have moisture down I need to get my protein down as well so my strands will be that much stronger.
What styles did you wear? I got the most consistent growth with braid outs over the summer. I also did protective styling buns, and stuffing all of it under a straight wig. Hehehe
Any other hair growing tips??? For me keeping my scalp clean and not messing with my ends much while retaining moisture and seriously limiting heat is the best option to gain length. Diet is also important; also little changes like changing to a satian pillowcase and remembering to moisturize my hair daily is what helped me to finally retain the length.

Woooow your reach your waistlength goal CONGRATULATION QETESH:yay: