Is everyone going to reach Mid back or waist length hair EVENTUALLY???

The bold is not true since the length of the Anagen phase (that's the growing phase of the cycle) determines how long your hair can grow...and most people do not grow an inch a month. At the average growth rate of 1/2 an inch a month, someone's whose growth phase lasts only 2 years would have 12 inches of growth in that time before the hair started to shed. If they retained it all, that would mean they'd probably be at BSL, or very close for a tall person. So I think the realistic thing is to say, that unless there is ill health, at least BSL is possible for just about everyone...since 2 years is about the shortest an Anagen phase can last. Now if you are one of those lucky to have a 6-year-long Anagen phase or a faster growth rate, then you might be sitting on your hair in a few years.

So is 6 years the absolute longest phase that hair could possibly have?
am I the only one on this board who DOES NOT want mid back or waist length hair??

Thats too long for me. I prefer APL, or the absolute longest would be bra strap length.

I think this thread was geared toward those that do want long hair.
am I the only one on this board who DOES NOT want mid back or waist length hair??

Thats too long for me. I prefer APL, or the absolute longest would be bra strap length.

You are not the only one. There are many ladies that actally keep their hair cut at that length. I know some get to BSL and keep it blunt cut there.
The bold is not true since the length of the Anagen phase (that's the growing phase of the cycle) determines how long your hair can grow...and most people do not grow an inch a month. At the average growth rate of 1/2 an inch a month, someone's whose growth phase lasts only 2 years would have 12 inches of growth in that time before the hair started to shed. If they retained it all, that would mean they'd probably be at BSL, or very close for a tall person. So I think the realistic thing is to say, that unless there is ill health, at least BSL is possible for just about everyone...since 2 years is about the shortest an Anagen phase can last. Now if you are one of those lucky to have a 6-year-long Anagen phase or a faster growth rate, then you might be sitting on your hair in a few years.

Hmmm not sure might I'm thinking I might be. I did retain 12 inches or more of hair in a 2 year span. So does this mean that my hair will grow for another 4 years until it reaches its ultimate length? Because that would equal 24 more inches of hair, which would put me at about 37 inches. I'm pretty sure I won't want 37 inches of hair reaching down to my ankles LOL
After reading some comments, I will just put LOA in the mix.

Visualize. Allow. Deep Condition. Visualize. Allow. Protective Style. Visualize. Allow. Co-Wash.

"I'm in the process of attracting and allowing all that I need to do, know and have to attract my ideal hair length".

"I'm in the process of attracting and allowing all that I need to do, know and have to attract my ideal hair length".

"I'm in the process of attracting and allowing all that I need to do, know and have to attract my ideal hair length".

"I'm in the process of attracting and allowing all that I need to do, know and have to attract my ideal hair length".
Due to recent setbacks I'm having second thoughts but I never thought I'd have hair at APL either! I'm not giving up yet! I have a few strands just near MBL so I do think it's possible!
Hmmm not sure might I'm thinking I might be. I did retain 12 inches or more of hair in a 2 year span. So does this mean that my hair will grow for another 4 years until it reaches its ultimate length? Because that would equal 24 more inches of hair, which would put me at about 37 inches. I'm pretty sure I won't want 37 inches of hair reaching down to my ankles LOL

It depends on how long your (perhaps genetically determined? Not sure) Anagen phase is. If you are one of those people whose hair continues to grow for 6 years, then you may have hair down to your ankles. However, if you are one of those whose Anagen phase is not more than 2 years, then you may not make it to those lengths.

Not trying to put a damper on folks but I think many times people set goals that might not be achievable to all and then get discouraged when it seems everyone is getting there but them. I think BSL is such an awesome length and it is great to know it is possible for just about all of us. Of course if you beat that, then congrats! But if you only get to it or close, then you can pat yourself in the back for excellent haircare.
So is 6 years the absolute longest phase that hair could possibly have?

No. There are hardly any absolutes in life or hair. 2-6 years applies to most people but people with hair longer than they are tall proves that this is not the case for everyone.
No. There are hardly any absolutes in life or hair. 2-6 years applies to most people but people with hair longer than they are tall proves that this is not the case for everyone.

Thanks for responding...I just keep seeing a reference to 6 years so that is why I asked.
No, everyone won't get it. I do think it's possible for those who are willing to work for it though.
So you guys don't believe in the genetics theory? Whenever I mention growing my hair to my thighs someone mentions that genes will determine if I can grow it that long. In fact someone told me that I had a lot of nerve misleading Black women into thinking that they can grow it that long. LOL

Personally I do think that depending on genes our hair can be weak or have something that keeps it from growing long due to a lack of nutrients. But with patience and giving your hair what it needs; I think many of us can eventually reach long lengths.

Now, when you're talking about ultra long lengths like that, then yes, I do believe that genetics plays a factor. However, I think MBL and WL are do-able for your average, healthy woman with good hair care practices.
So is 6 years the absolute longest phase that hair could possibly have?

No, just the average longest (some scientists say 7, some say 8). There are people like Diane Witt who baffled scientists because they seemed to defy the normal rules, so you never know. Maybe a handful of us have the Diane Witt mutant gene. :giggle:
It depends on how long your (perhaps genetically determined? Not sure) Anagen phase is. If you are one of those people whose hair continues to grow for 6 years, then you may have hair down to your ankles. However, if you are one of those whose Anagen phase is not more than 2 years, then you may not make it to those lengths.

Not trying to put a damper on folks but I think many times people set goals that might not be achievable to all and then get discouraged when it seems everyone is getting there but them. I think BSL is such an awesome length and it is great to know it is possible for just about all of us. Of course if you beat that, then congrats! But if you only get to it or close, then you can pat yourself in the back for excellent haircare.

I think that I am done thinking about it - or worrying myself about it.....
from 2007 to 2008 - I had a MAJOR jump in growth... and that was not the case from 2006 to 2007....

So - Who knows. My hair has never been this all of my many years.... But - I am done thinking about it.... I am glad I have been able to pat myself on the back....But Jumping through hoopo for Goals?
Nope - no mo'.
I think now that I am more focused on keeping my hair healthy it is possible. I think if your hair is healthy it is very possible to get to MBL at some point or another.
I think most people could reach mid back length with proper care and patience. I estimate for me it will take another 2 to 3 years.
i want mbl hair but i am transitioning so its going to get chopped off anyway. my last relaxer was september 08 and i plan on doing the big chop this september or december. so with luck my natural hair will still be almost apl stretched.
I believe anyone can have bsl, mbl, or wl hair if they are willing to do the work. I had bsl hair when I was younger because my mother took very good care of my hair. So I am going to take good care of my hair to get back to that length. But, I do believe genes play a major role in hair growth becasue I have a friend (that is black) that can cut her hair to sl and in less than a year it will be back to bsl. She loves to cut her hair.
this thread was kinda reassuring for me. Thanks OP. I was beginning to get discouraged due to the long ways I have to go, coming from a short cut and all. And all I want is BSL, then I can think of other goals and/or terminal length. but i'm one of those that my longest length has been full shoulder. So, there's been doubts. Esp as of lately.
I'm not sure. I would like to see how long my hair will grow. I want MBL or WL, but hell, I will settle for anything that SL (I've been that length my whole life). I just really don't know how likely it is for people to grow WL or MBL hair. It's not something you see often on people of any race, but most people have bad hair regimens.


Que sera sera?
It's not a matter of ...if our hair can grow to mid back or waist ..its can we retain the growth to take our hair to mid back or beyond . I believe under the right conditions anyone's hair can grow to ample takes time/patience/persistence/regiment /prayer/determination/good health/
I'm claiming my ultimate goal of Full BSL..I know its not easy and wont happen over night ...I'm gona get there:grin:
Not to totally knock this LOA thing, but it does not really make sense to me.:ohwell:

Just because you want something does not mean that you are going to have it. A short person who wants to be tall will not grow, just because they want it bad enough.

We all can have healthy hair, no doubt. But we will not all have hair down to out knees no matter how hard we try. We are all different. Just like weight or any other bodily function. That is why you know some women who do not DC or do protective styles and still have super long hair. Then you have women who are to complete opposite.

I have noticed that people are so afraid to hear that something will not happen. I am not saying that anyone could/should tell you that it won't. That may not be their place (unless you asked). Because I know if someone tells me that I will never get married, they just might get clocked, LOL!:look: But I realize that it is a possibility.

Anyway, back to my original point. A question was posed and to that I say...No matter how bad you want it, some things you just might not get. Sawry...
Nope, everyone won't get there. It's science. For example, if my anagen phase is only two years and I have the average 6 inches of growth, I won't even be APL except for the nape of my hair, everything else will be SL or a bit longer.

Such is life. I'll still work hard to retain as much as I can.
Not to totally knock this LOA thing, but it does not really make sense to me.:ohwell:

Just because you want something does not mean that you are going to have it. A short person who wants to be tall will not grow, just because they want it bad enough.

We all can have healthy hair, no doubt. But we will not all have hair down to out knees no matter how hard we try. We are all different. Just like weight or any other bodily function. That is why you know some women who do not DC or do protective styles and still have super long hair. Then you have women who are to complete opposite.

I have noticed that people are so afraid to hear that something will not happen. I am not saying that anyone could/should tell you that it won't. That may not be their place (unless you asked). Because I know if someone tells me that I will never get married, they just might get clocked, LOL!:look: But I realize that it is a possibility.

Anyway, back to my original point. A question was posed and to that I say...No matter how bad you want it, some things you just might not get. Sawry...

Um, I was being sarcastic.


Anyway, I do believe in some aspects of LOA. (not all, the scientific aspect I will never get) This is off topic, but I have to say it. I do think that more people needs tools to help them stay focused on doing what they need to do to achieve hteir goals. Staying positive and looking at things a certain way could help so many people, especially when it is so easy to focus on the negative.

With that said, again, my LOA post was sarcastic. Just trying to make people laugh. But realistically, someone could use LOA concepts in a less sarcastic way to help her stick to her regimine, not falling into discouragment traps, or giving up on her goal.

I still don't think everyone can get Mid back or Waistlength hair. I will never believe that. But if the thought and goal keeps someone going - I SAY GO FOR IT!!
:grin: I definately believe so! There is no doubt in my mind that I will be WL before I'm 22 (I'm 19 now). After being on this board for a YEAR I can officially say I'm DONE experimenting. I've listened to my hair and now I KNOW what works for me. It's just a matter of waiting now :yep: I have my regimen down pat, moisture/protein balance is ALWAYS on point, my supplement game is banging and I see the progress every time I straighten :drunk:. I think everyone can reach it if they learn to listen to their hair.
Nope, everyone won't get there. It's science. For example, if my anagen phase is only two years and I have the average 6 inches of growth, I won't even be APL except for the nape of my hair, everything else will be SL or a bit longer.

Such is life. I'll still work hard to retain as much as I can.

I am beginning to believe this. My niece who is half-Asian has the slowest growing hair I have ever encountered(I meantioned Asian because it dispells my previous belief that Asian hair grows at the speed of light).

She got her hair cut to the top of her neck in May of last year and it's currently at the bottom of her neck. She's had no trims, her hair stays moisturized, it's not just grows sloooooowwwwww.

She's only 8 so she can reach wsl eventually, but I really do believe that some people's hair grows slow...wether it's due to growth cycles or unknown phenomenons.