Waist Length 2012 Challenge

Thanks for the hair magic and well wishes! After setting my hair I think I used too much setting lotion because it was a little crunchy when I first unrolled it then it relaxed after I finger combed it. Once the crackle was gone I smoothed it with a wide toothed comb and brushed a little oil on.

I'm not sure what I did last week when I relaxed it but if the waves I already have at the roots are any indication I won't be wearing my hair down for the next 7 weeks. I also need to practice roller setting and that silkening technique because my hair is big and I don't like looking like I have an afro with pekineese puppy sitting on top.

The color is slightly off because I forgot I was wearing a navy blue shirt when I took the pic so I adjusted the brightness and contrast.

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Soldier...I took the weave out!! My hair feels so light now lol. I did a quick little measurement of my NG(even though its only been 2 weeks) and guess what!! I can lift the braids up to the 1/2" point on my ruler!!!!! :D
Ladies, I got me some Skala yesterday! My hair is sooooooooo soft and smooth. I think Ima have to go back to BL tomorrow and get the rest of the Ceramides G3 conditioner! Hopefully it will help me get to my December relaxer!
I JUST saw this thread..I'm a week late...but can I join in..today?
pretty pleeze?
I so want to get to waist. :)
Welcome, Kayte! I think I speak for everyone when I say "meet you at waist!". This time is gonna fly by and we'll all be here cheering each other on.
Okay I feel SO much better without that weave in my head!!! I kept the braids and did a good and thorough 'poo and condish. It feels light and heavenly.
Soldier...I took the weave out!! My hair feels so light now lol. I did a quick little measurement of my NG(even though its only been 2 weeks) and guess what!! I can lift the braids up to the 1/2" point on my ruler!!!!! :D

WTH!!! You already took the weave out!? Did you not like it?
WTH!!! You already took the weave out!? Did you not like it?

The curly mess was getting WAY too tangled so I took it out and left the braids in. Gonna rock this under my wigs for a month and get some straight hair sewn in for my birthday and keep it in until October. Crazy I know.
The curly mess was getting WAY too tangled so I took it out and left the braids in. Gonna rock this under my wigs for a month and get some straight hair sewn in for my birthday and keep it in until October. Crazy I know.

Awww cant wait to see the straight weave!!! I think I will get one in December!!! Excited, I was going to put a few tracks at the bottom of my head

Hi ladies! Coming in here to be nosy :look: and wish you much success on your way to WL. Just stay motivated and continue to care for your hair and you will make it. I will be lurking in here from time to time.

Good luck to you all. *sprinkles hair growing dust* :fairy:
*stand up under the hair growing and parts my hair so it hits it SMACK DAB onto my scalp*
Just checking in. I am rocking wigs right now and really trying to keep it low manipulation. My hair is right below bsl, and I am so excited. It's gotten really thick over the months and straightening it is a bear. As much as I love my maxiglide, it is not doing the job any more on a lower heat and I really don't want to go at to high of a setting so it seems like I might be looking for a new flat iron soon.
^^^and here I was thinking about getting a Maxiglide to give my Chi a break

NikkiQ it does work great especially if I turn up the heat. I can get it pretty straight using Oscar Blandi on about a 7. However the longer I'm natural the more it seems as if my curly hair wants to stay curly and not straighten. :wallbash: Your hair might really like the Maxiglide. I noticed that last year when I was straightening almost every weekend my Maxiglide worked wonderful, so I would still give it a try.

Hi ladies! Coming in here to be nosy :look: and wish you much success on your way to WL. Just stay motivated and continue to care for your hair and you will make it. I will be lurking in here from time to time.

Good luck to you all. *sprinkles hair growing dust* :fairy:
Welcome Ms Mariposa. Beautiful hair. Thank you for the hair dust. Come in anytime. :yep: Next time please just dump the whole bucket on my scalp. :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I'm checking in just to say happy hair growing to all of you. I can't wait to see progress pics. I grew my hair long by keeping it simple and low manipulation. Less is more.

I will also continue visiting this thread from time to time to see how everyone is progressing. May all of you have great success in achieving waist length hair (you can do it :grin:).

Thanks Celina Starr. I'm sure this motivation from you beautiful long hair ladies will help us get there. Come in anytime with tips you may have. Welcome.

Good luck ladies :) Stay away from full trims! Try to get accustomed to S&D method

Thank you Going Natural and welcome to our thread. I must admit that not trimming every 6-8 weeks feels weird. I am aiming for every 4-6 month trims.
2012 Seems like such a long way from now but I guess it is worth it knowing I will be swinging this head full of hair during that year. Let the journey begin....
I am checking in. I have been in this weave since the beginning of July and I am ready to take it out. I think I am next week cause its hella loose and I miss my hair. The only thing is I am about 45 weeks post relaxer going for about 60 something and I get sick of dealing with my hair within 2 weeks of it being out.

Oh well I know its healthy cause I went to get a trim right before puttng it up and the stylist said .5 in would be needed just to even it up. I dont care about that since its hidden so she just did a very light dusting to refresh my ends. I hadent had a trim since Sept of last year and she was shocked at how healthy my ends were.

Oh as soon as I straighten my hair I will be posting a pic for the challenge.

Well 6-8 weeks is the limit for keeping sew-ins in. Maybe you can style the hair different and just make sure to keep it moisturized underneath there and think about the reward when you take it out. 6 weeks will come really soon. Let us know what you decide to do and can't wait to see the pictures.

Sooo... Yesterday, I saturated my hair with ORS replenishing conditioner (LOVE). It pretty much stayed in my hair for hours with a plastic cap covering it. Rinsed, air dried, and applied Mizani H20 nighttime, and H20 conditioning hairdress. Put some ragedy twist in my hair, satin scarf.... Woke up this morning, and my hair is very soft and manageable. Rub a little EVCO while taking out the twist for style.

I'm sure it is pretty lady. How do you like Mizani?

Thanks for the hair magic and well wishes! After setting my hair I think I used too much setting lotion because it was a little crunchy when I first unrolled it then it relaxed after I finger combed it. Once the crackle was gone I smoothed it with a wide toothed comb and brushed a little oil on.

I'm not sure what I did last week when I relaxed it but if the waves I already have at the roots are any indication I won't be wearing my hair down for the next 7 weeks. I also need to practice roller setting and that silkening technique because my hair is big and I don't like looking like I have an afro with pekineese puppy sitting on top.

The color is slightly off because I forgot I was wearing a navy blue shirt when I took the pic so I adjusted the brightness and contrast.


Aw shucks now :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin: Don't sneeze too hard. You will be at APL if not already there. How is your daughter doing?

Soldier...I took the weave out!! My hair feels so light now lol. I did a quick little measurement of my NG(even though its only been 2 weeks) and guess what!! I can lift the braids up to the 1/2" point on my ruler!!!!! :D

Nikki. You took it out. I know the feel of all that new growth is rewarding though. What are you doing with your hair. I took out my 4 week cornrows after 1 week :nono: and am wearing a braidouot.

Ladies, I got me some Skala yesterday! My hair is sooooooooo soft and smooth. I think Ima have to go back to BL tomorrow and get the rest of the Ceramides G3 conditioner! Hopefully it will help me get to my December relaxer!

I've heard a lot of people talking about Skala how do you like it and which one do you use? Look forward to seeing everyone's update pictures in December. :grin::grin:

I JUST saw this thread..I'm a week late...but can I join in..today?
pretty pleeze?
I so want to get to waist. :)

Welcome please make sure to post your regimine and a starting picture. Waist Length 2012!

Checking in.. I did my touch up. I'm still a few inches away from bsl. :ohwell:

I'm sure you are a sneeze away and you will make it next time. Can't wait to see pictures.

can i join too? i just saw this thread as well. i'm natural and apl and hope to be wsl(straightened) by december 2011.

Welcome lady can't wait to see starting pics and please post your regimine. Waist Length 2012!

2012 Seems like such a long way from now but I guess it is worth it knowing I will be swinging this head full of hair during that year. Let the journey begin....

Welcome Ijanei. Please post your starting pics and your regimine and welcome again. Waist Length 2012!
Aw shucks now :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin: Don't sneeze too hard. You will be at APL if not already there. How is your daughter doing?
She's fine and bugging me about her account lol. She normally works evenings while I have her son so trying to get a moment for her to set up her info is fun. Hmmm she chooses and I pay...I wonder when that's going to stop. :rolleyes:

Also I have some pictures to post tonight of my new 2 strand flat twists I put in last night. There is a disclaimer though......I have never in my entire life braided all of my own hair :blush:. The times that I have worn braids can be counted on 2 hands with fingers to spare. With that being said I hope you ladies don't :lachen: too much with the fact that some of the parts aren't perfect and I should have added 2 more twists at the top to make the style look more finished. My daughter, who is a really good braider, looked at me like I was in kindergarten and said "Good job, Mommy"!

If this style survives my co-wash rinse tomorrow night, I am going to research ways to keep them moisturized after co-washing without taking them down between wash days. I plan to co-wash the way you would braid extensions, with a stocking cap and conditioner forced through the hair via a squeeze bottle.

Good lord I wrote a book. I'm done until I get home tonight to get the pictures up.

Have a great day ladies!

Here's my twisted style:
In the first pic I was trying to show how big they were going back etc, The second pic is from the back after I retwisted the hair to make the back tighter. I hid my face because it was late and I had my "sleepy" face going on.

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Nikki. You took it out. I know the feel of all that new growth is rewarding though. What are you doing with your hair. I took out my 4 week cornrows after 1 week :nono: and am wearing a braidouot.

I'm currently wearing my wig over the braids and totally loving it!:yep:
^^^I never thought to just put some on the bottom, but my hair is nowhere near as nice and long as yours. You'd totally be able to tell where my hair stops and the weave starts lol
^^^I never thought to just put some on the bottom, but my hair is nowhere near as nice and long as yours. You'd totally be able to tell where my hair stops and the weave starts lol

Lol heck no!!! I am not sure it will look all that bomb, I am just assuming, my friend at church did it, or rather does it and it looks good, but her hair is thicker than mine, not so sure it will turn out right. Maybe I will ask my friend what she thinks, lol......
^^^wake your butt up woman! all that pretty hair you got...I'd be bunnin or bantu knottin my butt off :lachen:
Grow you give me too much credit... Remember I was scalped.

I am a cough, sneeze, migrane headache, flu, and a sinus cold away.
it's really not that far hun!

that's right, i forgot, we gotta get that stylist who scalped your MBL length!

you're lucky it grows so fast though, you'll be back there in no time!:yep:
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