vo5 conditioner


New Member
Ok last night I co-washed with a vo5 conditioner, I left my hair in a ponytail, I didn't comb my hair at all and as I rinsed the conditioner out I started to notice little broken hairs:nono:. So I then used my suave coconut conditioner and the breakage stopped. Everytime I use vo5 conditioners my hair just doesn't have a good reaction to them, I know that they have a little protein in them. Are there any one else who has this problem or am I just doing something wrong, do any of you guys co-wash with any other conditioners other that vo5 and if so, what would you sugguest to someone who hair doesn't take too well to protein. I also notice that most of the vo5 conditioners that I have have biotin in them, does that make a difference. I need help!:ohwell:
I've never tried vo5 as I don't care much for fruity smells. It's more about the treating/healing properties of the product. Although, I do admit that I have not tried vo5 probably since the 80's. And it sucked then. The same goes for Sauve Tropical Coconut (not the 80's part).

Sauve Humectant might be worth revisiting. I've just started using Nexxus Humectress (they were buy 1 get 1 half off at Walgreens), and it's great but too expensive to use on the regular. I hear Aussie moist is great for those sensitive to protein and need serious moisture. That's on my PJ list too.

Sorry, I don't know anything about Biotin...
well I have some vo5 conditioner that i used for cowashing and whenever i use it and let my hair airdry it ALWAYS has a nasty filmy feeling to it, and I always wash it all out. My hair would jus tfeel really gross after using it so I just stopped using it. I like AOHSR conditioner and I figure if I have that and like it, why would I use a different conditioner on certain days for cowashes, I might as well use the one I like. so I just stopped using it. But i know plenty of ladies that love it for cowashes so it may just be our hair that doesn't agree with it.
Your hair probably doesn't agree with it. I use the V05 Moisture Milks Line for cowashes and it works great for my hair. Also, most cheapie conditioners have a little protein in them because moisture needs something to bind to within the conditioner. Maybe you need to try a natural hair care line to find a protein free conditioner- but that may get z bit expensive.
I love the VO5 Moisture Milk for co washes. It does sound odd that a conditioner would cause you to lose little broken hairs?? VO5 is a very light protein. Maybe your hair just doesn't like VO5.
My hair does the opposite if I use suave at all I get shedding but with vo5 I can cowash, dc, or rinse out just not leave in. Diff strokes diff folks