Vitamin Challenge 2013

I take the Bamboo Extract also but I just ran out and I only can find them at Swanson's vitamins online - where did you get your from?

They're the Swanson's but I got mine on Amazon. I couldn't find any on the ground.

deedoswell was your new growth different, after taking it? Healthier, thicker, or stronger?
They're the Swanson's but I got mine on Amazon. I couldn't find any on the ground.

deedoswell was your new growth different, after taking it? Healthier, thicker, or stronger?

Wow, I never thought about that. I would say stronger. I have thin hair and it's still thin but I think my new growth are stronger!
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Checking in. Took all my vitamins from Sunday till this afternoon today. I moved my vitamins to area I will see them everyday and that helps in reminding me to take them.
Been hitting and missing this week. I always take something but don't always take everything. I'm going to remeasure again since I've been taking maca about 3 months. Will come later tonight or tomorrow with an update.
Been hitting and missing this week. I always take something but don't always take everything. I'm going to remeasure again since I've been taking maca about 3 months. Will come later tonight or tomorrow with an update.

Since 3/19, I gained 4 lbs which I don't blame on maca. I've been eating too much lol. What is promising is that there was no change in the waist area. I usually gain in the bust and waist. This time, I gained in the breast and hip/booty area. I was between D and DD measurements on 3/19 but the .5 inch has put me at officially DD. Um thanks Maca.

These measurements are encouraging. I will try to take 2 a day and report back in another 3 months. I am also walking/running now and trying to watch my caloric intake a bit more so we shall see! I might even throw in some squats. :-)

Difference in inches
Waist 0
Hips +.25 inch
Bust + .5 inch
Bra Band 0
IM BACK!!! Two weeks strong taking my vitamins. It's been about four months since I've been consistent with taking them. And now that's a conscience effort, I know I'm back.

Soloray Hair (Saw Palmetto, Horsetail, Watercress, Juniper, White Willow, Rosemary, Burdock, Mullein... Gelatin, Potassium Sulfate, Potassium Phosphate, Silica)
HSN Multi
Biotin (2x 5000 mcg)

Since starting again breakage has reduced tremendously (Garlic) and hair feels stronger and thicker (hair was feeling very limp). Before my hiatus I was six months strong without interruption. Glad to be back. Happy Mothers Day!
Since 3/19, I gained 4 lbs which I don't blame on maca. I've been eating too much lol. What is promising is that there was no change in the waist area. I usually gain in the bust and waist. This time, I gained in the breast and hip/booty area. I was between D and DD measurements on 3/19 but the .5 inch has put me at officially DD. Um thanks Maca.

These measurements are encouraging. I will try to take 2 a day and report back in another 3 months. I am also walking/running now and trying to watch my caloric intake a bit more so we shall see! I might even throw in some squats. :-)

Difference in inches
Waist 0
Hips +.25 inch
Bust + .5 inch
Bra Band 0

jprayze... What is this that increases your bust... Please do tell!
IM BACK!!! Two weeks strong taking my vitamins. It's been about four months since I've been consistent with taking them. And now that's a conscience effort, I know I'm back.

Soloray Hair (Saw Palmetto, Horsetail, Watercress, Juniper, White Willow, Rosemary, Burdock, Mullein... Gelatin, Potassium Sulfate, Potassium Phosphate, Silica)
HSN Multi
Biotin (2x 5000 mcg)

Since starting again breakage has reduced tremendously (Garlic) and hair feels stronger and thicker (hair was feeling very limp). Before my hiatus I was six months strong without interruption. Glad to be back. Happy Mothers Day!

DominicanBrazilian82 What do you think of the Bamboo and the components of the Soloray Hair? I've been interested in taking Bamboo, Horsetail, and Saw Palmetto for a while, but idk how effective they are.
DominicanBrazilian82 What do you think of the Bamboo and the components of the Soloray Hair? I've been interested in taking Bamboo, Horsetail, and Saw Palmetto for a while, but idk how effective they are.

sounbeweavable Bamboo is a must!!! I have more history with this and can attribute thickness and health to it (when consistent). Soloray Hair is a newer supplement to my list (about two weeks) and I can say that my hair is visibly thicker and healthier. More than before without them. I did a little research on their individual benefits and I can say that I am seeing some results. But it's only been a few weeks. I will keep you updated after 30 days of consistent use.