Vitamin and Water Challenge Members

I divide my water intake into two bottles (and a third one just in case im still thirsty at night but is not mandatory to drink) the first bottle mixed with msm/sulfur i must drink morning through lunch and then the second bottle mixed too i drink it through the afternoon to evening .So it clears me very well. i dont know how much water it is as i used an old Snapple bottle not the smallest one the bigger plastic one (not the biggest though) and keep it next to the computer so i drink every second. As far as vitamins i take them all with my breakfast early in the morning so i m rid of them, then i can go about my day. The only problem i m forced to go to the bathroom all the time blame it on the msm
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Don't think I told anyone I was on this challenge, as I joined while still in lurking.

I drink about 2.5-3 litres of water daily, and in terms of my vitamin regimen, I've changed from MSM, Mega Womans Mulit, Amino acids and Zinc to:
Biotin, Mega Multi, Zinc, L-Cysteine, EPO and Amino acids (every now and then- taking those huge tablets gets tiresome!)

I've been taking the EPO for ages, and I haven't realy seen a change in my hair, at all :ohwell:
Maybe Ima switch to Flaxseed...
Lately the only thing I drink is water. I'm still going strong on my vitamins. I take those first thing in the morning 1 msm, 1 futurbiotics hair, skin, &nails, and 1 nature's way multi-vitamin.
I do really well during the week on this challenge drinking over 100 fluid ounces per day. But during the weekend I find it hard to keep it up 'cause I'm going out and water is the last thing on my mind :look:. So on the weekend I probably only do 33.8 to maybe 64 ounces. Other than that I have not missed a day taking all of my EIGHT vitamin supplements yet. Keep up the good work ladies it has almost been a month.
A few days ago i read an article in cyberspace about the effects on sugar and phosphoric acid found in sodas on the human body. The article terrified me, needless to say i'm up to 8 full glasses of water per day. My mom is up to 5 and coworker said shes up to 6. I'm still taking my vitamins and eating healthy. Last night i had wild alaskan salmon,shrimp and steamed broccoli at a local restaurante. Yum, i love seafood. :grin:
I am doing great!!! My trips to the bathroom has gotten a lot better too. Thanks for the challenge MsColWhite, I desperately needed it! :)
Summa Bliss said:

Don't think I told anyone I was on this challenge, as I joined while still in lurking.

Me too! I started a month ago. I'm doing pretty well with the vitamins. I take GNC Ultra Nourishair. I had to get a touch up yesterday after only stretching 6 weeks because the new growth was just too much! I'm a 4a.

I need to try a little harder with drinking water :ohwell:.
So far so good. I'm drinking like a fish and taking my vitamins. I got a relaxer yesterday after 10 weeks (4 weeks taking my vitamins on a regular basis) and I can already see a difference. Ususally when I get a relaxer, afterwards, my hair is flat and lifeless because its so thin. My hair is so much thicker than it was in the past. So I will definately stick with the vitamins!!!