Virgo Men

I'm not heavy into astrology, but it's entertaining. Apparently I'm a match made in heaven with Virgo men. Honestly, Virgo men scare me. They are supposedly judgmental and perfectionists.

Something I've also noticed about Virgo men is that they don't seem to take the typical approach to asking a woman out. It's like pulling teeth to get a Virgo man to make the first moves. I guess it's the shyness.

For ladies who are with Virgo men, or have been with/around you notice typical Virgo male patterns? Did your Virgo man take a different approach to getting to know you/starting the relationship?

As a Virgo female (big-up all my erf signs)...the two Virgo males that I have been around are completely different, with the main thing in common being that they LOVE talking about themselves...all the time...incessantly.

One is very sharply dressed, ambitious, creative and intelligent, def a perfectionist, but can only talk about what he does every time I see him. We've been friends since childhood, he likes me, but is slow to trying to get it to that level..which is fine, because I don't like him that way. I guess it's the Virgo shyness w/hesitation.

The other who I recently met, has an extreme potty mouth, tried to move very fast :nono:, and again, talked nonstop about his dreams and ambitions. I think he's a failed perfectionist.

IMO, w/Virgo men, be prepared for a lot of chattiness, which is good..Ive known other V-men and they all have that in common.

What sign r u?
As a Virgo female (big-up all my erf signs)...the two Virgo males that I have been around are completely different, with the main thing in common being that they LOVE talking about themselves...all the time...incessantly.

One is very sharply dressed, ambitious, creative and intelligent, def a perfectionist, but can only talk about what he does every time I see him. We've been friends since childhood, he likes me, but is slow to trying to get it to that level..which is fine, because I don't like him that way. I guess it's the Virgo shyness w/hesitation.

The other who I recently met, has an extreme potty mouth, tried to move very fast :nono:, and again, talked nonstop about his dreams and ambitions. I think he's a failed perfectionist.

IMO, w/Virgo men, be prepared for a lot of chattiness, which is good..Ive known other V-men and they all have that in common.

What sign r u?

Thanks for the input!

I'm a Capricorn. Apparently Virgos and Capricorns are great matches. But I dunno. Virgo men seem to come off as uninterested, even if they are. I don't get it. They don't seem like the type to chase.
I'm not heavy into astrology, but it's entertaining. Apparently I'm a match made in heaven with Virgo men. Honestly, Virgo men scare me. They are supposedly judgmental and perfectionists.

Something I've also noticed about Virgo men is that they don't seem to take the typical approach to asking a woman out. It's like pulling teeth to get a Virgo man to make the first moves. I guess it's the shyness.

For ladies who are with Virgo men, or have been with/around you notice typical Virgo male patterns? Did your Virgo man take a different approach to getting to know you/starting the relationship?


I'm talking to a Virgo now. My high school sweetheart was also a Virgo. I dated another one in college. I would agree with them being perfectionists. Something else I noticed was that they're very passionate... and they aim to please. :look: But I've never had a problem with them asking me out or them being shy. In my experience they saw what they wanted and went after it.
I'm not heavy into astrology, but it's entertaining. Apparently I'm a match made in heaven with Virgo men. Honestly, Virgo men scare me. They are supposedly judgmental and perfectionists.

Something I've also noticed about Virgo men is that they don't seem to take the typical approach to asking a woman out. It's like pulling teeth to get a Virgo man to make the first moves. I guess it's the shyness.

For ladies who are with Virgo men, or have been with/around you notice typical Virgo male patterns? Did your Virgo man take a different approach to getting to know you/starting the relationship?


Ive been in a relationship with a virgo man..for about almost three years now he is like my best friend he critiques anything and everything and doesn't miss a trick, is is super observate too which can be worsome at time, but on the flip side he is very devoted and committed..i think they just want to make sure in general that they are making the "right" decision due to their critical nature the one i am dating now approached me pretty direct so he wasn't extremely shy. my mom is a virgo i stay surrounded by them my best friend is one oh yes im an aquariaus as a side note, what is your sign? sometimes those combatabilty things can read into different relationship potential
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I'm talking to a Virgo now. My high school sweetheart was also a Virgo. I dated another one in college. I would agree with them being perfectionists. Something else I noticed was that they're very passionate... and they aim to please. :look: But I've never had a problem with them asking me out or them being shy. In my experience they saw what they wanted and went after it.

Thanks! I guess my guys are isolated incidents. I'm not a fan of shy guys at all! I like a guy who will chase me, and perhaps that's what I should stick to...regardless of sign.
Ive been in a relationship with a virgo man..for about almost three years now he is like my best friend he critiques anything and everything and doesn't miss a trick, is is super observate too which can be worsome at time, but on the flip side he is very devoted and committed..i think they just want to make sure in general that they are making the "right" decision due to their critical nature the one i am dating now approached me pretty direct so he wasn't extremely shy. my mom is a virgo i stay surrounded by them my best friend is one oh yes im an aquariaus as a side note, what is your sign? sometimes those combatabilty things can read into different relationship potential

I'm a Capricorn. The virgo men I speak of would make EXCELLENT friends as we tend to have ALOT in common. I've read that virgo men are VERY committed once they are in a serious relationship; however, it's getting to that point that apparently takes a lot of time. I have noticed that they are VERY observant as well.

I don't have a lot of virgos in my family so it's a sign that I'm not too familiar with. Thanks!
Thanks for the input!

I'm a Capricorn. Apparently Virgos and Capricorns are great matches. But I dunno. Virgo men seem to come off as uninterested, even if they are. I don't get it. They don't seem like the type to chase.

To the bolded, it takes work. I am the reverse. I am a Virgo married to a Capricorn and believe me he works my nerves. We are total opposite but with work and a lot of patience it can work. I hadn't been around a lot of Virgo men but if they are like Virgo woman we can be a hand full that I know but we are so so lovable :grin:
My ex was a Virgo; I'm a Virgo. We were just so *there* w/ each other. We just got each other nonverbally and understood each other. Very deep & passionate; lovely eye-contact.
My ex was a Virgo; I'm a Virgo. We were just so *there* w/ each other. We just got each other nonverbally and understood each other. Very deep & passionate; lovely eye-contact.

I wasn't sure if I should comment since my SO is a virgo-leo cusp, so he doesn't fit exactly w/ either, but he is super passionate, very deep, and makes intense eye contact. I'm a gemini and I'm more attracted to his leo side, but the virgo in him makes him sometimes intense, and really in touch w/ his feelings more then any other guy I've dated. I've never dated a virgo b4, so maybe that isn't the norm.
I wasn't sure if I should comment since my SO is a virgo-leo cusp, so he doesn't fit exactly w/ either, but he is super passionate, very deep, and makes intense eye contact. I'm a gemini and I'm more attracted to his leo side, but the virgo in him makes him sometimes intense, and really in touch w/ his feelings more then any other guy I've dated. I've never dated a virgo b4, so maybe that isn't the norm.

I'm on the leo-virgo cusp (8/22), when is your SO's b-day?
I'm not heavy into astrology, but it's entertaining. Apparently I'm a match made in heaven with Virgo men. Honestly, Virgo men scare me. They are supposedly judgmental and perfectionists.

Something I've also noticed about Virgo men is that they don't seem to take the typical approach to asking a woman out. It's like pulling teeth to get a Virgo man to make the first moves. I guess it's the shyness.

For ladies who are with Virgo men, or have been with/around you notice typical Virgo male patterns? Did your Virgo man take a different approach to getting to know you/starting the relationship?


Funny you should bring this thread up because I was wondering about Virgo men myself.

I am currently being courted by one, and he seems to be moving very slow, yet fast if that makes sense. He is really sweet, aims to please me, takes charge for me when he needs to, and is really,really dependable.

The judgemental part of Virgo men really scares me, since I have a best friend who is a Virgo and can spot a piece of lint on me from a mile away :rolleyes: LOL. So far, my guy hasn't appeared like that :spinning:
I'm talking to a Virgo now. My high school sweetheart was also a Virgo. I dated another one in college. I would agree with them being perfectionists. Something else I noticed was that they're very passionate... and they aim to please. :look: But I've never had a problem with them asking me out or them being shy. In my experience they saw what they wanted and went after it.

Ive been in a relationship with a virgo man..for about almost three years now he is like my best friend he critiques anything and everything and doesn't miss a trick, is is super observate too which can be worsome at time, but on the flip side he is very devoted and committed..i think they just want to make sure in general that they are making the "right" decision due to their critical nature the one i am dating now approached me pretty direct so he wasn't extremely shy. my mom is a virgo i stay surrounded by them my best friend is one oh yes im an aquariaus as a side note, what is your sign? sometimes those combatabilty things can read into different relationship potential

Virgo men...ahhh. I have a friend who is a Virgo. He is pretty much discribe in the 2 post above. He is also fearless but is offend easily. He is not shy at all. He is the only guy who ever appoarched me on the real. He HATES to be appoarched by women because he is a total control freak and perfectionist.

He is even a perfectionist when it comes to those he assocates with. He will dismiss you in a minute. I'm surprised we are still friends because I am a scorpio and there are plenty of times when we go round but we've always had extremely respectful relastionship. I have learned to just accept him for who he is. Oh, at first his critiques made me want to stab his eyes out with a fork but for some reason he has really calmed down on that. Maybe b/c he finally let his gaurd down, and it took YEARS for that to happen.

He is very loyal person and will do anything for the people he cares about. I know that although he lives 4 hours away all I need to do is make one call and he will get her in 3.

He's very private person and doesn't let people get close to him which is why it took years of knowing him before he let his guard down. He always says we will be friends forever which I have never heard a man say, and it still surprise me evertime he says it.

As far as I know, he is the only Virgo man I know but I would marry a Virgo man b/c i know he would be a good provider but I would feel for our children :nono: becausethey would probably have to be walkiing dictionarys.
Ive been in a relationship with a virgo man..for about almost three years now he is like my best friend he critiques anything and everything and doesn't miss a trick, is is super observate too which can be worsome at time, but on the flip side he is very devoted and committed..i think they just want to make sure in general that they are making the "right" decision due to their critical nature the one i am dating now approached me pretty direct so he wasn't extremely shy. my mom is a virgo i stay surrounded by them my best friend is one oh yes im an aquariaus as a side note, what is your sign? sometimes those combatabilty things can read into different relationship potential

That drove me crazy.... :nono:
I'm not heavy into astrology, but it's entertaining. Apparently I'm a match made in heaven with Virgo men. Honestly, Virgo men scare me. They are supposedly judgmental and perfectionists.

Something I've also noticed about Virgo men is that they don't seem to take the typical approach to asking a woman out. It's like pulling teeth to get a Virgo man to make the first moves. I guess it's the shyness.

For ladies who are with Virgo men, or have been with/around you notice typical Virgo male patterns? Did your Virgo man take a different approach to getting to know you/starting the relationship?


This pretty much describes my ex. One thing I loved to death about him was how responsible and ambitious he was. He went after what he wanted career and money wise. He was loyal and big on integrity. I loved how he was such a man in his early 20's...when most of his friends acted a damn fool...
One thing I hated about him was how much of a perfectionist he was, because some it was directed at me. He was judgmental too and very blunt and hurtful when he wanted to be.

He's also the type that will tell you to your face that he no longer loves you and wants to leave.

He hurt me deeper than anyone ever did and ever will. It took me years to get over him.

He was also a military man btw...
i dated a virgo for the better part of a year. and my first college boyfriend was a virgo.

BOTH were somewhat reserved (i like a man to approach me, not the other way around)
BOTH were jerks
BOTH were very ambitious, and had plans for doing big things in the future, but had no intention of actually starting those plans
BOTH were really nit-picky about appearances... one would never hesitate to tell me i had a piece of lint on my shirt, or if i had an eye boogie... made me self-conscious as HELL
BOTH always talked about the future (i don't want to talk about the future, because i don't want to be disappointed if things don't work out the way they should have...

i'm an Aquarius by the way. but i'm on the cusp (i was born 2 hours before the start of Pisces)... so i thought we would have been okay... guess not! :barf::barf::barf::barf::barf:
I am currently in a serious relationship with a Virgo man and I cosign most of the sentiments above:

He is a a tee
He is the most "manly" man I know
He is definitely an "alpha male" every sense of the word
He does things at his own pace...which can be frustrating and annoying
but when he tells me something...I can "take it to the bank" because he does not just says what he thinks I want to hear
He aims to please...especially in bed:lick:...and does an excellent job....

All in all although I get annoyed by the "perfectionist" in him...the good definitely outweighs the bad:yep:...I am a cancer by the way....I also have two brothers who are Virgos and my daughter (5) is a Virgo.
I'm a Virgo and it's funny that the guy that I've fallen for the hardest is also a
Virgo. I'm laughing at everything you ladies are saying. I wonder if that's how my ex felt about me.

ETA: I think our relationship works because we're both similar. We're both hella moody and easily irritated but we can hang out with each other for long periods of time without wanting to smack one another. We both like to be in control but all it takes is some compromise. I spoil him and he spoils me. We're both passionate and like to please.
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I get along very well with Virgo men.
In fact the chemistry is very easy going and there is a quiet understanding between us.
I dated a few Virgo's, suppose to be a good match for me, the last Virgo guy I met that I liked was very talkative and generous.
Mainly talked about himself, they can be a bit bossy though.
I have two Virgo brothers and a beautiful and quiet Virgo sister. They are very sensitive people and stubborn too.
I'm a Capricorn and Virgos are supposed to be a great match for me - the best match, I believe.

It's always the same with them: instant chemistry, we get along great and then... the crazy comes out. Let me say a few good things about Virgo men before I get into why I will never, NEVAH, evah, evah, evah date one again.

Virgo men are great providers, they are thoughtful and very clean and meticulous. They are fun, affectionate people who put their SO/wife on a pedestal. Imagine a man who works all day and then insists on coming home to cook for you and give you a massage. He makes sure you are pampered: hair and nails done, frequent shopping, giving spending money that is not based on emotions. Some men give based on their moods. You can argue with a Virgo and he will give you money for whatever directly following the argument because he sees it as a temporary emotion vs what he obligated himself to do for you.

Now, be prepared to see a man cry more than you ever imagined possible. The Virgos I've dated were very emotional people whose tempers could flare out of control. Tears and tantrums were fairly common. They commit easily and want a deep, long-lasting bond with you. In fact, they want to do everything with and for you. Bathe you, lotion you, know your every thought - it can be very intense and a bit scary for some women (especially Caps :look:). The word 'suffocating' comes to mind. When you are ready to move on, expect them to stalk you, beg, cry and threaten suicide. Unfortunately, I am not exaggerating.

They are possessive and insecure. They want you all to themselves and expect your entire life to revolve around them. This may be appealing to some women, but it was too much for me. They also play mind games at times - reminding you that there are other beautiful women waiting to take your spot. They expect perfection - they've placed you on a pedestal and you are their perfect queen. Do not curse, get angry or do anything that is too, you know, human. They are also the serial killers of the zodiac (not #1, but close). If you've never come across a man who's taken a life, you won't have to wait long if you date Virgos.
Virgos men are interesting and very tricky
If your married to one your good but just dating or in a relationship... then be careful
Trust they are fine and intelligent... they tend to run circles around most women
And they have a lot of options on the side

Very charismatic... sneaky
They could see you everyday and still see their side piece

They are fine did I say fine and no matter how humble they are, they know it

Like the best of the best and the sex is great! They are either heaven or hell depending on what you will tolerate from them...lolol

With a Virgo you have to set the tone from day one, their manipulation game is beyond, don't take their ish be very smart and equally on their level and dare I say keep alll your options open until that man has clearly shown you and verbally confirmed you are in a relationship
Always look impeccable as they notice everything

Best match are scorpios, Taurus and caps... they say cancer but iunno lol