Video Op: #hurtbae Just Wants To Know Why He Cheated

I could see if the girl was 35 going through this! Some people go through things like this and learn and never look back. But in the moment, being young, dumb and in love is all she can see. Maybe she'll grow up, learn from this and be fine. For those that never went through it, was born with a perfect bs reader and savage take no nonsense heart more power to you. Great! Didn't happen that way for everyone.

I would have hated to be friends with some y'all when I went through this in college. There's tough love and then there's judgemental "she's stupid, couldn't be me". Damn. My best friend in college was tough on me telling me I deserved better but she never ever compared me to other women (or herself) saying it wouldn't be her which is essentially what keeps a woman with low self esteem where she is. Especially from the people that supposedly care about her. I would have felt even more worthless if that was her reaction to me.

I feel bad for this girl and can't see myself behaving this way NOW and I've never been in her position exactly but it isn't as foreign thing to me. I hope this will open her eyes and she does the right thing for herself and her heart.

What o_O This is a forum and we're just discussing what we're seeing in a clip! My friends LOVE me cause I give great advice and I've helped them out a lot and vice versa, of course I'm mindful of what I say because I'm invested and I love them.
What o_O This is a forum and we're just discussing what we're seeing in a clip! My friends LOVE me cause I give great advice and I've helped them out a lot and vice versa, of course I'm mindful of what I say because I'm invested and I love them.
I was going to add that part about this being a forum and I expect people to give their opinions this. Didn't think I needed to add that part. Sorry, idk maybe I'm being sensitive I guess I can understand some of it. Just the underlying tone of some of the posts just made me feel like there was a feeling of her just being dumb not young and not knowing any better which I really hope is how it turns out for her. I hope she never goes through anything like this again.
I was going to add that part about this being a forum and I expect people to give their opinions this. Didn't think I needed to add that part. Sorry, idk maybe I'm being sensitive I guess I can understand some of it. Just the underlying tone of some of the posts just made me feel like there was a feeling of her just being dumb not young and not knowing any better which I really hope is how it turns out for her. I hope she never goes through anything like this again.

I get it, but tbh that expectation of being super coddling and super empathetic is crippling to me. I'm
a problem solver by nature and I'm all for women taking accountability where it's needed and empowering themselves. If a man came in and said the exact same thing, he'd be getting all the praise for speaking the truth, like it's some grand epiphany.

I know I tried to explain my thoughts a bit with why I felt just a sense of frustration..
I was going to add that part about this being a forum and I expect people to give their opinions this. Didn't think I needed to add that part. Sorry, idk maybe I'm being sensitive I guess I can understand some of it. Just the underlying tone of some of the posts just made me feel like there was a feeling of her just being dumb not young and not knowing any better which I really hope is how it turns out for her. I hope she never goes through anything like this again.

Girl I understand exactly what you're saying. This girl was in college, so young and inexperienced. Many of us have experience something similar. ****..I read stuff on here that I can't believe grown women are still putting up with. I remember my first heartbreak was by my college boyfriend. Looking back, yall would call me all kinds of stupid too I guess. Guess what? When you know better, you do better. Hopefully, she'll learn and grow from this.
I don't expect anyone to be perfect but come on. A man cheating on you so many times he can't even estimate how many and telling you to get out when you walk in on him with another woman? That's too much for me. And to still be willing to be his friend?? I can't imagine.

Wait you forgot the best part! And then goes on to tell her "I hope we can be friends so I can see you grow into the woman that I know you can become."

Like for real!?!?!? Who's self esteem is this low? I mean don't get me wrong, I've had my heart broken by a cheating man before but I have never been this loving, forgiving, or understanding.
Did he really just sit there smirking while talking bout how many times he cheated?

Oh. Really? I'd have something for that a-- and make it look like an accident.



I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I use to be that girl. I don't know how I became a doormat or what caused my self esteem to land in the toilet, but it happened my second year of college. The sad thing is that I spent so much time seeking answers and "closure" that when I finally got the answers I still wasn't satisfied. A guy who shows such blatant disregard for another person's feelings can't give answers because not even he knows why he does the thing he does.
I wanna share something don't judge. I have an ex who hates my gut cause when I found out he was cheating I went F897 crazy on him. Busted his lips, kicked, punched and bleached his ish. According to him who the heck do I think I am to have gone bat ish crazy on him all he did was cheated. I would never react like that again and I learned a lot from that relationship but till this day I don't feel bad about squaring up with him. :look::look:

Seeing this video gave me flash back...:lachen::lachen:
I wanna share something don't judge. I have an ex who hates my gut cause when I found out he was cheating I went F897 crazy on him. Busted his lips, kicked, punched and bleached his ish. According to him who the heck do I think I am to have gone bat ish crazy on him all he did was cheated. I would never react like that again and I learned a lot from that relationship but till this day I don't feel bad about squaring up with him. :look::look:

Seeing this video gave me flash back...:lachen::lachen:
A lot of men think like this.... they don't think cheating on us is that bad... but if we did it....
A lot of men think like this.... they don't think cheating on us is that bad... but if we did it....

I went in cause I trusted him, he would come home talking to her on the phone. He told me it was a co-worker so I was like oh ok. He fussing me out for spending his money and he buying her flowers and stuff, sexed her in our car Half my family disowned me because of him. So yeah I went all the Fyuc in, called her up told her who I was. Bytch still kept seeing him, another reason why guys will always think its cool to cheat. But seeing that video and her crying annoyed me.
I am mad that she gave his foolish arse the satisfaction, but I do understand the need to know, or make sense of a sad situation. Nothing he said would have made sense, or quieted the pain. That pain dissipates with time. One day you wake up and the Motorola doesn't even cross your mind.

Everybody plays the fool sometime, there's no exception to the rule.
I don't know. Is this supposed to be profound? He's a straight up dog but I couldn't help but think the entire time "Someone need to sew some ovaries on that girl!"

When she got up and left I cheered, but then she came back for more answers and I booed. Girl just walk away, stay gone, and let his community dyck having axzzzzz have fun racking up STDs and baby mamas.
I might be watching too many comedies because I just KNEW when she stood up and left, she was going to come running back in with a flying kick to his neck. I was so disappointed when she didn't. After that I just skipped through a couple times, watched a few more seconds and shut it off
I just don't understand why this video went viral the way it did. When I watched it, I thought it was going to be something different. Maybe because I've seen this behavior from men before it's not that surprising or captivating to me.

Not sure what her financial background is but she better try to get some money out of this and make a silver lining. Maybe a reality show or a few commercials or something.

Also how old is she?