VIDEO - How do men feel about Black Womens Hair? And other hair tips.

Girl, men will go with whatever flow we make. If we all started wearing our hair natural, or we all decided to never get weaves again, they would still be all up on us.

Besides most of those dudes look like young hood rats. (yeah i said it :look:) They don't know what they want. :) :)
Maybe I would care of their opinions if the guys interviewed were dateable....did I just make up a word?
Actually, this thread should be called... "How do FOUR men feel about black women's hair?"

Because that's all this is. The opinion of four men. And they are entitled to whatever they want to say... doesn't stop me from doing my thing and it doesn't stop me from having to beat men off with a stick... nappy hair and all! :)
WTH!!!! I'm friends with the 4th guy! He went to my high school!!!! Oh HECK NO!!! I'm about to contact him RIGHT NOW to let him know about that wack comment he made :lol:
TSUprincess04 said:
WTH!!!! I'm friends with the 4th guy! He went to my high school!!!! Oh HECK NO!!! I'm about to contact him RIGHT NOW to let him know about that wack comment he made :lol:

That's funny :lachen:
The internet's #1 Hair Care Consultant?? How did he get that title?? How and who is this man??

He probably gets his information from here. LOL J/K

The men he asked would not be men I would care what they thought about women's hair. Bootleg show!
lol @ bootleg show

I don't think this conflicts with anything we already suspected. There are a-plenty of black men who prefer relaxed hair. BUT, I gurarantee if the womans body was on point, they wouldn't care if she had hair.
Oh hell no.

I won't even say exactly what came out of my mouth. (Know I curse bad enough, like to make a sailor blush)

That just...ugh. I can't even say how much that irritates me.
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Whoooo, that whole video was hilarious to me, I tell ya...

I really don't have any other comments, LOL!!!
"Did he say he purfur processed hurr? :eek:" :lol: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Be careful that guy is TSUPrincess' former classmate! She might not like you talking about his choice of words nor his dictation....I knew my LHCF sisters would get a kick outta of that video....If my being natural will keep guys like that away, I'll never ever "process my hurr"
BTW who's this Dwayne guy anyway:confused:
Dymondz, girl don't worry about that. He needs to be talked about due to what he said! Here's the message I sent to him yesterday (via Facebook)...

"Hey, Reggie, I hope your semester at FAMU is going well.

I saw you on YouTube when you were being asked about women's hair. It's funny (sad and offensive at the same time) how you think that natural hair (or "nappy" as you call it) is not attractive. I mean, I understand that people have their preferences, but it's unfair for you to comment that processed hair is cleaner than natural hair. I am in the midst of growing out my relaxer and transitioning to natural hair. I can assure you that my natural hair will be beautiful and VERY clean...cleaner than a lot of the chewed up, dry lookin, relaxed heads you may see on a regular. I have some photos of women with natural hair in one of my notes in my profile, to further prove to people the beauty of natural hair. If you need more convincing, then let me know, because I can show you plenty pictures of beautiful natural hair."

Here is his reply:

"first let me say hi and that everything is good down here. i remember doing that interview. never new it hit tv or the net. that was my freshman year. i probably did say something kind of dumb. where on youtube is it? holla back. also join my group ok!!! i am going to send you an invitation."
:wave: Hi TSUPrincess, thanks for sharing your conversation with the young man in the video.....actually it was obvious in the video they were young men. Also IMO there are many men (and women), especially african american who do prefer relaxed hair. I just started wearing my natural hair a few weeks ago and among my colleagues at work the older afr am women are mortified - :eek: especially since I had BSL fairly healthy relaxed hair. The younger folks have given me mostly compliments.
HoneyDew said:
Girl, men will go with whatever flow we make. If we all started wearing our hair natural, or we all decided to never get weaves again, they would still be all up on us.

Besides most of those dudes look like young hood rats. (yeah i said it :look:) They don't know what they want. :) :)

They know what they want and it aint got nuthin to do with the hair on our head:cool:
The only one that was really crazy was the last one...the guy before him was actually pretty good...I respect his comment about long as you're confident, you can pretty much do what you want!
I doubt they said anything most people here don't already know or suspect. Men aren't that complicated.
lol @ bootleg show

I don't think this conflicts with anything we already suspected. There are a-plenty of black men who prefer relaxed hair. BUT, I gurarantee if the womans body was on point, they wouldn't care if she had hair.

As evidence, Kanye West's new GF/beard/sidepiece :spinning: