How do you feel about others touching your hair...

I'm generally not a fan of my personal space being invaded, so unsolicited hair touching kind of puts me off. Luckily, my hair is always covered at work and being the one POC who works there; everyone else seems to stay away from the topic of hair around me.
Years ago, I remember when my stylist (from back then) was doing my hair. She said 'Allandra, how did you get this little bald spot on your scalp'. I almost fell outta her chair. She gave me a mirror so I could see it. It was about the size of a nickle, and it had a little fuzz on it, so we knew the hair was growing back. She told me to never let anyone put their hands in my hair because I didn't know where their hands had been, and I have always remembered her telling me that. So, needless to say, if you aren't my stylist or my neurologist (or his tech) your hands will not go in my hair. If I were to ever get another bald spot like that, I would not be a happy camper. Oh, and my guy can put his hands in my hair (sometimes lol) (but he knows his hands have to be clean, yep that's right, he knows exactly how I am :grin: ).

I've told this story before, so some of you may remember.
virtuenow said:
When are you going to perm it? Huh? They are jealous. Your hair is beautiful.

Aww thank you :D but yea, some people in my town really think I NEED to perm my hair lol. I just laugh and keep it moving..
Aww thank you :D but yea, some people in my town really think I NEED to perm my hair lol. I just laugh and keep it moving..

They must be really jealous because you and your hair are beautiful....they must not like that it likely draws extra attention and makes you stand out in a crowd. Glad you don't take out personal.

To answer the OPs question, I must be the minority because it doesn't bother me and I've never really thought anything of it. I'm a touchy feely person though...and I myself touch peoples hair. I never knew it was considered disrespectful. Most the time when someone touches my hair it is while commenting that they like it or it looks soft.
Depends on the situation...

A coworker was paying me a compliment, my hair was swangin and she asked to touch it. She said that it felt just the way it looked. I took that as a compliment whether she meant it that way or not.

Then, I had been looking to purchase Dominican products from a local salon. I went into this salon and asked for this particular product. The woman (Sylist??) walked up to me, took her hand and stuck it into my hair to touch my roots, then raked her fingers out and through my strands while saying something about how she could offer other suggestions for my "kind of hair." I was stunned and angry at the same time. I KNOW she yanked out a few strands of hair because I heard the popping and felt the scalp tenderness as I snatched around, and carried my narrow behind out of the salon empty handed.

Regarding my dude....he can put his hands in my hair ANYTIME.
a perfect stranger has never put their hands in my hair but coworkers have.

both when relaxed and natural ... depending onn the person I may allow, but most times I just

- then they get the picture
I nearly slapped a coworker earlier this week when she molested my hair. I was wearing a twist out and she came up behind me while I was typing something and put her hands in my hair. I recoiled so fast that she stepped back. She started saying how much she liked it and that it was so cute.

I've known her for years and that is the first time she has ever touched my hair. I might not have been so irritated if she had not just come from outside having her 10th smoke break of the day. She is one of those smokers who always smells like cigarettes and she put those smelly hands in my hair.

:lol: my co-workers would never do that, I already give off "Don't F with me" vibes so they don't bother me with that mess
I don't mind someone touching my arm and my hair isn't much different. As long as they don't yank on it. It make a habit of it. But why would I object to some hair worship?! Lol
With people I love and children who are too young to not give in to impulses I'm fine with. However, with strangers I have a very firm personal bubble and I don't like for people to get too close to me unless they've been invited/have asked for permission. Regarding my SO as long as the appropriate care is taken, it's all good :).
I don't like it.

When I was relaxed it was the person digging into my scalp.

As a natural it's the person raking through my style.

Both are equally annoying.
From when i was young, my mom always said not to let anyone touch my hair. That and my need for personal space are my 2 reasons. I start backing up and moving around when ppl try and touch my face or put their arm on my shoulder lol.
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I love it :) before I went natural nobody cared for my hair except to mention that I look like I was shedding on the back of my shirt. Now every time someone compliments or touch my hair I feel like mission accomplished but I AM a touchy feeling person anyways.
It makes me itch:yep: I have sensory issues, but I digress.

The only people who can touch my hair without asking is my Mama,my Auntie & my Guru and with them it's all about respect I wouldn't DARE say no. I cringe and all the hair on my body stands up if anybody else does it unexpectedly INCLUDING DH and the kids...I don't trust their hands:look:
Hasn't happened yet. When I see people start to reach, I warn them off with "It's really greasy" pronounced in an apologetic tone while shaking my head no.:nono: I use "greasy" deliberately.
I love it. I only don't like if someone yanks it too hard. Then again, I tend to be a bit submissive when it comes to personal space. One time after pt, one of my shipmates poured water over my head (my hair was flat-ironed straight). I got mad but laughed at the same time; he was white and really didn't know any better. After I explained to him why it was a problem, he looked a bit upset and apologized, and of course I forgave him.

In comparison to something like that, plain ole hair touching is just fine to me. People touch it out of curiousity most of the time, it's white people who don't know about natural hair, or black people who don't know that 'our hair' can go without a relaxer and still look nice, or people who are overall fascinated by how my hair goes from poofball to straight and swanging overnight. I consider myself a walking museum (in the hair region) :)
My hair is relaxed and occasionally people touch it. It doesn't bother me. I saw the video the other day (I'm a subscriber). It was cute.