[video Collection] Best, Most Helpful Hair Videos


On break
Ujima (collective work and responsibility):
To build and maintain our community together and to make our brother's and sister's problems our problems,
and to solve them together.

Hi, ladies and gents!

Given the number of hair videos nowadays, there's just no way one person can view even a significant portion to find the gems. However, if we collectively distill the best of the best, then we can each encounter many more great videos in much, much, much less time.

Thread "Rules"
  1. Please link only 1-3 videos per post. To share more videos than that, please create an additional post.
  2. When selecting videos, do aim high. What are the most helpful videos you've seen?
  3. OPTIONAL: Above each video please post the following three things. This will help your fellow LHCF sisters and brothers save time.
Video's intended audience: (E.g., natural heads, relaxed heads, roller setters, parents, etc.)
Video's main topic:
Time span to skip to (if applicable):​

Happy healthy hair journeying!
Video's intended audience: More for natural heads, but others might benefit as well
Video's main topic: Things to train your hair natural in . . . with the end goal of more length, greater health, etc.
Time span to skip to (if applicable): N/A

Video's intended audience: More for natural heads, but others can gain style inspiration as well
Video's main topic: Several QUICK styles for awkward-length / medium-length natural hair
Time span to skip to (if applicable): N/A

NOTE: There are tons of videos similar to this by YouTubers with 3b, 3c, 4a, 4b, and 4c hair . . . or that focus on bunning or bangs or protective styling or adding in hair, etc.

Video's intended audience: Folks who want to INSTANTLY be able to flat twist, especially those who need to understand what's going on with flat twisting
Video's main topic: Flat twisting DEMYSTIFIED
Time span to skip to (if applicable): N/A


Once you have the concept from the video above, then the following two videos are important/helpful:

Video's intended audience: Folks who want to learn to flat twist
Video's main topic: TWO METHODS of flat twisting a hair section: Flat twisting the hair toward the front . . . versus flat twisting the hair toward the back
Time span to skip to (if applicable): N/A


Video's intended audience: Folks who want to learn to flat twist
Video's main topic: AWESOME flat-twisting tip and excellent flat-twisting practice activity for uber-beginner flat twisters: The make-the-hair-separations-ahead-of-time flat twisting strategy
Time span to skip to (if applicable): N/A

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Video's intended audience: Natural heads
Video's main topic: How to obtain a SUPER ELONGATED "wash-and-go"
Time span to skip to (if applicable): N/A


Video's intended audience: Natural heads
Video's main topic: How to obtain a dried "wash-and-go" in about half an hour
Time span to skip to (if applicable): N/A


Video's intended audience: Natural heads
Video's main topic: How to get moisture into your hair and trap it in for a defined wash-and-go: a detailed instructional/educational demo video by a hair stylist
Time span to skip to (if applicable): N/A

Video's intended audience: natural/relaxed who finger detangle
Video's main topic: How to properly finger detangle using the harping method

This video changed the game for me. I have been using this method to finger detangle before I use a comb and I truly believe that it has greatly minimized the breakage that I get on wash day.

Excellent Detangling Methods

I have found that if I start out with a combination of the techniques in the 3rd and 2nd videos and then move to doing the method in the 1st video with a Wet Brush and a course-toothed comb and then my fingers or a fine-toothed comb, detangling goes VERY well with minimum hair loss and maximal removal of shed hair.

Video's intended audience
: Everyone . . . especially folks with super tangly hair
Video's main topic: Detangling using the "Funnel Method"
Time span to skip to (if applicable): N/A

In Part 1 to this video, she simply saturates her hair with water and NaturelleGrow deep conditioner. Then she continues with Part 2 below.

Video's intended audience: Everyone
Video's main topic: Detangling VERY tangled hair (lady in video has 4c hair, I believe, but the technique works for all hair)
Time span to skip to (if applicable): N/A

Video's intended audience: Everyone
Video's main topic: Detangling via the "peel and shingle" method
Time span to skip to (if applicable): N/A

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Adding AVJ to my regimen in this way has changed my hair tremendously. It was dry and rough constantly. My twist outs always had a halo of dry frizz. Now my hair is silky and soft and the curls are defined.

Video's intended audience
: Anyone with hipo hair
Video's main topic: adding aloe vera to your m&s method in order to balance your hairs porosity and retain moisture.
Time span to skip to (if applicable): n/a

Video's intended audience: Everyone
Video's main topic: Definition of hard water; difference between hard and soft water; how hard water can cause your hair to stay dry; the role of chelation (kee-la-shun); relevant product recommendations
Time span to skip to (if applicable): N/A

Video's intended audience: Everyone
Video's main topic: Shedding hair: How much is too much, when is it a problem, what all coud be the cause, etc.
Time span to skip to (if applicable): N/A

Video's intended audience: Naturals whose hair grows into a mullet
Video's main topic: How to create a BBA
Time span to skip to (if applicable): 1:34

Video's intended audience: Anyone
Video's main topic: How to use aloe vera gel, aloe's properties
Time span to skip to (if applicable):
Video's intended audience: A quicker way to do crochet braids
Video's main topic: No cornrow crochet braids
Time span to skip to (if applicable): n/a
