Sistas with Strands Campaign -- pictures/videos needed

I think this is an interesting idea but who else is doing something similar to this? :look:APL natural sisters, call me negative but isn't this discrimination? What about natural sister who aren't striving to get long hair just to prove society wrong. Do you think this campaign is perpetuating the idea that only longer, curly natural hair is "most acceptable" and those with a TWA or a big chop style or some one that has neck length hair or locks don't receive any attention for their styles....
hhmmm I don't know. If it were me, if I do a campaign calling attention to the perception of black hair... you should include every hair texture, every hair length, every hair style, every hair color:yep::yep:. Just my opinion...

I dont think it's discriminatrory at all. The point of the group is to show that black woman CAN grow long hair. Lots of black woman have NL or SL hair (thats not uncommon) but when people see a BW with APL and longer they start to ooh and ahh. JMO. I see the message that they are trying to send.
I see and understand why some of you may have concerns and reservations regarding this campaign asking for APL and longer individuals to submit pictures. I think that the reason behind this is right now with Chris rock and the Good Hair movie being talked about in the media the emphasis on what lengths some sistas go through for there hair is in question. Weaves and relaxers and all the things we do is in question at this point and to publicize women who may not necessarily utilize added hair for length is important to prove a point and that is that we can grow long healthy hair, and to show case women of color with hair lengths APL and beyond is a wonderful stepping stone to bring to light the healthy hair care practices we utilize here on this forum. Is this to say that Sista’s with Strands won’t feature all lengths and textures at some point no it does not. I think what there trying to do is put out what would catch people’s eye and that is imo length. This is just the first step and maybe before you question this one request of them, you should give them a chance and see where it’s going. I don’t believe that there intention is to discriminate against or leave out anyone natural, apl and above etc……. If I’m not mistaken the OP is Natural so I don’t think there intention is to solely feature women with long hair but It’s just the first step and featuring what would get peoples attention is a perfect idea. Give them a chance ladies, JMO.
I think this is an interesting idea but who else is doing something similar to this? :look:APL natural sisters, call me negative but isn't this discrimination? What about natural sister who aren't striving to get long hair just to prove society wrong. Do you think this campaign is perpetuating the idea that only longer, curly natural hair is "most acceptable" and those with a TWA or a big chop style or some one that has neck length hair or locks don't receive any attention for their styles....
hhmmm I don't know. If it were me, if I do a campaign calling attention to the perception of black hair... you should include every hair texture, every hair length, every hair style, every hair color:yep::yep:. Just my opinion...

I completely agree :yep:. however, i think the point for this is strictly that BW can grow long hair in general. I dunno.

I dont think it's discriminatrory at all. The point of the group is to show that black woman CAN grow long hair. Lots of black woman have NL or SL hair (thats not uncommon) but when people see a BW with APL and longer they start to ooh and ahh. JMO. I see the message that they are trying to send.

I see and understand why some of you may have concerns and reservations regarding this campaign asking for APL and longer individuals to submit pictures. I think that the reason behind this is right now with Chris rock and the Good Hair movie being talked about in the media the emphasis on what lengths some sistas go through for there hair is in question. Weaves and relaxers and all the things we do is in question at this point and to publicize women who may not necessarily utilize added hair for length is important to prove a point and that is that we can grow long healthy hair, and to show case women of color with hair lengths APL and beyond is a wonderful stepping stone to bring to light the healthy hair care practices we utilize here on this forum. Is this to say that Sista’s with Strands won’t feature all lengths and textures at some point no it does not. I think what there trying to do is put out what would catch people’s eye and that is imo length. This is just the first step and maybe before you question this one request of them, you should give them a chance and see where it’s going. I don’t believe that there intention is to discriminate against or leave out anyone natural, apl and above etc……. If I’m not mistaken the OP is Natural so I don’t think there intention is to solely feature women with long hair but It’s just the first step and featuring what would get peoples attention is a perfect idea. Give them a chance ladies, JMO.

Nappy in the City: I completely understand your concern. I just wanted to comment that the primary reason the group was formed was to show everyone that black women can have healthy, long hair. This was really in response to the bad press that we've been getting in the media re:Chris Rock's Good Hair movie.

Since that's the primary goal of the group, I don't think we're being discriminatory at all. We are graciously accepting pictures/videos from black women that are relaxed, natural, transitioning, etc. We welcome every texture, hair color, straight vs wash n go, etc.. I think if we were only focusing on women that had straight, relaxed hair, that could be interpreted as discriminatory. In our case, the only thing that we ask for the purpose of this current campaign is that pictures/videos showcase women with healthy hair that is at least APL. I'm also natural, and will be including pictures of my hair in it's natural texture.

Also, I wanted to allude to what Tayw29 mentioned above. This is our first campaign. We're hoping that it will be successful, but who knows... There are always lessons learned when embarking on new endeavors. I'd like to thank you for bringing this concern to us. All of this is really a work in progress.

ETA: I just want to clarify that everyone is welcome to joining the group regardless of texture, hair color, hair length, etc.
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I don't think it is discriminatory, but I do understand your point. Considering that there are a lot of women in this campaign of different hair types, textures, and states (relaxed/natural/BKT'd), there are a lot of chances for this to showcase health at any stage.

I have short natural hair (SL), and I am going to do what I can to help this campaign. In contributing, I can possibly help change the idea that natural hair is unmanageable/ugly/hard to take care for. If you have a point about natural hair you'd like to get across, why not make a video and ask Ediese to consider it for the campaign?

I think this is an interesting idea but who else is doing something similar to this? :look:APL natural sisters, call me negative but isn't this discrimination? What about natural sister who aren't striving to get long hair just to prove society wrong. Do you think this campaign is perpetuating the idea that only longer, curly natural hair is "most acceptable" and those with a TWA or a big chop style or some one that has neck length hair or locks don't receive any attention for their styles....
hhmmm I don't know. If it were me, if I do a campaign calling attention to the perception of black hair... you should include every hair texture, every hair length, every hair style, every hair color:yep::yep:. Just my opinion...
I don't think it is discriminatory, but I do understand your point. Considering that there are a lot of women in this campaign of different hair types, textures, and states (relaxed/natural/BKT'd), there are a lot of chances for this to showcase health at any stage.

I have short natural hair (SL), and I am going to do what I can to help this campaign. In contributing, I can possibly help change the idea that natural hair is unmanageable/ugly/hard to take care for. If you have a point about natural hair you'd like to get across, why not make a video and ask Ediese to consider it for the campaign?

Thanks!! Yes, we need all the help that we can get. We're always looking for people to contribute and offer suggestions. Naturals with APL hair won't be APL unstretched, so all our pictures/videos won't show women with APL or longer stretched hair. I love the idea of showcasing lengths at different stages. I'll definitely bring up the point in red up at our next meeting. Thanks!! :yep:
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This is an interesting concept...I'll brainstorm ways to contribute and possibly face book pm you guys. I am not sure yet if I want my pics everywhere...but we'll see...

how long do you think it will take to implement this campaign. It seems to me that if you go about it the right way, we're talking months to get it into full swing (with logos, etc as well as possible campaign, pr stuff, et)...what's your projection for the time frame to get in pics? So that I'll know the limit, in case I decide to post pics. Thanks so much!
I am joining the FB and I hope to be able to officially join summer of 2010. APL here I come. This is so exciting!