Why make videos?

Oh god, I wish I still had a link to her page (if she's still on YT). A few people here mentioned her a while back. Hopefully someone can help me!

This is one. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=StUxXTfsAgs

It took me a second to realise that she wasn't going to turn around :look: just thought it was odd, but this Isn't the strangest one. Its the one with a complete shadow over her face like she was giving evidence and was scared of showing her identity. It freaked me out. I can't find it as it was a suggestion in my yt.

Yes, that is my YouTube channel.

This is one. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=StUxXTfsAgs

It took me a second to realise that she wasn't going to turn around :look: just thought it was odd, but this Isn't the strangest one. Its the one with a complete shadow over her face like she was giving evidence and was scared of showing her identity. It freaked me out. I can't find it as it was a suggestion in my yt.
Ladies, I think when their hair is the star of the show i.e. quick 30 or 45 sec bun video it's okay for the YTuber to maintain their anonymity i.e. the Southern Tease Bun video.

Yes, that is my YouTube channel.

I watch it because l wanted a review on the product. But then l realised that you wasn't going to turn around lolol. I was kinda weired out by that so l clicked off. But as I said it wasn't the strangest one l saw. There's a few women who wear surgical masks over their face. I just find it strange.
OP, I'm the same way...I was a video production major in college and I notice a lot of the videos we see could use some added "production value" to say the least. But my gripe is not with the quality of the video and cheese effects/music but more in the women's presentation and seemingly narcissistic attitude.

I hate when they try to impress people with any aspect other than their hair like wearing their best outfits or doing their makeup to the T when supposedly they just rolled out of bed to record the video (sorry I just ranted about this in the Random Thoughts thread lol). So for me, and maybe you're this way too, we realize that most of these videos are not even about educating other women but solely to become popular YouTube "sensations" and their number of subscribers.

And it's sad when some women don't even know what they're talking about and are just documenting the ways in which they damage their hair (like when they comb through it like a ragdoll). I much prefer to share my experiences and knowledge, if you want to call it that, with close family and friends and then go to bloggers or vloggers that have proven results and no added "fluff" to get inspiration from.

bhndbrwneyes I guess what I'm trying to say is that not everyone has to own an expensive lens for a digital SLR that they don't even really know how to use and use a super high quality video template or make graphics with After Effects and all that before they upload a video. If they got the whole professional studio set-up but ain't talking about anything in their video, I'd rather not watch.

I also really don't like watching those montages at the beginning of videos with b-roll of them just talking in an old video over music. It's kind of a corny technique. I just want to see them in a decently lit up area with an average camera and maybe some text over top to highlight the important parts.